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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
5/7/2016 3:34:52 AM
[b][i]The other four tyranids leap at you in unison, but meet resistance in mid air - you see a shimmering blur of energy between you and the tyranids. Behind you, a thunderclap of enormous power sends a shockwave of warp energy and displaced air splashing into you and everything else, staggering you forward 3 steps and hurling the tyranids back half a dozen meters. You feel static electricity charge the air. The Summoner steps forward from a rift of purple flames, his size and demeanor terrifying. Amber runes dance in his glowing eyes as he steps forward and extends his huge, gauntleted arm. The air distorts around you as the Summoner pushes you out of harms way telekinetically. The four remaining tyranids sprint for the Summoner... They don't get far. The Summoner closes his eyes. A ferocious psychic scream emanates from the Summoner as all four of the tyranids begin levitating. The deck plating and walls begin cracking like a fault line in all directions. You realize your nose is bleeding. Without warning, the Summoner's eyes snap open and burst into black flames. Crackling warp lightening leaps from his hands and arcs between the tyranids, its liquifying their flesh before your eyes as they howl in bloody murder. The skin and muscles drool off their bodies like wax flowing down a candle inside a fire, spontaneously bursting into flames on the deck. Nothing but puddles of goo remain. The Summoner looks at you. "This area is off limits for a reason. You must return to general quarters at once." He says before stepping back through the purple rift. The rift closes and you find yourself alone. [/i][/b]

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