This is not a nerf post, I just want to know what weapons I can use to make my crucible experience more fun.
Edit: First time I made it to trending, omg guys <3
Edit2: Holy shit 1000 comments!
Edit3: More then 2k comments.
Nirwins w/ Perfect Balance, Counterbalance & OAS sight. aka my "Three Burst Betty" (also has Last Resort, but thats kinda useless in anything but Trials/Elimination)
Colovance's Duty
Grasp of Malok Treads upon Stars
Arminius-D, Hawkmoon, Nirwen's Mercy
I love Hawksaw and Mida, but I also like Bad Juju, The First Curse and the Final Duty queens pulse rifle. Also The Devil You Know isnt all too bad either
Depending on mood (and map sometimes). Either my Treads Upon Stars, Her Memory or Righteous VII. And I thrown in my Grasp of Malok every so often as well.
Saterienne Rapier is.. well.. that would be a bad joke. It's a good gun, basically, is what I'm saying.
I'm using Soulstealers Claw (aka doctrine) pdx 45 aka hawksaw and suros dis 47 aka Baby mida.
Bad juju
Ace o spadeos
Love my Nirwens Mercy.
Hardlight Seems to shred just as hard as the Doctrine. Feels like it has a bit more range but doesn't kill quite as quickly at close/very close range. I'm not quite sure if it's working the way I think it is, but it's over penetrating rounds should make snipers flinch a bit more too. Plus the weapon is just cool. One of the first exotics I had drop randomly during year 1 from a heroic strike. SUROS Regime and Queenbreakers Bow are also really fun to use.
Hawkmoon, monte, universal remote, bad juju, soulsteelers claw, hakkons hatchet, and lots and lots of shoulder charge mwahaha mwahahahaha.
Been using Jade Rabbit for a while now. Seem to be doing quite well with it.
Nirwens mercy
Mida Mida Mida [spoiler]Mida Mida[/spoiler]
Tlw and suros dis-43 mainly
Righteous VII
Hand of Judgement Suros Dis-43 Lether Noblesse. Occassionally Haakon's Hatchet
I've been enjoying the Monte Carlo in this IB, it's been treating me surprisingly well.
Hung Jury Mida Hakkon(with good rolls) Nerwin's Grasp of Malok Red Death S Regime All depends what you like.
TLW and uni remote.
Red Death