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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
5/13/2016 5:36:32 PM
[spoiler]i actually said half as afflicted, not powerful lol. Sarris cannot control himself when the bloodlust takes over, you had full control in the situation. It had nothing to do with power I prefer not to measure penises lol[/spoiler] [b][i]You enter a transport corridor, it's a highway network that runs deep into the ship. To your right, you see an assault jeep parked nearby. A huge turret rotates and targets you automatically, but shuts down as you're identified as friendly. The engine cranks up with a roar of power, then begins idling - purring like great beast. You recognize this vehicle, it's a dreadhog assault model. It's pitch black, heavily armored surface is polished to a gleaming finish. The tinted driver side windows rows down, revealing a familiar face. "Wanna go for a ride?" Asks Edmond glass with a mischievous smile.[/i][/b]

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  • [b]Jared didn't know the man, but screw it[/b] "As long as I get the aux cord" [b]he enters, holstering his pistol and making his keyblade disappear, and then taps his shoulder[/b] "You know where to find Sarris?"

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  • [b][i]Edmond looks at you, lowering his sunglasses despite the gloomy room. You see his eyes are bloodshot and smell alcohol on his breath. "Are you fuçking crazy???" He asks, putting the powerful vehicle in gear, slamming down the gas pedal and dropping the clutch - the assault jeep burns out for the length of a football before catching traction and slamming you back into the seat with intense acceleration. You hadn't had time to answer his question before the roar of the engine and squalling tired drown out everything. The vehicle reaches 120mph and steadies out. The glowing road before the vehicle is the only source of illumination, lines in the road zipping by in a blur. "Why do you want to find Sarris??" Asks Edmond. [/i][/b]

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  • "Personal reasons, Answers"

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  • [b][i]"Right....." He says as he opens up an interface map system, selecting a route but having trouble driving and working the controls at the same time. "I'd bet money that he's near the nexus, which is quite a ways away. I can get you close but I'm not going in there, no freakin way!" He says as he finally selects the proper route. "Shit I missed a turn!" He says as he slams on the breaks at 120mph, nearly flipping the jeep. "Hang on!" Shouts Edmond as he begins a doughnut, spinning around 3 or 4 times before going back the other way. The two of you turn left and spin back around on the road that veers off to a different direction, quickly returning to high speeds and in the right direction. "So what will you do when you find him?" Asks Edmond as he opens a flask and downing a huge gulp of liquor.[/i][/b]

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  • "Ask, and ye shall receive right?" [b]He chuckles a bit[/b] "I dunno, many of these question I don't even have, but something tells me he's connected to this." [b]He checks over his revolver, and taps at the aux cord[/b] "Excuse me" [b]He grabs it and connects it to his helmet, Cliffs of Dover starting to play with a complicated intro[/b] "Like I said, needed to do that"

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  • [b][i]"Well ok then." Says Edmond as he pushes in the accelerator. An hour later, he comes to a stop in front of a megalith door, thousands of feet high and even wider than it is tall. "This section of the ship houses the Titan war machines, they plug into the nexus from time to time for maintenance and refuel... I imagine Sarris would be attracted to the nexus because of the warp field" says Edmond as he shuts the engine off and kills the lights. "I'm going to take a nap. If you're not back in a few hours, then I'm out.. You're going to die in there anyway so I might as well leave, but just this time I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." Says Edmond as he reclines the chair back. He tosses you a beacon. "If shit hits the fan, this will bring help. Good luck." Says Edmond with a look of knowing on his face. You're in the middle of a dark highway, a dozen meters away from a megalith door. In front of you is a path laid out for Giants. The ceiling is out of sight, and the chamber seems to be a couple kilometers wide, you barely see the other side. Darkness is above you, and immediately you feel as if you're being watched. Being hunted.[/i][/b]

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  • [b]He chuckles[/b] "Why so shy? From what your brother said you would be here already" [b]He keeps walking towards the nexus, his keyblade brandished, while a katana on his back simmers in its own heat His revolver was also drawn, and he had several swarm grenades ready[/b] "I just need a few answers, that's all" [b]In his head, he didn't know what he wanted exactly, there was nowhere for him to go. His home was no longer his. He clears his head of such thoughts, they were of no use to him[/b] "For gods sake are you gonna make me walk the whole way?" [b]He has been walking for sometime[/b]

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  • Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 5/14/2016 5:54:14 PM
    [b][i]You feel a psychic presence brush up against your consciousness, gauging your intent. The presence feels cold and calculating, with a towering power and intellect. Something heavy swoops overhead, resonating with a metallic edge as a feint outline of a giant, winged figure. Something tremendous lands directly in front of you, then stands to its full height of 15ft, spreading its 35ft, obsidian black wings. You hear mechanical servos whining in the thick power plate. [/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]Sarris-Sanguine's power armor is blood red, encrusted with giant rubies and light refracting blood diamonds that glow, projecting geometric rune patterns of crimson light to the floor around him. He wears a strange black cloth across his mouth which he pulls down, revealing a fanged mouth and powerful jawline. His hair is blonde and cascades down across his left shoulder in long flowing locks of straight hair. A massive chaos sword is strapped across his back, the hilt of the weapon glows with hunger. You fail remember where you've hear it, but it's name leaps into your mind - Blood Reaper. It's a sword that looks like it's ended worlds. He crosses his hulking arms across his bulging chest plate, locking his bright green eyes to yours. "Speak, mortal." Says Sarris in a deep baritone voice, his tone even and in control. [/i][/b]

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  • "I had an interesting chat with your brother the other day...... Do tell, why and how are you so affected?" [b]He chuckles[/b] "Don't be shy, I think we both suffer the same thing at varying degrees"

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  • [b][i]Sarris's eyes begin burning, then your entire reality splits apart, making way for a memory that Sarris wishes you to live as him.[/i][/b] [spoiler]This was an RoB original post from the old school RP group, back as it first started. [/spoiler] [b][i][u]You find yourself viewing the following memory in third person, watching it all unfold:[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]Chapter 2.2 - Sarris-Sanguine confesses his sins... [/i][/b] *A pristine, life sized hologram of Sarris-Sanguine suddenly appears in the center of town on a podium - cutting an imposing figure in his gleaming ceremonial plate.. The giant is massive. His detailed, black steel wings are spread wide, nearly 35 foot from wing tip to wing tip. Sealed within his plate armor, he is just over 15ft tall* *without preamble, Sarris begins his confession* "As you're all aware, the Summoner was my twin brother. Long ago we made a pact to the gods of the warp. We were both infused with the powers and darkness, but enslaved to their will. We did... Unspeakable things. But I turned away from all if that for reasons.. It's quite a long story - but for another time* "anything touched by the warp must feed. Although I turned away from the darkness, It is still apart of me. I must kill. Devour. Destroy. But I thought I found a solution" "My forces raided a tyranid hive world. My second in command had a theory that we could use them as a sustainable food source - we wish not to harm the innocent.. But that plan has obviously backfired" "We captured them. Controlled them. Used them for food. They are a species of xenos that use the DNA of anything they come into contact with to splice with so that they can absorb and evolve into something stronger. When they gather in packs they evolve beyond control. One of them becomes the brood-lord - the alpha. Alpha tyranids are rare and extremely lethal. For that reason we had them in isolation chambers on every one of our ships.. Until we arrived here.." "My brother, the Summoner, has corrupted my legion since we have arrived. I have traitors amongst my ranks. He turned them with the promise of dark powers and convinced them that I needed to be destroyed" "Let me cut to the chase now.. 90% of my ships (1213 total ships) have been overrun by tyranids. And before you ask, [i][b]yes, there are about a thousand ships floating in orbit that are swarming with tyranids[/b][/i]. One of this ships was shot down in the plague lands. We cannot risk shooting down more - the gravity of this world will pull down more tyranids" "Your city has already been infiltrated by the swarm.. Be on the look out for anything suspicious. Look for yellow eyes that reflect light, disproportionate features, inhuman voices/noises" "[b]be on the lookout for the brood-lord.. You'll know if you see one. They are bioluminescent, psychoactive, and unstoppable. They can control your mind. If you have gaps of time missing from your memory then contact me immediately[/b]" "[b][i]the swarm is upon us.. We must stop them before they devour us all..[/i][/b] [b][i][u]The vision ends.[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]You find yourself staring at Sarris, no time at all has passed since the vision started.[/i][/b]

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  • [b]He responds in kind, showing Sarris a vision of Jared working in a lab, working in a virus that behaved in such a way that it could overrun a world in a year, baseline Jared was contaminated and could absorb and kill like a tyranid, but at such a terrible cost that was also an award, the minds of his consumed, the babbling incoherent vortex that made him so unpredictable and hard to control, a thousand minds, but he only consumed in combat.... Your vision blurs as you go back to your own reality, and as Jared speaks[/b] "We are both controlled, only in differing ways......You by bloodlust, me by survival...."

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  • [b][i]Sarris nods solemnly. He clenches an armored fist, you hear his ceremite gauntlets creak as if the hulking muscles beneath the battle plate are on the verge of bursting through. "So what's your point?" He asks, making adjustments to his gauntlet.[/i][/b]

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  • "I only came for answers, to see what you were, only if to glimpse the 'monster' that lurks in the ship" [b]He threw a metal cylinder at the man gently, a cylinder with purple energy flowing through it[/b] "If only to find a like minded soul, if only, if, if, if!" [b]The man in front of you seemed slightly unstable, like a grenade that could go off at any moment[/b] "If.........only to find one who could understand as I do"

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  • [b][i]Sarris's wings open wide with a woosh of displaced air and clattering armor as he draws the Blood Reaper, the sword resonates with chaos energy - it thirsts for your blood as Sarris targets you, assessing threat level. Powerful servos whine within the armor as Sarris takes a ready stance, bent at the knees and read to strike with inhuman speed and God like strength. His mind poises to assault your consciousness should your mind flare with power.[/i][/b]

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  • [b]Jared sighs[/b] "Really?" [b]He shadowcloaks, a blessing not of his own, but nocturnals, and dissapears from your view After getting some distance he ran towards the jeep, activating his beacon [/b]

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  • Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 5/16/2016 6:08:29 PM
    [b][i]As you depart, you hear Sarris sniff the air as if detecting an enemy. "I smell demon blood!" Roars the Primarch as he takes to the air, giant wings lifting him rapidly to the darkness above. You hear the moans of undead nearby, and the inverted speech of a nearby demonic champion of the undead. You see headlights coming your way as a mob of undead rush your way.[/i][/b]

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  • [b]The cylinder Jared gave Sarris explodes into a slipspace rift, leaving behind an Atlas Titan, which engages the summoner Jared fires three rounds of explosive buckshot followed by two swarm grenades, obliterating the horde[/b] "Zombies? Where's my Ray Gun when I need one?"

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  • [spoiler]Sarris had flown away already and the Summoner isn't in the area. [/spoiler] The assault vehicle slams through another horde of zombies, splattering gore all over the hood and windshield as the turret roars to life at more tides of undead heading in the direction. It stops right in front of you, nearly hitting you. "Get in!!" Yells Edmond as he blows the head off an incoming zombie from point blank range with his plasma pistol.

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  • [b]He hops on top of it, firing his revolver[/b] "GO GO GO" [b]He fires again and again to kill multiple enemies [/b]

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  • [b][i]The assault vehicle slams you back in its seat as Edmond floors the accelerator. The tires squall as the two of you slide around a corner and into a horde of undead. The vehicle easily mows them down. "So what was all of that about?" Asks Edmond casually as undead are crushed beneath his treads.[/i][/b]

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  • "Personal things, hell, But step on it!" [b]He tapped his helmet, and the recorder stopped[/b] "Just in case"

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