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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
5/8/2016 2:05:05 AM
Fools. Incompetents. Heathens whose idiocy knew no bound. Those were the words used to describe those who declared themselves "brave" or "courageous" enough to dare try and claim the harbinger of death as a trophy. Death can never be tamed. it can never be destroyed. it can never be satisfied. it can only be appeased. But above all, Death cannot be cheated. Throughout the gargantuan vessel, a feeling of unsettling unease, of mysterious, yet incredibly disturbing nausea took hold of each and every occupant. Even the mighty Summoner. Although he, compared to the others, was the only one able to comprehend what was truly happening. throughout the sickness, a wicked grin would dawn on his face. Deep within the bowels of the vessel, away from where the adventurers shared their tales, the rust proliferated. In the vessel's deepest hold, the Harbinger of Death ruled over his kingdom of rust and disease. The Ash-Faced son, clad in his sickening white armour, sat in his festering throne of the bones of the wicked. At his side rested his one and only [i]Silence,[/i] the sickle of the reaper. The plagued fumes emanated from his armour, filling the room with a greenish smoke. Before him rested his army. His minions of sickness. His soldiers of Nightmare. His monsters, spawned from the horrific cauldron of the plague god. They were at his beck and call, and they would protect the diseased king with their lives; or rather, their deaths. Everything the sickness touched became an evident mark of Noiratrom's -The Plagued Son- presence. Beware, adventurer of fortune. Although you have lived your life in the quest for a tale grander than the previous one, the outcome of a foolishness as profound as engaging the knight of plague had only one possible side. Your sweet, inevitable demise.

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  • [b][i]The sound of sinister whispering fills your ears as the reality before you buckles and snaps out of sync. All of the color drains out of the air, leaving your vision a sickly green. The ground before you trembles and hisses as burning runes come to life one by one, scorching fiery symbols that become one larger, complex sigil. It creates an 8 pointed star of emerald green flames that burn wilder and wilder until a flaming vortex of swirling warp energy engulfs the space before you. A thickly armored, 14ft tall figure is silhouetted within the flames, backlit by a kaleidoscopic maelstrom of strobing chaos - you realize you're seeing directly into the warp with your physical eyes.. And the Summoner is solidifying before you. The green flames reach a roaring crescendo before being sucked all at once into the eyes of the Summoner as he steps into this reality, the same runes that appeared on the floor flash briefly in his eyes before fading, but the green flames of pure warp energy remain, crackling and smoking. His hulking battle-plate armor writhes as the enslaved demons within it make strange, inhuman expressions, regarding you with interest. Some of them are silently screaming in horror, you hear their echoes in the warp all around you. He steps closer, reality continues to twist and contort as the being before you exists in both realms, each realm repelling the other like powerful magnets of the same, negative charge. The Summoner's consciousness mingles with yours, exchanging images of war, history, and powerful memories. He brings you up to speed on the current situation of things without uttering a single word. You learn languages and the meanings of symbols, then you realize where his great power comes from. He is the chosen champion of Slaanesh, a Primordial God of chaos. Slaanesh allows the power of the warp to flow through the Summoner freely. 20,000 years of unholy campaigns, destruction of worlds, and Immolating countless souls in the name of chaos, floods through your consciousness all at once. He locks eyes with you. "Welcome to the Prison of Exiles." Says the Summoner [/i][/b]

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  • The meeting was mutual. The rust oozed through the air around the Summoner, the sickness seeping into him. The air was heavy, filled with a powerful green aura, which made him sick to his very soul the memories that were transferred into him echoed back into him. The horrific images of death, nausea, sickness filled the mind of the summoner. The two beings of equal power stood face to face, brothers reunited. The Summoner was the avatar of Slaanesh. Noiratrom was the avatar of Nurgle. Yet here, in his domain, The Harbinger sat on his throne, above The Summoner, staring down at his brother. His cold, raspy voice elevated. With every word he spoke, a wave of unquestionable sickness unfurled upon the Summoner. These two beings of equal, unimaginable power, though rivals in deities, were still capable of reasoning. After all... they were family. In some twisted way. [i][u]"Brother... I see you are still in good shape..."[/u][/i]

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  • [b][i]The Summoner feels the sickness seeping into his physical body and makes a personal note to cleanse himself later. "Indeed, never better, brother. I see you're pestilence is as... Sick as I remember. Our foes will tremble." Says the Summoner, eyeing his surroundings as if t were for the first time. You sense a change in him, a sense of slight unease. Anything that causes the Summoner unease must definitely be noteworthy. "Brother, I've come here to speak to you directly about our current situation.. It seems we have become prisoners aboard this ship. As of about 2 weeks ago, the crew has lost control of the Bloodwrath, it's entirely consciousness as if awakened by something in the warp." Says he Summoner as he chooses his next words carefully. "I believe it's fleeing from something... But I no longer have the ship's ear. Lately, it has manifested it's consciousness as a being aboard the ship, similar to my persona of the man in the finely-tailored suit.. He appears as a man covered in blood, [u]a red man.[/u]" says the Summoner. "There's something causing change to the ship and I have no idea what it is, this is deeply disturbing... And the red man will not allow us to escape."[/i][/b]

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  • [i][u]"Then we must re-conquer the ship with haste. This... man of blood, is most likely some affiliate of Khorne, I must assume... such an incandescent transgression mustn't be allowed to persist. This ship is under our control, and it must remain it. We both know how far the powers of the warp can go, if left unchecked..."[/u][/i] He still bore the "scars" from his engagement against their loyal brother, the one with the bale fire for eyes. His wicked, toothy grin, forever remaining on his twisted breathing apparatus, stared into The Summoner, his reptile-like tongue slipping through the teeth. The surge of power he had recieved from their face-off was more than noticeable.

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  • Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 5/8/2016 8:03:41 PM
    [b][i]"I think you misunderstand, brother... The red man IS the Bloodwrath given form... There is no taking this ship back from itself, it is alive and more sentient than anyone could have imagined. I've seen into it's mind, something I've never witnessed before." The Summoner pauses as if reliving the moment. "The Bloodwrath stares out from cold, dead eyes with frightful, inhuman intelligence - it processes information differently. It thinks with the logic of a machine, but is fueled by brutal, animalistic urges. It's alive and dead at the same time, and it takes up residence in both realms of the warp and normal reality. It's power is beyond our control, brother.. And for the first time ever, I'm at a loss." Admits the Summoner.[/i][/b]

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  • [i][u]"Then, it seems we are against the wall here. Finding another ship for our purposes is out of the question. If there is indeed no way to tame this vessel, like you've said, then it must be herded. By giving it what it wants, by feeding it's urges, we can command it to do our bidding, be it voluntarily or not. In other words, we point it in the direction we want it to go, and feed it so it will move there. Like a dog necessitating a treat to accomplish a trick."[/u][/i]

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  • [b][i]The Summoner starts to speak, but a shimmering red figure walks into the room. It walks up between the two of you. "Your conversation amuses me... Please continue." Says the red man. The Summoner crosses his huge arms across his chest in frustration. "What's the matter, Satrius? Thought you could influence me with your mind tricks? Thought I didn't know your birth name? Thought you had a chance at control... On MY ship?Allow me to illuminate you both" Says the red man chuckling loudly as he turns toward you with a big smile. The smile fades and his eyes begin to glow deep dark red. "You're in my realm now." [/i][/b]

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  • [i][u]"I couldn't care less whose realm this is, slave. We made it this way. Without us, you'd be nothing."[/u][/i] Noiratrom spoke calmly. He was in no way afraid of this... being. After all, he had lived long enough to know what powers ruled this universe, after all, he was the avatar of one.

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  • Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 5/12/2016 12:29:58 AM
    [b][i]The red man smiles. "Even gods will be sacrificed. Neither of you are exempt." Says the red man as he walks away. "Enjoy your stay..." He says as he vanishes with a crimson flash, laughter echoing in his absence.[/i][/b]

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