[b][i]Chapter 1.5 - Bloodwrath's Vengeance[/i][/b] [i] The decks within the massive starship, Bloodwrath, resonate fiercely as the ship translates out of warp transit and materializes into reality. All aboard feel the translation tugging at their souls and consciousness. [b]The ship's fearsome weaponry begins arming. The Summoner has a frightening realization - the starship has done this on its own. It has taken control away from the crew entirely.... He realizes the ship hasn't had anything to consume in quite some time. It must be feeding time.[/b][/i] [i]An alarm begins wailing, indicating an unknown number of contacts in close proximity - the population of the Bloodwrath begins preparing for boarding action if it comes to that, soldiers and legionnaires issue orders and assume battle stations. [b]A deafening concussion rocks the entire ship as the Bloodwrath's main battery's open fire.[/b][/i] [b][i]The Bloodwrath unleashes a full scale assault.[/i][/b] [spoiler]shit is about to go down, get ready. Go to your battle stations ASAP! Go to the main post to interact.[/spoiler]