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Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 9/11/2016 4:14:04 AM

Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)

[b][i]- An interlude for RoB and other realms, loosely tied to Warhammer 40k and several other themes.[/i][/b] [i] Hurtling through the aether, between the currents of space and time, soars a mighty vessel of steel and flesh, a starship of vast size and unimaginable power - The Bloodwrath. This is an ancient ship of legends, with a lengthy history that has appeared throughout time over tens of thousands of centuries. It has sailed through the warp, a gateway between stars and galaxies that does not abide by the laws of physics, and is inhabited by entities of unspeakable horror including gods of madness and chaos. The inhabitants of the ship are champions from many realms. With no memory of their arrival, they are bound together for a common cause - a cause that not even they can fathom. These are the stories of these exiles. [b]Welcome to Prison of Exiles.[/b][/i] [b][i]For New Arrivals:[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]Biographies:[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]Bloodwrath Information:[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]Link to RoB reference:[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] - [b][i]The Bloodwrath will now be your home, but tread lightly, for this starship has a taste for blood, and a hunger for the souls of men to fuel it's fires of war. Consider this a warning, venturing into quarantined and off limits areas could lead to an unpleasant demise. The things that dwell in the dark are beyond you, and more insidious than you could imagine. [u]Current Happenings:[/u] - Your memories are blank as to your arrival, but there seems to be hope. Many are reporting visions brought on by depictions of an hourglass... Perhaps searching for banners, relics, books, or other items related to the hourglass could unlock the mystery of your arrival. The Rivers of Blood continue to flow. [/i][/b]

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 5/21/2016 12:18:05 PM
    [b]The Gravelord,First of the Dead.[/b] [i]Black fog surrounded a small area as a figure rose from it. Something rather sinister indeed,As the skeletal figure rose. Skeletons upon skeletons made up the body as a rather thick Onyx Fur cloak covered the body,leaving only the head. The First of the Dead was summoned,for reasons only he knew. He glided across the halls,his Onyx Blade within hand. As he traveled it left a sense of despair and hopelessness. As everyone knew that they would die eventually. The Rather Tall figure stared down or up depending on the person who approached him.[/i] [spoiler]Open,This ties in with the Feryun post which will be explained later.[/spoiler]

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    • [b]Mutations... Main Imperium Camp ============================== Kat lay in the bed, the medical center was a mass of activity, since new people where randomly being found and brought in Asleep, she seemed peaceful, the century old battle-sister was scarred and bruised, hundreds of fights and battles behind her But her current dilemma was nothing like she had faced before Her genes where mutating, mixing with her current set of Space Wolf genes Blood Angel for some reason had awakened in her, and as a result is mixing and mutating inside of her One of the most prominent, was the sharp canines that had grown from her original teeth, looking almost like fangs or a wolves' front teeth Her sleep was disturbed however, as her hearing magnified, and suddenly she could hear even the mice in the center She screamed, the sudden change had woken her, her ears ringing now Her yells of pain alerted nearby survivors and medics alike...[/b] [spoiler]Open •-•[/spoiler]

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      • [b]The Hunter walks about,not a care in the world,except for the fact that probably everyone will want to shoot at him, being an ex servant of Armageddon and all.[/b] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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      • [b][u][i]Recently on Prison of Exiles![/i][/u][/b] [spoiler]this will be a short recap of what happened with my characters and their situation.[/spoiler] The Primarch of the Ultramarines, Roboute Guilliman, after meeting Inquisitor Ling, found his way to the Forgotten Arena. This massive room, spreading eight by eight Kilometers, was once used for battling titanic beings, all to the glory of the chaos gods. But it has been abandoned for ages, the defense systems long rusted away. It was home to an artificial flora and landscape, dead trees and black hills mark the arena with a varying terrain. In the middle of that terrian rests the Base of the Seventh Baltic Manticores regiment of Militarum Tempestus. The pride of the Imperial Guard. These soldiers were transported en masse to the ship, and none knows why... will of the Emperor? Evil scheme by the god of plots? Who truly knows? What remains is that these soldiers have made the best out of their unfortunate situation, and have assembled a mighty staging area in the hold. Mounting robust defenses, they are well protected against the warp spawns that ceaselessly attack their position. The Tempestor Prime, Lord-General Eleanor Lancaster, has learned from her scouts that a General Quarters exist within the ship, and that more Imperial forces are present there. The establishment of a route was critical. Meanwhile, a group of Ultramarines elite troops has discovered one of their Battle-Brothers of the White Scars, by the name of Bracheous. Accompanying him, they encountered a patrol of Tempestus Scions of the Baltic Manticores, who brought the team back to their camp, but not before halting to make the discovery of a half conscious winged woman, who was supposedly recognized as Saint Agnes, of the Order of the Ebon Chalice. This mysterious woman is currently being taken care of by the medical specialists of the Manticores, while the Ultramarines were reunited with their primarchs. Elsewhere, a patrol of Baltic Manticores have encountered a woman named Kat, battle-sister of the Void Wolves, who was suffering intense side effects from a Gene-Seed mutation. The wounded woman was escorted back to camp, where she is currently being watched over by the Tempestor Prime. Meanwhile, near the General Quarters, The Supreme Warlord Godkillah wanders the ship, in search of loot, dakka, and anything else to obtain. While this ambulatory threat poses a danger of death to anyone in the vicinity, it might be convinced of forming an alliance of sorts... and whoever would wield the mighty warlord would find themselves in a most favorable position. And finally, within the depths of the ship, Lord Noiratrom plots, gaining more and more power as his Legion of the Undying, the Sons of Chaos, grow in numbers. His plan to harvest the souls of his primarch brothers and gain their powers was going without hampering. He had already amassed the Soul of Lorgar, Primarch of the Word Bearers, and the wandering soul of Konrad Curze, of the Night Lords. His powers grew unchecked, and the number of those able to stand against him waned by the second, soon to reach a measly four, four deities... [spoiler]open to those that wish to continue any encounters/side plots.[/spoiler]

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        • [b][i]Chapter 1.6.1 - Summoner[/i][/b] [i] The Summoner stands on the bridge of the Bloodwrath, peering through the shadows of the void with his mind's eye. He witnesses the mightiest warriors in the galaxy lay waste to the Necrons in horrible ways. The Summoner feels a presence behind him. "The arsenal the Bloodwrath has captured for sacrifice is most most impressive." Says the Red Man's voice as a crimson holograph of a muscular form snaps into existence. The Summoner turns from the purple energy vortex known as a shadow sight rift, eyeing the Red Man suspiciously. "Why must you continue to refer to yourself in third person?" Asks the Summoner, annoyed at the intrusion. "Quit stalling Satrius-Sanguine, the time has come to prove that you are still an asset to my cause." Says the Red Man as the two of them are teleported away by the Bloodwrath's systems. [b]The Summoner appears on the bridge of a nearby crippled Necron ship. The Red Man points at his target. The Summoner nods in understanding. Moments later, nothing aboard the ship is left alive. The Bloodwrath obliterates the rest of the fleet and enters the warp. The Red Man eyes his new cargo, and the Bloodwrath shudders with pleasure. [/b] [/i]

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          • In the Bloodwrath's abandoned arena, an angel fell from the sky. No, quite literally. The winged woman, about thirteen feet in height, was falling out of the air at a rapid pace, flaming sword in hand. After falling from a portal, she was unconscious. She fell down to the ground, slamming into the floor. Yet, she didn't seem too injured. Her fall left a crater, a pillar of dust was visible from a distance where she had landed. This mysterious stranger was, like the other occupants of the vessel, unaware of her surroundings, and of the circumstances of her arrival... [spoiler]open.[/spoiler]

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            • Bump for later ?

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              • [b][u]SubStory[/u][/b] [b][u]Brimstone: By Blades and Bolters[/u][/b] [i]Directly after the invasion of the Necron Ship in Chapter 1.6 [/i] Brimstone, Leo and the rest of the Redemption Corps that survived the atrocity of the Necron ship huddled in the center of the chamber besides the ruin of the construct. Their faces grim and guns held low, the battle was short but grueling. Of all the soilders that were teleported an estimated 80% of their own men died. Of the elite Death Gaurd only Leo remained, his armour deeply scorched and rent open. Brimstone fared no better. They were surrounded by pinpricks of light that expanded and solidified into an orb of a brilliant white light that stood out against the cold dark. In a flash they were gone. Torn apart by the bloodwrath at a subatomic level and reassembled almost instantly aboard her. The whole process went unseen in dark of the stasis chambers, but somewhere darker an ancient intelligence watched in delight as its plan was about to come to fruition. The men expected a glorious reception from the men that were left behind from the teleportion. They were instead host to the sight of massacre. Bodies laid broken and bent in piles. Those that weren't were sprawled out on the floor, demonic symbols scrawled around them in their own blood and entrails. The skin of men hung from the roof like the visions of a psychopath. Before they could even take in the severity of the situation they were fired upon. Men, former comrades, opened fire without hesitation. Men were riddled down to nothing as autoguns and Las guns shredded them. A lucky shot took out the servos in Brimstones legs sending him to the ground. A to close frag knocked Leo over as he was hit with the body parts from those that took the full impact. Try as he might Brimstone could not call on his powers as a psyker, something dark clawed on the depths of his mind. Something so large he could not defend himself physically, let alone the butchered soldiers. When the firing stopped the rebels sorted through the bodies, sorted them like men in a slaughter house would to meats. 18 men were lined up as a man in a black robe approached holding a chainsword like some sort of holy relic. The rebels chanted in words that would split a normal man's very soul as the robbed man stepped in place. Words of praise to the Blood God rang across the bay as the chainblade tore through the flesh and bone of the men. As he approached the 17th a cheer rose up from the crowd. "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! A CHAMPION FOR KHORNE!" The robbed man stabbed the prisoner in the gut with the chainsword, letting the duller blade cut open the man before activating the chain blade. With a roar of triumph the robbed man pulled up on the chainsword. The sword edge cutting up as the chain grabbed, ripped and tore cunks of flesh free behind it. "SKULLS FOR HIS THRONE! GLORY TO HIS SERVANT, THE LORD OF THE WOLVES!" Without even as much as moving the robbed man twisted the blade and sent it careening into the last man's neck. His head came off in the most jagged cut imaginable and seemed to tumble slow motion through the air. The blood symbols across the chamber came to life as Bloodletters came forth from the bodies of the sacrifices. Blood poured from Brimstone's nose and ears as the psychic resonance reached a crescendo that even he deemed overpowering. The blood in the chamber seemed to flow of its own accord into a floating ball above the 18 sacrifices. "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!" "PRAISE BY TO KARNIS!" The sphere of blood exploded, showering the room in the near boiling liquid as a figure floated down in its place. It was almost as large as a Skullrender but was built like a space marine and carried itself with the power of an Alpha Thunder wolf. It was incased in armor that even a demon engine would be daunted by. Even his face was gone replaced with the feral form of a wolf, much like that of a Skullrender. As it raised its arm the ax, Bloodletter, tore free from Brimstone's grip and floated lazily into the grasp of the Chaos Prince. "For years I have waited." Karnis growled as it turned to face Brimstone. " I have endured countless torment and mockery for falling to the likes of you. And know here you are like a lamb to the wolves." He reached down and lifted Brimstone with one arm as he slapped a collar of a solid black metal around his neck. "My master said I cannot yet kill you because of plans of others." "But that doesn't mean I can't help your death along." He snarled as he tossed Brimstones body down the shaft to the exclusion zone.

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              • Edited by Døøb: 5/20/2016 10:55:15 PM
                Quarantine zone? There's fights here? I should be able to win all of them. [spoiler]Open…?[/spoiler]

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              • The great Khan walks into this…ship…which has met his high expectations.

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              • [b]Feryun,Chaos Lord.[/b] [i]The Chaos Lord of Tzeentch was pissed. For having noticed a large Surge of energy within the Bloodwrath.[/i] "WHAT THE FÜCK?! YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT THIS WENT UNOTICED!? USELESS PIECES OF SHITS YOU ARE!" Shouted Feryun at some Chaos marines of The Thousand Sons on recon. He waved his hand and the group of space marines fell in pure Agony,as they were being turned inside out,Organs hanging from their lifeless bodies. "THATS IT! IM LOOKING INTO THIS [b][i]MYSELF![/i][/b]" As if like paper Feryun tore into the fabric of reality to create a portal,He jumped into the horizontal Portal,His armor slamming upon the ground. The apparition dissapeared from the Bloodwrath,for the True Feryun was upon the ship. He stormed around the ship,flaying alive any being he sees,be it Chaos or not. He was feeling Fear,fear due to the fact that someone could be gaining power. This was the first time feeling fear.. Standing at a large 16,8 Feryun was on a Fear rampage. [spoiler]Tl;Dr big baby throws a tantrum due to fear. Also this is a reply to Shads post so not open.[/spoiler]

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                • POE challenge, gt is RetiringBox

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                  • [b]HERESY![/b] The Ordo Malleus Inquisitor,Ling Defaln awoke within the Bloodwrath with no idea how but he knew one thing. "Daemons are around.." He prepped his Bolter Pistol and held his personal Grimiore of Daemon names within his other hand. His black and red inquisitorial jacket was covered in Runic incense,a ward to daemons. He noticed he still had his equipment as he walked the halls. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                    • *walks in and beats off hard*

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                      • so where is character creation and where do I start?

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                        • Edited by Shadlezz: 5/20/2016 3:45:30 AM
                          A moment of clarity reached Noiratrom as he sat on his throne of rot, deep within the bowels of the cursed ship. For years now, he had been developing a plot, thick enough to impress even the mighty Tzeentch. This plan first appeared to him during his engagement with his brother, Tep-Pharon. When the loyal primarch had sent him hurling through the warp, what he saw, what he felt, marked him still to this day. Chaos wasn't as it seemed. Not at all. In battle, every being, no matter how powerful or weak, shares a similarity. Each and every one must bring out their worst. Their ruthlessness. Their violence. Their horrors. Yet, outside of battle, the same people may have good sides. And this was something he had not considered before. How much Chaos serves the balance of the Universe. It cannot be denied. Nor can it be removed. But... it can be unified. Each Chaos god reflects a certain aspect. Tzeentch reflects wisdom. Khorne reflects strength. Slaanesh reflects joy. Nurgle reflects life. When brought to arms, these concepts become the horrors spawned from the warp. These physical manifestations of galactic rules, however, often bicker uselessly and do not hear one another. If only they would... if only their power was made into one. Thus was his prophecy. The ultimate unification of chaos into a single being. The universe... made whole. Already, Noiratrom knew that strength would be needed to accomplish such an endeavour. Noiratrom, being the patron of Nurgle, was already quite powerful. But not powerful enough to accomplish his task. For this, he would need to cooperate with his brothers. He would need to gain power beyond comprehension... he didn't seek destruction. The Ashen Son was done hating his father. What he wanted was peace across the stars. And he believed that the only way to do so was to unify the great powers of the Universe. [i][u]"Horus, Alpharius, Perturabo, Magnus, Konrad, Lorgar... I will carry on the vision. I will make it true."[/u][/i] Deep within the eye of terror, in the realm of the Word Bearers, an apparition was seen. The followers of Nurgle immediately began worshipping this foggy being that reeked of Nurgle's stench, that made its way to the throne of Lorgar, Primarch of the Word Bearers. The two figures stood before one another, but none understood what was happening. They spoke indeed, but spoke through the mind. It was for what felt like minutes, hours. In the end, Lorgar smiled sadly at the foggy figure, putting a hand on it's shoulder. "I am proud of you, brother. Let the others know. Let them all know. We will stand with you." And just like that, Lorgar's energy was sucked from him, drained completely. He didn't scream, for there was no pain. He shriveled and disappeared, his soul floating within the foggy being. Suddenly, the masses of Word Bearers had been warped into the Bloodwrath, into the depths of the ship. Noiratrom sat onto his throne, he had just absorbed his brother's power, his soul, and in a massive surge of power had transported his newly acquired legion onto the Bloodwrath. The grim primarch grew in size, now reaching 19 feet of height. His armour was radiating with pure power. Every warp sensitive being on board the ship felt it, rhe raw power... He was no longer a complete slave of Nurgle. Yet this whole ordeal wasn't revealed to the god of the plague. Noiratrom would pursue this charade until he would be ready. As for his army... the Word Bearers, the Death Guard, they were no more. They were unified. The Sons of Chaos were born. And with one Prince of Chaos down, Five more were left. Five more powerful souls left to gather... as a famous chaos god once coined it; All was going according to plan.

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                          • Edited by Minerva2682: 5/20/2016 1:05:47 AM
                            [b]The Hunter sits in front of a screen,watching all of this happen.[/b] [b]He gets up and goes to his armory. Inside the room is two weapon racks,completely filled with weapons. He picks out a blood-red scythe. On another wall is a scarlet cloak,stained with blood. He puts it on.[/b] [i]Let's go cause some mayhem.[/i] [b]He teleports to the nearby ship.[/b] [b]The Hunter appears in a cargo area..[/b] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                            • [i][b]White and red. The colours of Bracheous' armour. The colours had collided in a brilliant pattern befitting of only an Astares' armour, which is exactly what he was: A White Scars Space Marine, of a fallen successor chapter that kept the armour and name. He awoke with a great pain in his head, due to the grueling feeling of amnesia that came over him: Where was he? Who was he? Why was he here? All questions he had, but he didn't have the time to answer them himself. He pulled his body upwards and eventually onto his feet, the armour clashing with the dirt of the floor. Bracheous scoured the room he was in: Empty entirely, save for the Chainsword and Bolter Pistol he had to either side of him. [/b][/i] "Where... Am I?" [i][b]Bracheous' tone was filled with curiosity, and an underlying tone that displayed confusion, but he would never allow himself to show it. He scrambled over to the Bolter and popped the magazine out, before he inspected it: Six bullets rested inside, a fair number to him. And so he approached the Chainsword and grabbed the hilt with pleasure. That same weapon had been used to cut down so many before him, and so he hoped that he could use it in the God-Emperors name again. [/b][/i] "This place... What is it?" ((Open I guess, character introduction.))

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                              • Edited by Sardonyx: 5/20/2016 5:53:44 AM
                                [b]The Beginning[/b] [b]Unknown Room[/b] ================================== [b]Orange and red armor, the suit was bloodstained and scratched It lay in the middle of the floor, unmoving, lifeless, until it suddenly jerked upright A scream was heard from it, blood curdling and female, as the helmet retracted to reveal a head White hair and amber eyed, the woman stumbled forward, onto her hands and knees as she coughed up blood, letting out grunts from the pain She grabbed her stomach then, or the part of the armor closest to it, and gasped suddenly Her fits of pain where cut short however, as her yells and cries had attracted the local deamons and possible Tyranids, Ashe first few stumbled around the corner, searching for the potential snack She looked over then, cussing under her breathe and managing to stand A Tyranid, gene stealer to be precise, was examining her It saw a meal, and she saw potential death It lunged at her then, as she was barely able to raise an arm, and get a hard light shield up, making he creature bounce off the shield Drawing her pistol from her thigh, she unloaded the clip inside it into the creature, blood going everywhere She screamed again, louder than before, dropping to her knees as she nearly fell over, a hand over her mouth and the other keeping her upright[/b] [spoiler]Open I guess o-o Didn't know what to do So uh, Blood Angel transformation? Lol[/spoiler]

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                                19 Replies
                                • This is cancer.

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                                  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 5/19/2016 10:23:31 AM
                                    [b]The Grey Knights.[/b] The Inquisitor,Ling Defaln used a rather peculiar device,speaking into it. "Uh,Adeptus Astartes I request two Grey Knights." "Granted,Do not get them killed." said the man over the line. Two Grey Knights were warped in,Their hulking grey Armor was at a perfect shine. "At your command,Inquisitor." They walked the halls of the Bloodwrath,eyeing every being they see. "Damned Daemon feels alive." Said the Inquisitor,affixing his Digital weapon rings. "We must purge this Demon scum for the Emperor." replied the Grey Knight to his left. They eventually made it to the Main Quarters,where very few members of the imperium stayed. They looked in briefly,most of them were sleeping,the ones who were awake were praying to the Emperor for a blessing or keeping themselves busy with anything. Ling and his Grey knights walked in. "Keep guard until further notice...question anyone that comes by. If it's a demon notify me and kill it." They nodded and exited the room,keeping watch on the outside. Ling pulled up a chair and sat in it,reading his Grimiore of True Daemon Names. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                                    • News:Primarch Roboute Gulliman and Inquisitor Ling Defaln of Ordo Malleus has decided to gather up the troops of the Imperium within the ship. Will they cause a war within the ship to last in History permanently or will they fail? Noirtrom has succeeded in gathering the forces of Chaos to fight the mysterious Red Man. Feryun,The Chaos Lord is plotting something,but what? The rivers of Blood continue to flow.

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                                      • [b][u]Wandering...[/u][/b] [b][i]PoE, Nearby Uune's Cathedral[/i][/b] Uune had awoken after a months time of slumber within his claimed chamber within the depths of the Prison freight, a period resembling the blink of an eye for his own mortally twisted life. His conscious held within his armored figure no thoughts of pondering, no buzzing of the flies from the corpses smoldering, absolute silence perceived the threshold. Uune had migrated into the neighboring chambers outlying his cathedral, seeing the gored signs of a previous bloody fight. Tempting his own dripping persistence Uune shifted toward the ground where a numerous amount of bent metallic limbs had come to rest, other corpses seemed to be of a mysterious metalloid shell... Space Marines?... The Imperium had broken quite far into the depths of the Warp twisted grim of reality Uune had called his temporary home. Alongside the Marine corpses (or the limbs and tribulations to bloody sludge piles littering the grand hall) was a metalloid-humanoid figure... Slightly glowing green within it's remaining joints. Uune felt unnaturally... Drawn to this corpse, silently crouching with his massive form and wrapping a thorny bone-like hand around the skeletal machine. Bringing the shimmering machine corpse close to Uune's own veiled and seeking eyes he had noticed the utter oddity of this creature. It had no mouth to trace originally from any injury on its skeleton like head, which sat upon two unnaturally broad metal shoulders. Curiosity seeped through Uune in such a way he had never fancied to understand, something as this minuscule insignificant creature latched itself onto his thoughts, the conscious of the passed seeming to wrap its tendril digits upon his ethereal mind. With this Uune spied the torso and beyond being a missing link with the phenomenon such as this...alien. Upon one arm like appendage of the metalloid skeleton was the presence of a fused similar metalloid substance; revealing itself to be an energy weapon of some sort once lively operational under the command of this soldier. Uune with the figure in one hand rolled the corpse to face away from his gaze and to the humanoid's back, carefully Uune took his other hand and drew a long, thorned extended finger. Uune's fingertip pressed with a feathery touch against the back of the corpse's head, immediately Uune was overwhelmed by a tsunami of images and flashes of a mass battle, a massive four armed skeletal figure resembling the one held within his massive hand, a large trapezoid prism ship blasting a great emerald hue before it connected to the Prison freight, Space Marines falling but quickly rising to the thirst of battlement against the creatures, then the personal vision of the corpse's last memory held within his hand... The creature had been fleeing, lost in its retreat before Space Marines had tailed the outnumbered group of metalloid skeleton soldiers... More flashes of light and the utter feeling of... A connection to Uune himself. This creature, was a Pariah? With the last given explosions of the visions Uune saw both marines and the metal soldiers had fallen to a massive demon; resembling that of a six legged drake. The vision had ceased, Uune letting the Pariah figure fall back to the ground in a metallic heap while straightening to his full height. This creature... The entire ship had been infested with them; or at least in the nearby chambers and sectors. He knew the name of their race, recognized the species he long forgot to his own origin and relation to this single Pariah...The Necrons. Uune raised his massive brimstone staff and slammed it into the ground while shouting, "[i]Aguno Pulistervighanitas!"[/i] A deep scarlet rune appeared below Uune and a low shade-violet ring of flame made a perimeter around Uune's lower cloak. The ring rose before expanding and disappearing throughout random walls of the chamber littered with the gore and corpses of Necrons and Marines. His presence within the warp was nearly impossible to find for being a Pariah, fighting to even leave his existence known within the ship itself; but with the summoning incantation... Any gazing mortal could feel his presence known if nearby... [spoiler]Open, find Uune after his summon Incantation.[/spoiler]

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                                        • Blinking lights, buzzing sounds, nausea, this was not a good day for Godkillah. The Warlord, Greenskinned Primarch, as some called him, found himself in a strange environment, unaware of his surroundings, but more importantly, away from his tribes, his Waaagh!, and [i]even more[/i] importantly, Away from his massive piles of loot. This did not please him. Far from it. The massive Ork stood up from the cold, strange floor, checking in rapid distress for his Dakka, his most prideful loot. In a massive wave of relief, he realized they were all present, kept where they were safest: directly on his person. His massive arsenal followed him everywhere. [i][b]"Wot the bloody hell is dis place... And who's the stupid git who got me in 'ere?!"[/b][/i] Godkillah looked around in anger, realizing he was alone. [i][b]"Iss probably dat bloody mekkboy squig... Oi'll have his 'ed on a pole fo' dat!"[/b][/i] The Ork clashed his massive metallic claw into the wall in anger, making the wall bend and buckle from the massive force. Awkwardness wasn't an issue for him. When he realized the doors and passages were too small for him, he began making some home improvements that matched his stature. Doorframes became awkward holes in the rough shape of a massive ork, leaving a trail of where he went. By the looks of it, the warlord was wandering aimelessly through the ship, still trying to get his bearings of where the hell he was, or how the hell he even got 'ere. Certainly, without his hundreds of Ork tribes accompanying him, the lord of Waaagh! didn't seem in a position of power. But only fools would think of such a thing. GodKillah, Waaghlord of the Star Crushaz, was a Waaagh! in himself. [spoiler]open.[/spoiler]

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                                          • *Strange random dude walks about in the back alleys* he spits an odd glow coming from the back side of a building. As he approaches, it begins to hum. Closer, closer still, then… BOOM Blinding light AAAAND… he's been transported…

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                                            • Edited by Expresso4: 5/19/2016 1:14:24 AM
                                              Biography [spoiler][/spoiler] As Bastien awoke, he found himself surrounded by walls seeming to be crawling on their own. He knows he has been separated from his family, and needs to find them. He looks down the long hallway and begins to walk, itching to kill anything that tries to stop him... [spoiler]this is my first time doing a role play, if anybody could help me get the ball rolling it would be much appreciated[/spoiler]

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