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4/22/2016 10:15:37 PM

Honor of a captain part 19

Hai, so there's some new parts coming very soon, I'm going to end this amazing roller-coaster ride of a story and I wanted to say, thankyou for Bravekinkajou14, thankyou for my followers, my friends, my supporters. Really all of you have kept me writing because I got discouraged nobody read my story, so thankyou, all of you. -Skintar :D It wasn't expected, none of it was! Yavek layed inside a cell for being loyal. He was pronounced a blasphemer by the "kell of kells" or so the crazy fallen says. His name is Skolas, an kell from the house of wolves. He escaped from the prison of elders and now took back his mantle as kell, but now he wants to conquer all the houses. So Yavek, loyal to Skintar his real kell, was sentenced for treason. A guard approached the bars and spoke to Yavek. "Skolas, the kell of kells wishes to speak to you." Yavek stood up, his chains rattling. "Very well." The guard opened the door and unchained Yavek, leading to the kell's chamber. They approached the kell and Yavek was shoved to his knees. "So, you dare blaspheme against the kell of kells?" Skolas asked. "You are nothing but a crazy twisted clawed dreg!" "HOW DARE YOU!?" Skolas brought his sword underneath Yavek's neck. "You will join us, or die!" Yavek looked up at Skolas defiantly. "So, what will it be?" Skolas asked. "Why should I join you?" Yavek asked. "You really think anyone will rally with you? That anyone would believe a vandal?" "My brother will!" Yavek said. Silence fell over the room. "A brother you say? Hmmmm, vandal! Find this sad little vandal's brother, and kill him!" "No!" Yavek growled. "What? You wish to see your brother alive, then join us, and hunt down the old kell, Skintar!" Yavek sat on his knees, looking at the ground. ~how could I kill my leader? He promoted me and trained me......~ Yavek shook his head, thinking of some other solution, but could not find any. ~sorry I have to do this Skintar, but my brother comes first.~ ------------------ What was I becoming? I was serving a god of taken with no choice but unrelenting obedience, I was nothing more. I stood in front of myself looking at my black covered body. Black covering my once noble and shining black and red cloth covering my armor. A white scar across my eye, disfiguring my face. I was not Elinski, not.....fallen. ~I must free myself from these bonds!~ It was true, I had no real bonds, but the invisible bond of weakness and fear restrained me like any other chains. But one thing I knew. I will be what Oryx fears. -[nothing] book of sorrow, verse 89.-[non existent]- There was a prophecy that had hive fearing for life times. A prophecy of an exalted so powerful it would overthrow the bonds of [unknown] and become [Torn] But this exalted does fear, do not be tricked, oh reader. -why do you fear me? /-I don't, I never do. -you surely do, everything fears. /-I yet still fear, but you shall never see it. -I will make you fear! /-I'm the thing that haunts you Oryx, the thing that makes the hive fear. -real time- I knew how to defeat this god of stolen will. I will instill fear into him then use his very shapes against him. I shook of the invisible chains of weakness and fear and Oryx's echo approached me. "You wish to overthrow me as the books of sorrow said?" "Why was I written down as an exalted, I am Skintar, born Elinski and still am!" "You are Elinski, but think of the power you now own inside your ether filled veins." "I do not own this power, I barely own my own will" I answered him. "And I do not fear you!" "Why do you fear?" "I don't, I never do!" "You surely do, everything fears" "I yet still fear, but you shall die before you ever see it!" "I will make you fear!" "No! I'm the thing that will make you dead, the thing that will break your hold over my people!" No! This was not how it was written! Oryx reached out, grabbing my neck he lifted me up off the ground and held me at arms length. "All I have to do is squeeze!" I choked and sputtered, trying to speak. "You think you will be the one to kill me? Ha! You are at my mercy!" He mused. "You were the one who accepted my gift, my new shape for you!" My eyes shone white, I exploded with white light, Oryx's grip releasing on my neck. I dropped to the floor of the black dimension. Oryx staggered trying to comprehend what happened. I stared at him defiantly. "Do you bleed?" I asked. "Because I'll make you" I grabbed the knife that Oryx offered me and lunged. The knife went through his dark heart and he bellowed. He transported back to his world and the taken energy from him filled me. It was overflowing, filling me with more Elinski bloodlust. "Fight me any time, I'll be more than happy to send you back again." And at that point, I felt I little Elinski in me again.

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