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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
4/24/2016 7:06:34 PM
[b][u]Uune[/u][/b] [b][i]South Sector; Seventeenth level from the top[/i][/b] The silence throughout the massive cathedral like hallway seemed eternal. The undead or dying hiding among the floor carefully crept avoiding each others' stares. Then something strange occurred at the sealed door blocking the end of the hall; a sounding crash reverberated on the other side. Startled, the hidden hugged themselves more tightly, whimpering and praying the door would stay sealed again as it had done countless times before. Another, heavier this time, crash sounded through the double metallic doorway. The ceiling above shook off embers and ash at the unsettling rumble. Once again there was a deafening silence and some of the braver souls began to peek out of their dwellings. Immediately the door exploded with sound and the massive seal chained to it fell in two; a crevice had appeared where the gate had began to open. Some of the undead began to cry out in fear, others deathly silent as the doors slowly opened. Behind the door was a darkened, massive figure draped in tar black robes with what looked like an entire array of the galaxy colored upon the clothes. The giant was holding what looked like a staff nearly as tall as itself; as if it were floating the cloaked giant moved through the open doors into the cathedral like hall. The figure's head was covered in a hood sprouting from the top of the robes, through the black veil only two molten lights had shown through; the eyes. The creature lifted its non-staff hand into the air and performed a small movement whispering something, [i]"Reveal Yourself...."[/i] As soon as the words had been spoken a small, gangly and tattered man appeared out of thin air in front of the comparable giant. His eyes bulged with utter horror, scrambling away from this sudden threat. Before he could take his sixth step a large, silvery thorny hand wrapped itself around his waist and lifted him into the air. With a shout he grunted and bashed upon the solid appendage trying to escape from the grasp of the giant before him. Fearfully looking around his mouth opened in a blood curdling scream, then the figure placed its face to nearly touch the man's who had immediately gone limp; his eyes blank and mouth slack. A glowing greying wisp had floated from the man's face and passed through the giant's veil. A series of visions all brandishing the images of battles, other humans clad in power armor, a ship... [i]The[/i] ship... So this is where he was... How unfortunate. As if bored the giant dropped the still breathing man to the floor with a deafening snap; his neck broken from the fall. This had become more interesting... [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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  • [b][i] Upon arrival, you feel your consciousness connect to the immaterial realm known as the warp, a realm of raw power and pure emotion. As your mind extends out in all directions, you feel the subjective links of space and time unravel before you. All of eternity is laid out before you, but written in the language of emotion - you interpret it as a tranquil ocean of calm, soothing colors... That's when you realize the warp is looking back at you. The warp is full of entities, ranging from tiny and insignificant, all the way up to gods of ancient, horrific power, the primordial lords of Chaos - beings that have existed for all eternity. You hear the laughter of thirsting gods echo in your mind as they welcome you to the warp. The gods turn their attention elsewhere, and the warp returns to the tranquil sea of calm colors. You become away of other entities that exist in the warp and the physical realm, the same as you. They're all on the ship as it sails through the warp, the warp being the fastest way to travel between the vast distances of space. You feel a towering psychic presence brush against your consciousness, testing you, measuring you, deciding whether to devour you, enslave you, or befriend you. The owner of this great power is the Summoner, Primarch of the Legion of Darkness. [/i][/b]

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  • The figure slightly raises its staff into the air and draws an oval like shape in front of his face. A sudden orb appeared out of thin air and hovered directly in front of the hooded face of the figure, his voice echoed from behind the veil. [i]"Do not attempt to breach the walls of my mind... I feel your presence, but I am not the other mortals; a play thing...[/i] The orb followed the being as he glided toward one of the hallway's walls. Slowly the figure traced his finger along its surface before pressing his massive palm against the wall completely. [i]"You may revert your claim of this freight, however, no one is in utter control."[/i] The figure glided back to the center of the massive hallway and kneeled mumbling something while tapping the ground in a rhythmic pattern. A flash of light emitted from the ground and there was drawn a large circle surrounded by burning symbols. [i]"I summon thee..."[/i]

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  • [b][i]The sound of sinister whispering fills your ears as the reality before you buckles and snaps out of sync. All of the color drains out of the air, leaving your vision a sickly green. The ground before you trembles and hisses as burning runes come to life one by one, scorching fiery symbols that become one larger, complex sigil. It creates an 8 pointed star of emerald green flames that burn wilder and wilder until a flaming vortex of swirling warp energy engulfs the space before you. A thickly armored, 14ft tall figure is silhouetted within the flames, backlit by a kaleidoscopic maelstrom of strobing chaos - you realize you're seeing directly into the warp with your physical eyes.. And the Summoner is solidifying before you. The green flames reach a roaring crescendo before being sucked all at once into the eyes of the Summoner as he steps into this reality, the same runes that appeared on the floor flash briefly in his eyes before fading, but the green flames of pure warp energy remain, crackling and smoking. His hulking battle-plate armor writhes as the enslaved demons within it make strange, inhuman expressions, regarding you with interest. Some of them are silently screaming in horror, you hear their echoes in the warp all around you. He steps closer, reality continues to twist and contort as the being before you exists in both realms, each realm repelling the other like powerful magnets of the same, negative charge. The Summoner's consciousness mingles with yours, exchanging images of war, history, and powerful memories. He brings you up to speed on the current situation of things without uttering a single word. You learn languages and the meanings of symbols, then you realize where his great power comes from. He is the chosen champion of Slaanesh, a Primordial God of chaos. Slaanesh allows the power of the warp to flow through the Summoner freely. 20,000 years of unholy campaigns, destruction of worlds, and Immolating countless souls in the name of chaos, floods through your consciousness all at once. He locks eyes with you. "Welcome to the Prison of Exiles." Says the Summoner [/i][/b]

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  • Your eyes meet the glowing embers of the figure's own, seeking you through the veil. Still kneeling the giant who was a few feet taller bowed his head further, his staff clutched in his right hand. [i]"Greetings, I see you are the rein bearer among this ship; I... Appreciate you taking me as a guest. However-[/i] The figure stands to his full height once again and looks at you through its veil. [i]"-You have my service. You will not be interfering with this body or its mind, even present with your... Capabilities. My name is Uune and it has been the best of meeting the Summoner. [/i]

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  • [b][i]"Your service is appreciated, but not required at this time. You are welcome to feed on the denizens of this vessel until you are called to serve, but consider this a warning: you are not the only predator in the depths of this vessel. Tread carefully." Says the Summoner as his consciousness shows you images of a terrifying demigod of power, the vampiric Primarch known as Sarris-Sanguine. It becomes apparent that this is the Summoner's brother, a being who has fallen from grace and plagued by episodes of uncontrollable bloodlust. Simultaneously, another image of a shadow shifter known as Armageddon, a powerful Imperial Commander known as Libreous-Tibrarium, and a giant, 21ft tall Draconic warrior known as Ømen. Other flashes of dangerous threats pour through your mind as well, ranging from tyranid monsters, ancient Necron xenos, demons, and rebels roll in as well. It seems this ship is full of dangerous killers. [/i][/b]

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  • Uune quietly peers at his left arm, raising it slightly as it ignites into an ashen black flame. Small runic symbols float around his body within a double ringed orbit. "[i]I see... It seems I will have some cleaning to do then."[/i] With that the ashen flame engulfed Uune burning his robed body to ashes; before his hand disappeared his two fingers jabbed into the air banishing the summoning symbols below your feet sending your minuscule piece of your conscious used to communicate back to where it had resided comfortably before.

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  • [b][i]The Summoner watches you depart, still undecided about the nature of the meeting. He turns to look over his shoulder, knowing already who was waiting behind him. "Soon..." Says the Summoner, then departs back to the warp in a thunderclap of displaced air and emerald flames. The rune on the floor continues to burn.[/i][/b]

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  • Abaddon was there, Abaddon was watching this. They called him Wrath. It was accurate, of course, but they assumed too much. For he was not Wrath, he was Abaddon. And Abaddon is Wrath. He watched the giant, in his human form. He was shorter than him, obviously, only slightly above height at 6'3. He was leaning against a wall, flipping a gold, blood-stained coin between his fingers. Eyes the color of hellfire burned through the darkness, looking the giant over.

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  • The giant didn't seem to notice your presence within the great hall, other undead had been crawling and knelt at your feet begging to kill them; others wanted dearly to hide from this new entity existing within the room. Then there was another loud howl as the giant had a thin naked undead figure between his fingers, studying it intensively with failed interest.

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  • Foolish people. Begging for death. If they only knew what waited them. The giant sucked their souls one by one, until it was him and the pair of hellfire eyes. This is when the giant noticed him. He showed no fear, just determination. For something...

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  • The giant notices you as the last standing being within the room other than it. Slowly it stands, but remains firmly still. [i]"Ahh... It seems you are the last one. However you're different, you choose to stay rather than cower from me... Unknown you are afraid I am not; do you seek my hand? Or my eyes?...[/i] The giant's molten like eyes glow from behind the tar black veil upon its face.

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  • The hellfire eyes inspected him, as they are flooded with a ghostly green. "I am like you, Uune." The figure stood up from the shadows, revealing a battle-hardened, scarred man in black apparel. His now blazing green eyes stared off into the darkness. "An ancient being. Ancient and powerful. But alas, my determination-" He flipped the coin in the air and caught it. "-can be mistaken for curiosity." He sighed. "Alas, Clairvoyance is one of my many perks so curiosity shouldn't be one of my problems..."

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  • [i]"Toying with luck is a demon's end, it seems you have never heard of the saying then."[/i] Uune glides as if floating closer to you. [i]"This is my grand hall I will begin my Rite. For this to occur... I need every soul within the room banished; or to fuse an Unspeakable Vow with me."[/i]

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  • The man scoffs. "Do not fret, Pariah. I have no soul to interfere. I will observe."

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  • [i]"If you beseech no soul, you have neither influence, or control of your doings; you can never escape this prison it seems you fell into without another soul's help."[/i] Uune goes and walks toward a wall, writing hidden symbols and shapes while whispering something, walking along the great hall.

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  • "I have a provider.." He muttered, observing him.

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  • Uune continues to mutter as he traces the wall, the runes from his first contacts with the hall itself appeared in a small blaze; runic incantations unknown to your eyes. They trailed and followed Uune as he continued on ignoring your statement.

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  • He continues to watch in silence.

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  • The hall then erupts in a ghastly glow as all of the runes ignite at once. They branch out and intertwine until the entirety of the walls, ceiling high above and floor are covered in ash grey spider webs. Uune now closer to you taps his staff into the floor, a series of four runes appearing around you and the air of your vision shimmering in and out of focus. [i]"Even without a soul you are connected... Go back to your wandering; for you have stepped within the boundaries of my new home..."[/i] Uune seems to fade into darkness and your vision blurs... No everything around you seems to slow and stop before you are plunged into darkness. As soon as the summoning began however your vision becomes normal and you are returned to wherever you once came.

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  • Abaddon blinked and sighed. His Warp Immunity was wearing off with time. He went back to his quarters. End

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