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Discuss all things Destiny.
4/20/2016 2:53:40 PM

Why do people keep saying Destiny is too hard?

So. First off let me clear the air now by saying this isn't directed at casuals, vets or anything in between. It's a general question. It seems 90% of the time, I can't scroll down the forums without very other post(if not more) being a damned complaint. And in lots of those cases, it's about Destiny being too hard. Or someone not being able to deal with a Certain class in pvp. Or a certain weapon being too much to handle. Number one. Destiny, whether it's a strike, raid, pvp match. What. The. Blam. Ever. It's all simplicity itself if you follow directions, have a plan and have everyone knowing what they are supposed to be doing. New raid for example. It honestly feels like it gets easier as the raid goes on. And before people start shouting about my completions, yes I've only beat it once. Due to my luck with gear, and people's unwillingness to let me in on the raid due to my lower light level at the time. Same for my kd in PvP. I'm a year one Titan. Was always able to usually go positive and such even when having all the disadvantages Bungie had bestowed upon Striker Titans in crucible. That said, I never complain about a weapon being too powerful, or one class being too powerful. Sure it can be annoying when you're mowed down by the same gun constantly, or find yourself already bending over to take a hard shafting when you here a certain super pop. But know what? That's the cards we've been dealt, so as players, it's our job to prove our worth by making the most out of the hand we been dealt. Which brings me to my overall point. The complaining isn't a solution. Only a toxin that makes the wounds in Destiny fester evermore, forever lacking a true cure(outside of people just going with the flow,and only making waves when something is truly game breaking.) If we can, as a whole, come tighter as a community and point out legit problems, and give valid reasons why something's should be fixed. You know what happens? 1. Our community is made stronger for it. 2. Bungie would(most likely) listen and learn, along with taking the proper actions to fix problems singled out by the community as a whole, rather than look at data sheets to get the feedback they need. 3. Improve the game in ways everyone(not EVERYONE, I know) can enjoy and appreciate. Please, no hate. Just drop by and give your thoughts.

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