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5/16/2016 7:37:18 PM

Good stress reliever

when you feel too stressed out 1:go to patrol on any planet 2: find some enemies 3: use melee only I don't know why, but if I feel sad, stressed, or even tired, I do this. My worries are gone when hearing the blunt force of my fist cracking that knights face, after seeing a legionary fly meters away from a punch, I still wonder why people get mad at this game and Bungie. note: this method doesn't work with a warlock. A "force push " or an "air fart" isn't as satisfying to do. (Stop with this "punch" nonsense, it is a sudden gust of wind that is lethal for some reason, not a contact of your body hitting the enemy, why would a feeble warlock do that to their hands). Hunters could try this, but the lack of blood in this game make me think I'm just poking something.

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