"Honey... Not to be rude, but I think if you found out your father created a psychopathic, genocidal robot you'd probably be pretty shocked to"
He sighs as he stands
"I lost my only suit so I'm going to need time to make another one, luckily I added the transportation system that can reach me anywhere but, it'll take time."
[i]"Guess what. Nova is pretty psychopathic as well. And as for him, he isn't a threat at the moment. I'll still have our defenses enhanced, just in case. You never have enough defenses..."[/i]
He nods. "True enough... Now we've got Garret and Harbinger looking to kill us.."
[i]"And Tyranids, and Chaos, and Heretics and Necrons. Welcome to my daily life, love."[/i]
He laughs. "I already hate it." He outs an arm around her. "I love you..."
[i]"I love you too. Even though I can never understand you at times."[/i]
"My brain... Is interesting." He says with a laugh.
[i]"Yeah. Interestingly dumb sometimes. Thank the Emperor I'm here to take the good descisions..."[/i]
"Hey I can make good decisions... Like marrying you..." He says with a smile.
[i]"Well, we made that decision together."[/i]
"Well it was a good decision for me to ask you." He laughs.
[i]"and I suppose it was wise of me to accept."[/i]
"I sure hope it was." He smiles.
She nods. In the meantime, along the literal piles of turrets, even more were then added. Shadowsword towers, who were double batteries of Anti-Titan cannons, were erected around the perimeter, paired with Hellblade siege cannons, who were relatively similar to Shadowswords, except they had an enormous splash effect when the impact happened.
[spoiler]Im confused on how to respond XD[/spoiler] "So what now?"
[i]"You need to rest. Those injuries won't fix like magic."[/i]
He nods. "Yeah... I'll go rest."
[i]"And I have a perimeter to maintain. Sleep tight."[/i] She leaves the room.
He lays down and falls asleep quickly.
[spoiler]so... yeah [/spoiler]
[spoiler]What now?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]want to bring Nova in?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well... Maybe we should continue with the plot first?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]which plot?[/spoiler]