Could you provide the links to several games of Crimson Doubles games you played? There should be a permalink button in the top right corner of the popup you get for each game.
Hey Siffow, I wasn't playing Crimson Doubles at the time due to The servers being a problem for me here in Australia, but I was active during the event and heard you just needed to be logged in to the tower to receive the Crimson Days Grimoire card? The fact that it's also unobtainable now is a little upsetting. Can this be sorted out for me? Thanks for your response.
Hey Siffow / Bungie, Just wondering if there's any clarification yet on weather you can sort of the issue of the Crimson Days Grimioire on my profile? I'm frequently checking my Grimoire to see if anything has been done but to no avail, maybe my last message got lost in a long list of responses you need to attend to. If I could get an answer on weather anything will be done in the near future that would be great. Thanks for your time.