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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
5/18/2016 7:15:15 PM
Blinking lights, buzzing sounds, nausea, this was not a good day for Godkillah. The Warlord, Greenskinned Primarch, as some called him, found himself in a strange environment, unaware of his surroundings, but more importantly, away from his tribes, his Waaagh!, and [i]even more[/i] importantly, Away from his massive piles of loot. This did not please him. Far from it. The massive Ork stood up from the cold, strange floor, checking in rapid distress for his Dakka, his most prideful loot. In a massive wave of relief, he realized they were all present, kept where they were safest: directly on his person. His massive arsenal followed him everywhere. [i][b]"Wot the bloody hell is dis place... And who's the stupid git who got me in 'ere?!"[/b][/i] Godkillah looked around in anger, realizing he was alone. [i][b]"Iss probably dat bloody mekkboy squig... Oi'll have his 'ed on a pole fo' dat!"[/b][/i] The Ork clashed his massive metallic claw into the wall in anger, making the wall bend and buckle from the massive force. Awkwardness wasn't an issue for him. When he realized the doors and passages were too small for him, he began making some home improvements that matched his stature. Doorframes became awkward holes in the rough shape of a massive ork, leaving a trail of where he went. By the looks of it, the warlord was wandering aimelessly through the ship, still trying to get his bearings of where the hell he was, or how the hell he even got 'ere. Certainly, without his hundreds of Ork tribes accompanying him, the lord of Waaagh! didn't seem in a position of power. But only fools would think of such a thing. GodKillah, Waaghlord of the Star Crushaz, was a Waaagh! in himself. [spoiler]open.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Jared noticed, and unholstered his revolver[/b] "What the bloody hell?"

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  • [spoiler]here, just so you have some idea of what this guy's arsenal is like. He's around 18 feet tall. It's a lot of dakka[/spoiler] [i][b]"Who's da bloody git who designed dis place?! How tiny are dey?!"[/b][/i] A deep, groveling voice comes from towards the renovated path in the ship, with an unbearably thick cockney accent.

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  • "Oi! You! Wreck-it-Ralph! Come here!" [b]He says as he sprints, easily starting to go 30 mph within a second and goes up to 60 mph He shouts[/b] "OI!"

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  • [i][b]"Uh? Who said dat?"[/b][/i] He looks around, unable to see who spoke.

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  • [b]He hops 6 feet straight up and taps his shoulder[/b] "Here!"

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  • [i][b]"Wot?! Wot's a hunie doin' bouncin' around like dat?!"[/b][/i]

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  • "You're too goddamn tall for me to wave, ain't my fault mate" [b]He was only six feet, but something about him seemed to make him more of a threatening presence[/b]

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  • The Ork wasn't threatened at all. In fact, nothing in this universe threatened the mighty Godkillah. Not even the Chaos Gods themselves. [i][b]"Well stop dat, iss makin' me all confused!"[/b][/i]

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  • [b]He grabbed his arm and pulled him down his his surprising weight, so he could talk to him better[/b] "What the hell are you doing, this shit is alive dammit!"

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  • He was unable to pull him down. Instead, Jared was now hanging quite ridiculously off of GodKillah's claw. [i][b]"Oi! Git off!"[/b][/i] He shook him off, sending Jared flying like a ragdoll, smashing into a bulkhead.

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  • [b]He left a helluva debt in the bull head, and tendrils slithered down his body as he wound them around the Orc and tripped him so the brute could talk to him better[/b] "How goddamn heavy are you? I can usually throw around tanks"

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  • The tendrils only yanked Jared forward, making him crash into the Ork. He was a lot stronger and heavier than Jared anticipated. A lot. [i][b]"Are you done with yer circus show, Humie? Stop bouncin' around!"[/b][/i]

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  • "Maybe I need to consume more baddies, but mate, it's hella dangerous to do this to a ship who's alive actually"

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  • [i][b]"Whatever you say, Humie. I already killed a bunch of humies today, but I don't have me pike with me, so I can't put them skulls on it! I dunno who brought me here, but he's gunna pay!"[/b][/i]

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  • "I don't think he's around, other wise I'dve killed him"

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  • The Inquisitor immediately noticed the Ork shaped holes and knew,That a massive fücking Ork was on the loose. He immediately prepped his Brainwave Grenades. [spoiler]These fück with the brains synapses basically paralyzing any species for a few seconds. It's a legit inquisitorial weapon.[/spoiler] He followed the Ork sized holes,also prepping his Bolter Pistol. "Come out you filthy Xeno Ork!"

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  • [spoiler]here, just so you have some idea of what this guy's arsenal is like. He's around 18 feet tall. It's a lot of dakka[/spoiler] [i][b]"Who's da bloody git who designed dis place?! How tiny are dey?!"[/b][/i] A deep, groveling voice comes from towards the gunfire, with an unbearably thick cockney accent.

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  • He ran towards to sound of the voice,preparing to throw a Brainwave grenade. "Filthy Xeno come out and face the Wrath of the Emperor!" Ling shouted.

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  • [i][b]"Wuh? Ey, who said dat?"[/b][/i] He looks around, not seeing the inquisitor, as he was too small.

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  • Ling took immediate advantage of this and threw the grenade at the Orks head,It paralyzing the Ork. "Now now,no need to get mad. Daddies here to bring justice you Xeno piece of shit!"

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  • The grenade helplessly bounced off the Ork's armour, falling down on the ground before igniting, loosing all effect. [i][b]"Oi! You stupid git, dat could've hurt!"[/b][/i] Aiming his entire right arm, he fires. The ensuring destruction was so absolute that only a shriveled, torn apart, burnt up corpse was what remained of the late Inquisitor Ling.

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  • Immediately using his psyker powers [spoiler]Yeah turns out ordo malleus is basically psykers. Search it up,its legit. though they aren't the op as shit ones.[/spoiler] A wave of pure energy deflected the fire just barely to let ling jump out the room and run away,forfeiting the fight. [spoiler]I'm not letting my Inquisitor die today bby.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I know plenty about warhammer already, breh. I know that.[/spoiler] The ork laughed. [i][b]"Das rite! Run ya bloody git! Da humie is more a coward than a gretchin!"[/b][/i]

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  • [spoiler]he's crying on the inside.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]topkek[/spoiler]

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