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4/20/2016 1:19:08 PM

Honor of a captain part 18

Where was Skintar? Where was their kell? Makil wondered what had happened to Skintar, he went on a mission to find a friend and he went dark, no contact. They were lost without their kell, without him, they were nothing but pirates without a captain. Makil walked to Brakten and Tryver. "If Skintar is heading to the dreadnaught we need to get a team ready to back him up, In case if something goes wrong." Makil said. "I agree Makil, but who will do it? Because I shall be training the dregs." Brakten said. "I will." Tryver said. Her head looking down at the ground. "Very well, then it is settled, I will get a team together with Tryver." Makil said. -------------- Peekis walked outside of her skiff she took, putting her two-toed feet on the rocky ground of the human's moon. She stepped outside, instantly felling the lack of gravity. She knew exactly where she was headed. She was heading back to the skiff Skintar was taken on. Peekis started to realize that traversing the moon was like the vast desert planet of Mars. It was going to take awhile to get to the skiff, that's why she brought a pike. She yanked the pike out from the skiff and hopped on it, starting the engines. She started the engines and lifted off the ground. She pressed the button for boost and took off. -later- She hopped off her pike and placed it beside a rock. She walked up to the space elevator leading up to the cloaked ketch. She went inside and a explosion sound, followed by white light transported her inside the ketch. She walked towards the control room, wire rifle out and ready. She walked inside the control room and placed her wire rifle on her back. Reaching down to the holodesk, she accessed the archives of the fallen houses. She went through the house of Steel and found the division Skintar was talking about. She went through and found something peculiar. One of the members was marked off the division, as MIA. "Interesting..." Said Peekis under her breath. She opened up the file of the fallen. The picture enlarged and the name was marked "classified." "Whatever that means." Peekis sighed. Either way, this was definitely the one. All she had to do was make a hard decision. Track and kill this fallen for Skintar, or wait and let Skintar take revenge. --------------- Oryx called me and I started to transport to him, blackness engulfed me, a constant reminder of the taken power that controls. The blackness disappeared along with the screaming sound. The shadows disappeared to reveal me standing in front of my master, Oryx. I bowed and Oryx was pleased. "I have called you because there is an new target found on the dreadnaught." Oryx started. "You will get a team together and help take this cabal leader named: Primus ta'uan" "Yes, my lord Oryx" I said as I stood up. I teleported outside of the throne world of Oryx and went directly to the target with a team of taken with me. The black shadows that embraced me went away and we were inside the cabal ship. There was no soldiers around, even the target wasn't there. I quickly teleported outside the ship and there the target was. He had a massive machine gun, almost as big as his massive hulking body. He saw us and quickly turned his machine gun toward me, knowing I was the leader. Bullets flew towards me and the other taken. I dodged out of the way and teleported behind him. I stabbed him in the back of the leg, the giant beast bellowing and smashing down with his foot. I teleported away and took out my shrapnel launcher. Firing at him three times did the trick and he fled. Running as fast as he could, he quickly became tired and three taken wizards swirled around him, shooting dark magic at him. Oryx's hand reached out and grabbed him, pulling him into a portal were he was being taken. I lowered my weapon and the taken cheered. Vex humming their electric circuit toon, hive growling and screaming their approval. My head swiveled, looking at my soldiers cheering for the victory that they shared. At the second, blackness swallowed me, the clicks and beeps from the vex dissolved in my ear. Different voices sung into the blackness, a song of death for other beings, but a song of ascendance for exalted. Oryx's voice came calling, naming something ascendant. "Do not fear my servant of darkness, I will wrap your coldness up with the fire of the exalted ones!" Green runes began their fiery dance around me. A pain unbearable slashed my face, leaving a scar of darkness across my eye. I screamed in pain and Oryx's voice came back. "You will not suffer if your with me, oh servant of darkness" Oryx enticed. "This scar will ensure you will not suffer any longer, and now your are ascendant!" So sayeth Oryx, god of taken. Chapter 28 Tryver was pacing back and forth inside his room, contemplating what he should do. He knew what he was meant to do, what the right thing was to do, the matter was doing it. His comms beeped and he flicked the switch to answer. "Tryver, we are ready inside the hangar, a full team of vandals all outfitted with the gear you requested." "Good" Tryver pressed the button to speak. "We need to go, soon" "Very well, troops and me will be ready" the comm fell dead again and Tryver went back to pacing.

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