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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
Edited by DGC LemanRuss: 5/15/2016 3:04:26 AM
[spoiler] Warning: the following may not be as lore friendly as I like but it is as how I would interpret. [/spoiler] [u]Necron Stasis Chambers [/u] The stasis chambers hummed to life as Necrons teleported in the chamber's walls. The chambers custodians going from pod to pod checking on each recovery process and fixing the minor damage of time of unuse. (Transports?) loaded up the freshly recovered to be shipped out to the invaders of their home. All that changed in a series of brilliant flashes of light. Lacking the uniform or conventional weapons of the Gaurd, the Redemption Corps. came into to the stasis chamber guns blazing. Auto rifles and slug guns punctuating the ocassional flash of a Las rifle and filing the complex in a cacophony of noise and barrelflash. A lone Krak missile streaked up and into the Necron transport, reducing the center into a mass of slag and shrapnel as the vessel listed into the stasis pods. Even after the shock of the initial drop the redemption corps held their position, content to let the Necrons come to them. In their command stood Leo his power armor shining in the dull green light of the Necron ship and his weapon covered in the twisted metal flesh and dripping promethium. But their were others, 20 men and women bearing the tattoos of the Death March Redemption Corps. "Hold the fragging line!" He shouted as another one of the Death March disintegrated in the blast of a Necron rifle. "We need to buy him some damn time. We hold this." [b]Stasis Core room[/b] Brimstone spat blood as cursed any higher being that may exist. His armor was gouged and smoldering from the assault of the tomb gaurds. At the far end of the chamber was his adversary, a Necron warlord, silent and judging as he sent forth his gaurd in waves. A small amulet was hung around his neck, a null generator of ancient Necron origin, that all but eliminated any advantage Brimstone had. With a wave of his Warscythe another line of Necron immortals advanced. Armed with sheilds and voidswords they appeared to be of little opposition to a primarch but the reality was much worse. Necron blades phased in and out of space and time, meaning they could rearrange themselves on a sumatomic level to cut through anything they desired like a hot knife through butter by completely seperating it's molecular bonds. Brimstone twisted his chainaxe in a brutal ark as he paired a necrons slice and brought it into the sheild of another. The teeth of the ax knawing a nasty rent in the metal and showering the duelists in sparks. He rolled right as another attackers blade filled the spot his head was just occupying. He answered the sneak attack with a Salvo of his storm bolter the special rounds splintering into a wall of explosive slugs before detonating on impact with a hard surface. It did little more than buy him space but it gave him just as much as he needed. He scooped up the blade of a fallen Necron gaurd and thew it as hard as he could toward the Necron Lord. The sickly green blade seemed to spin in slow motion as it approached the Lord before stopping mere millimeters from the Lord's chest. The silence of the room was torn apart by the eerie sound of laughing as the Lord pulled out a green orb from his robe. "This is our galaxy. Be content in knowing that it sh as ll return to its true masters." As the Lord spoke the orb pulsed to life, emitting waves of green light that reverberated on the fallen Necron gaurds. One by one they began to rise again. The horrible wounds on their metal bodies healing at a truly alarming rate. In a rush of desperation Brim sheathed his weapon and opened on the coming hoard with his storm bolters. Meeting a wall of metal flesh with an onslaught of high explosives, he fought his way closer and closer to the Lord. When his bolters ran dry he scooped up 2 Necron blades and tore through his adversary like a caged animal. HoS onsloght stopped at the Lord as his stolen blades once again were stopped short. "You really are a fool for a species of warp traveling apes." The Necron Lord observed as he stared down Brims smiling expression. "Tell me what it's like knowing you are about to perish like the rest of you species." "Why don't you tell me" Brim retorted. But the voice was not simply his but many as fire began to well from beneath his wolf shaped helmet. The very tip of the Necrons blade had scored a hit on the pendant of the Lord. The inner working of the null generator laid bare and scoured rendering the device inoperable. [b]Necron Stasis Chamber[/b] An explosion towards the core of the chamber was followed by a singular pillar of fire as Leo saw a lone figure launched away from the area. It streaked through the air with the grace of a grox as its body landed in the center of the Redemption Corps. He rolled it over to reveal it was what was left of a Necron Lord. Its body damn near cut in 2 by what appeared to be claw marks. There was a momentary pause in the fighting before the Necrons appeared to pull back. Encouraged some if the men pressed the advantage home before the reality of the situation was realized. In a ship shaking tremor something awoke in the stasis chamber. Something Massive. A massive beast made of metal crawled out of the upper reaches above the core room. Its body black and coursing green, resembled that of a dragon A pillar of fire emminated from the core room as Brimstone is launched though the air. Bale fire drips from his figure as the dragon twists it's body, as he sails through the air and into the pillar beyond, and looses a barrage of missiles towards him. Brim springs back in a burst of flame and can be seen almost running across the missiles as he closes the distance between the two before a brilliant flash of light is seen as his fist connects with the dragons jaw. The dragon twist again with a loud roar and smack him across the room with its tail before sending another barrage of missile toward him this time the explosives pepper the ceiling before being angled down toward him. Tendrils of fire envelope his arms as he pushes himself free and shoots away from the barrage with the dragon on his tail, depris raining down below. Crushing through the stone and metal he smacks hard into the far wall before an explosion of bale fire rockets him backwards as he slams into the reeling dragon. They fall through the sky as flashes of light signify Brimstone trying to carve his way through the things carapace with the balefire claws. In a ground shattering crash brim is shot backwards towards and through a Necron pylon before being unceremoniously engulfed by the dragons maw. [url=] Optional Music[/url] The dragon roars in pain as it stomach begins to glow white hot. In a shower of molten slag and sparks Brim shoots up and out of the monstrosities gullet before unleashing a torrent of green balefire beneath him. The damaged dragon launches itself free before releasing a powerful beam of gauss energy In His general direction ripping countless stasis chambers to little more than smolding rubble. Brimstone shoots forward corkscrew in around the beam with his chain ax held low before burying it in the underside of the things mouth. With a roar of triumph another blast sends him down the length of the dragon, the cursed chain axe ripping a massive rent in its underbelly as its inner working leaked vital fluid and parts from the wound before it all went in flame as Brim took the beasts head in a final storke.

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