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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 4/19/2016 10:53:21 PM
[b][i]Chapter 1 - The Prison[/i][/b] [i] A large gathering takes place in one of the great halls. Giant banners of Imperial and Chaos divide the room in half, Imperial on the right and Chaos on the left. Warriors of both sides file in, glaring at each other with murderous intent. Large pillars of black marble stretch hundreds of feet up to the arches ceiling, supporting large beams that suspend giant, flaming spheres of chaos energy that bathe the massive chamber in multicolored shades of violet and Crimson, the effect is bewildering. Nine spheres in all are suspended in single file from the back to the front of the chamber. At the front of the chamber is a large, elevated podium fit for the stature of a giant. It too seems to be made of smooth, black marble. Behind the podium are two dark iron braziers, warp fire burning in unison with the dangling spheres overhead. Officials of the Imperium gather near the front as champions and warriors continue to enter the room from the rear. The cease fire remains in effect. [b]A massive stone door opens behind the podium and the warp light explodes into dark blue flames. A giant, 15ft tall warrior clad in demon cast armor steps through the room. His armor is solid black, tortured faces within the plate armor scream silently and shift about as the demons attempt to escape, but are permanently enslaved to the armor. His cloak is long and dark, shadow vapor wafts up into the air like burning leaves caught in an updraft, and dissolving into nothingness. [spoiler][/spoiler] The Summoner steps up to the podium, and the all on the left side of the room falls to their knees while the right side stands defiantly, but as the Summoner turns to regard them, most drop to their knees in fear. Few among the Imperials remain standing, Commander Libreous-Tibrarium being one of them. "Welcome to my capital starship, the Bloodwrath. It is your new home, and when you die, your souls will be consumed by her. You will become one with us in the end, like it or not." Says the Summoner, eyes glowing with bale flames. She has rebelled against me..." Begins the Summoner, his voice carrying through the large chamber with echoes, reverberating as whispers that come from every direction. "At this time, we are all her prisoners, we cannot escape. Most of you will find your memory lacking at to how you arrived, and why both Chaos and Imperial warriors were gathered." Continues the Summoner, telling the truth. "I do not know why this is happening," lies the Summoner. "But a cease fire is in effect, and strict limits have been set on ship access. Many sections are reserved only for Imperial, and many sections are reserved for only Chaos. Most of the ship, however, is off limits. This is for your own safety. Trespassers will be put to death." Continues the Summoner. "There things on this ship that you wouldn't understand, Tyranids, Necrons, Demons, things of that nature. There are also several entities that are beyond my influence loose down there too.. Armageddon, Umbra, a few blood beasts, and my sick brother... Sarris-Sanguine is not well. It would be a shame to meet him down there, we'd never be able to clean up the mess." He continues. "Make yourselves comfortable, you'll be here for awhile. Obey my rules, and perhaps you may yet live. But if you break my rules, you'll find that there is life after death, and I will torture your soul for eternity in the afterlife." The Summoner leaves the way he came in, and the color of the room returns to normal. [/b][/i] [spoiler]this is a gathering of all, now is a good time to meet each other. I will continue replying to the bar post as I get time, sorry for the slow replies I've been busy. I'm glad you're all here :)[/spoiler]

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  • "Well, he is certainly hiding something..." [i]Xavier, after listening to the speech, starts to look around the safe areas of the ship.[/i] "Guess that mystery has to be saved for another day."

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  • [b][i]The congregation stands and begins to file out. Several officials gather in circles throughout the chamber, discussing important matters in hushed tones. As you walk by, you hear several discussions, the general consensus is fear. As you move towards the door, a drop of blood lands on your boot, but you're not bleeding. A feeling of dread washes over you... Something heavy swoops overhead, with a metallic edged ring to it. You look but nothing is there. A movement up near the ceiling catches your eye, other look up as well as the screaming begins. [/i][/b]

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  • [i]This whole place has gone to shït. Well, at least he finally got some action.[/i] [i]He looks to where the nearest evacuation point is.[/i]

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  • [b][i]A headless body falls from the air, splattering wetly on the ground as the giant figure smashes through the wall and into a room beyond the chamber. It's wings were huge, but the ceiling space above was too dark to get a good look. The citizens dash for the door. It appears this place is far from safe. [/i][/b]

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  • [i]He pushes through the crowd of civilians, getting to the door. This dimension is so damn weird.[/i] [i]He pulls out his knife. He's not afraid to kill anyone, even if it's a innocent.[/i]

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  • [b][i]A firefight breaks out in the hallway as inhuman screams emanate from the ceiling. You watch a host of imperials get torn to shreds by a howling pack of tyranids, their giant claws covered in blood. 6 of them rush at you, chittering like giant insects.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]Xavier charges up a Time field, and releases it, significantly slowing down all of them. He starts unloading his pistol on each and every one of them.[/i]

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  • [b][i]The tyranids move as if they're underwater, slowed by your ability. Your pistol makes short work of them, showering their entrails in all directions. Another tyranid lunges at you but is intercepted by an Imperial legionnaire in gleaming red power armor and a roaring chainsword - he saws the thing in half from top to bottom before planting a boot in its sternum, separating the two halves and stepping between them to deliver a devastating shoulder charge to the next tyranid, sending it tumbling backwards for a dozen meters before being crushed under the foot of a hulking chaos terminator. The terminator's turbo cannon begins spoiling as a barrage of tracer rounds cut down another approaching horde of tyranids. To your left, a mob of helpless imperials is being mauled by some sort of demon, tyranid hybrid. It's swollen muscles are covered in blood as it turns towards you, roaring with rage as it begins to come towards you. [/i][/b]

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  • [i]Xavier pulls out a Amp of sorts, and starts charging up a purple energy. He releases it on the demon, attempting to [u]Terrorise[/u] it and scare it away. The energy enters the Demon's head, getting to work on it's mind quickly.[/i]

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  • [b][i]The demon falters for a moment, then resumes its charge towards you. It draws near but is intercepted by a a hulking warrior. Libreous-Tibrarium's gauntlets explode into life with emerald green gauss energy as he uppercuts the beast, thrusters simultaneously explode on his elbow, amplifying his strength ten fold. A super sonic boom if displaced air deafens you as his fist whips forward, connecting with a titanic thunderclap of released energy. The impact completely atomizes the upper half of the tyranid demon's body, zapping nearby monsters with crackling arks of chained, emerald green lightning, and knocking them all to the floor. Libreous nods at you briefly before atomizing another few victims. You hear firefights opening up all around you. [/i][/b]

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  • [i]Xavier temporarily slows down this dimension's time, looking around and planning his next move.[/i]

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  • [b][i]The targets are neutralized as multiple kill teams engage with lethal force and frightening efficiency. Mutilated body parts and small lakes of blood remain. Servitors begin cleaning the mess. Heavily armed kill teams continue a thorough sweep of the area.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]Xavier decides to help clean up this mess. He reloads his pistol, and resumes time to it's normal state.[/i]

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  • [b][i]You are compensated by imperial officials, they give you a hefty sum of coins and a bottle of vintage wine.[/i][/b]

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  • [spoiler]Wait, is it already over?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]moving on to the next part in the story. I don't have a ton of time to RP and respond to everyone so I'm making action posts sandwiched between character development posts. I'm trying to encourage you guys to mingle with each other too so things dont get stale while I'm not around[/spoiler]

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  • "That man sets off the Buffydar...." *Buffy looks about, her enhanced vision trying to pierce the gloom* "But so does this whole ship, now that you mention it."

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  • [b][i]The congregation stands and begins to file out. Several officials gather in circles throughout the chamber, discussing important matters in hushed tones. As you walk by, you hear several discussions, the general consensus is fear. As you move towards the door, a drop of blood lands on your boot, but you're not bleeding. A feeling of dread washes over you... Something heavy swoops overhead, with a metallic edged ring to it. You look but nothing is there. A movement up near the ceiling catches your eye, other look up as well as the screaming begins. [/i][/b]

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  • [spoiler]Look up "Vampire Slayer abilities" from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe for more info, but...ex: Ability to see in close to pitch-black and great distances in detail, greatly increased strength(maybe not Primarch level, but a bit below), amazing reflexes and speed, along with increased hearing and amazing recovery skills. They can also detect evil if great in strength or close proximity(same room, 40-50ft). That's the usual Slayer package.[/spoiler] *Buffy instinctively moves to run for the nearest door before the Slayer stops her. Overcome with sudden dread, she looks up, trying to pierce the gloom.*

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  • [spoiler]buffy is hot lol[/spoiler] [b][i]A headless body falls from the air, splattering wetly on the ground as the giant figure smashes through the wall and into a room beyond the chamber. It's wings were huge, but the ceiling space above was too dark to get a good look. The citizens dash for the door. It appears this place is far from safe. [/i][/b]

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  • [spoiler]I'm more of a Fred/Illyria person. Blue is sexy.[/spoiler] "Yup, I should have just stayed in bed this morning." *Finally resisting the Slayer's instinctive urge to attack, she dashes for the nearest exit, drawing out a small hammer from her belt*

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  • [b][i]You make it to the exit with no issues. The coast is clear.[/i][/b]

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  • [spoiler]thx b0ss.[/spoiler] *She notes the clear path and heads back to the Flagon, wondering about what just happened. Even as she thinks, her senses are spread wide, searching for any threats.*

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  • [spoiler]no prob, continue in next post if you have t already found it[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Kat looks up at him, one question forming in mind[/b] [i]"Blah blah, demon stuff and other things aside When can I shoot the ugly bastards?"[/i] [b]She stood in her full armor, orange and red, with green for the visor and other details It was rather odd design, but it was stronger than any other forms of armor made the same way[/b]

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