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4/27/2016 8:01:50 PM

Honor of a captain part 20

Hi, so BIG thnx to Bravekinkajou14 for letting me use his character, also the next few parts are going to be crossovers so.....yah enjoy! :D Yavek didn't know what to do. His brother was in chains and if he didn't betray his old kell, Skintar, his brother would be killed. He knew he had to do it, his brother came first before allegiance. Skolas was a cruel unfair leader, he believed that he was the kell of prophecy, the kell of kells. The weird fact was that, Yavek recognized that name......there was something about that seemed off. He decided to research it. It was then he found the same name, on someone else. The kell was pronounced dead after being put back in the prison of Elders which has become infamous amongst fallen. He said he was the kell of kells, the kell of prophecy. ~just like this one!~ it was then Yavek realized that this Skolas was an pretender! This was news, big news. Unfortunately, this didn't change Yavek's situation. Yavek was still going to be forced to betray his kell, Skintar. ----------------- I was on my knees before Oryx, two towering Knights acted as guards on either side of me. Oryx sat on his throne, looking at me with a curios look. "You shouldn't worry my sword, you lashed out at my echo because of the pain and voices you heard" Oryx said. "Don't listen to the voices, neither the faintest whispers, they tell you lies about prophecies" "Why was I able to defeat your echo when you can shove me to my knees effortlessly?" I asked. Oryx looked at me, proud of his power. "They are named 'echos' because they are a fraction of what power I command, what worlds I have at my disposal." I shook my head amazed. "So, I am ascendant now?" "Yes, my sword, you are ascendant. It is a ritual of pain, a ritual of hate towards your foes" Oryx waved his hand, and the Knights were dismissed. "What shall you have me do?" "There is an uprising of hive killing my exalted all over the solar system, go find the source and kill it." "Very well, my King" I stood up and walked out, my white scar on my third eye glowing for bloodlust. -later- I teleported to the Mausoleum inside the Dreadnaught. I heard the screams of acolytes and the screeches of hive boomers. I turned my head and saw thousands of acolytes fighting one of Oryx's exalted Knights. I blinked four times, trying to get closer to the acolytes. I blinked above two acolytes, oblivious to the slow, painful death of Eliksni metal. I dropped on the two oblivious acolytes, shock swords piercing through both their spines with an wet crack. I landed and blinked to the next four acolytes. They all growled with surprise as my swords frenzied around me, cutting everything around me. Three dropped dead, the last stood perplexed, deep cuts all over his bony body. I grabbed his skull, shoving it into an nearby wall with hive symbols over it. His skull caved in and thick black blood came out of the hemorrhage. I let go and he slumped to the floor of the wall. I smiled with enjoyment, satisfied with the bloodlust around me. Two acolytes ran at me, screeching the whole way. I shoved one sword through the gut of one, sword impaling him and going out the other side. I took the other sword and spun once, coming around to bring a savage cut to my victim. My blade swung gracefully over my shoulder and connected with the acolyte's neck, sending the head flying two feet away. The giant foot of the exalted knight crushed four acolytes and caused an quake. An knight marked with red ran at me, sword raised above his head. He cut down acolyte after acolyte to get to me. He charged and brought his sword down to the ground as I blinked. missing me, he looked around for me confused. I took my sword and ran it through the Knights gut while invisible. Coming out of cloak I felt the same feeling of pain as the ritual. My white scar screamed and glowed for bloodlust and the death of the up risers. Another taken shock sword appeared in all four of my hands. I took one and impaled the knight once more. Removing my hand from the handle, I took another one and pushed it through the gut of the knight. I took the last two and did the same, the knight bleeding profusely and calling for support from his acolytes. I blinked onto his shoulders and reached down for his head. I grabbed it and pushed hard. A wet snap came from where my hands were placed and his neck went limp. He tipped forward and I jumped off his shoulders as he collapsed, dead. The exalted knight was dead, left were a dozen acolyte up risers. They saw me kill their leader and they all dropped their weapons, raising their hands into the air. Oryx's echo appeared and took all of them. Acolyte screeches filling the air. I inhaled through my nose, taking in the smell of the battlefield. ~I'm enjoying every second of this.~ ----------------------- I was summoned by Oryx after my success. I was transported before him and I bowed to one knee. "Ahh, Skintar, my sword. I heard of your success, good job, but I have another command for you and you must shutout your old feelings to complete this." I was confused and i was sure Oryx knew it. "Where am I going and who am I fighting? More hive?" "No, your not fighting hive, you shall see your challenge." Oryx said menacingly. "Now, go and kill the target, or I will get involved." I knew something was wrong, why was he not telling me the target? "Very well, my King" I transported away, unsure what would await me. Chapter 30 I came out of pure darkness, searching for my target. I was surprised to see who it was. There was an dead exalted knight laying face down and on top of it was a friend. Ezkor. He didn't look at all as he used too. Instead of the look of an honorable baron of a fallen house, he now was a fallen wearing hive armor. His eyes were white but he wasn't taken! He was crouched over using his robotic arm as another foot. He was a mess. He looked at me confused. "Skintar, why did you join Oryx?" Ezkor asked. I was about to answer and I knew I had to ask Oryx. "Oryx, why are you making me fight my friend!?" I questioned. He whispered to me. "I knew you would question, if you hesitate I will take over!" I looked at my friend. "I don't want to fight you! But.....I don't think I have a choice!" I told Ezkor. "No, I will not fight my friend!" Ezkor replied. I dropped my swords and waved. "Don't worry, I won't fight you on my own will." I said. Pure black covered me, taking my body over and controlling it. "YOU WILL KILL HIM!" Oryx commanded. My body shook and shivered. I reached down for my swords and picked them up, ready to fight. I knew what would happen, one of us would die. I was screaming on the inside, telling my body to stop! Ezkor was reluctant, he didn't want to fight, but he would defend himself. I lunged at him, swinging my swords to do an uppercut. Ezkor blocked with a sword made of bone. I backflipped of the clash and landed on my feet. I analyzed his sword. It was a Knight's blade! He was in a defending stance, he wasn't going to attack. I blinked behind him raising my swords. He didn't expect it and was surprised. I slashed him on the back and he staggered forward and flipped. He landed and I blinked at him again. I went for a stab and he brought his sword to block it with a clang. I attacked again this time with my fist, bringing it up I uppercutted his jaw with a crack. He staggered a bit and attacked with his sword. The heavy bone architecture came down hitting my shoulder. I let out a growl and shot an axion bolt. Ezkor sprinted away as the axion bolt tracked right behind him. Eventually it went off and he was still ok. He landed on the ground and ether leaked freely from the slash on his back. We stood, deadlocked in a stare. "Your blades are sharp, but mine are sharper!" Ezkor growled. "My power is beyond you, you shall fall to my hands!" I growled back. We stood there, watching every twitch and small movement, trying to guess the next move. Ezkor stared at my scar and was clearly interested. We then instinctively both lunged at each other, swords ready to meet the other. I then knew how to beat him. I had to blink while swinging my sword, but I had to be fast if I wasn't going to get cut as well. I quickly blinked and swung, my sword clearly going through something. I stood, holding my two swords in front of me. I looked back and saw Ezkor drop to the floor. Ether and blood was leaking all over. Oryx let go of his hold, the shivering going away with it. I stood, beaten by the knowledge that I possibly killed my friend. "Why!? Why did you do this?" He asked, bewildered. "I; I didn't have a choice" I replied. He fell to the floor, a look of pure surprise. Oryx appeared behind me and crossed his arms. "You hesitated." Those words hung there for a second. "You made me do that, YOU!" I turned around, pulling my swords out of their scabbards. Oryx simply opened one hand and stopped me half-way. Frozen in the air I looked at Oryx, my scar glowing once again. He let go, I fell to the floor, beaten. "Remember this, you can not beat me, I control YOU!" With that he teleported away, back to his throne world.

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