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Edited by RouxPanzer: 4/17/2016 7:27:03 AM
[quote]Let me start off with a disclaimer: If y'all hear thunder dont be scared. ..It's just me flexing my ass muscles! Now to the purpose of this post ....I was thinking why should I buy another vibrator when I have one? I really don't see any other vibrator that even comes close to mine. I mean I read everyones post about the divider ....some of the posts bored me but I still was slightly interested. Which is why I decided to look it up and I quickly realised that this vibrator was good. 3rd person view? I would want to look at my backside the whole time. Besides everyone likes 3rd person view thats why mine sucks. Of course y'all know my opinions about the halo 5 and every time I go on pornhub I see the halo 5 30 to 40 vibrators with like 10 people using them. When I do look at them play I swear it looks like Im watching bdsm. That vibrator has no soul Bungie took it with them when they left.....I want to give a shout out to Jason Jones! Y'all know there is a picture of him on top of my ass. .....My pingas in his right hand ......thats right y'all never been to the top of Mount broken steel so y'all wouldn't know .....Deej can grow a full 24in. In seconds if that doesn't say badass I don't what does! The new doom looks good but I can see ......the Fallout 4 is one of my favorite toys I Quickly found myself stopping to play destiny (my vibrator) again and I see myself doing the same thing with the new doom. Y'all like to hate on Destiny here in #gayming and I figured out why....Bungie is awesome and y'all get jealous. ....just like y'all are jealous of me for climbing Mount deej and being bungie forum heavyweight cumtender. ... Bungie's the main reason I bought a vibrator, wanted to play with the halo but quickly realized they stopped making the halo ....343 was going in a new direction by ripping of COD and calling it the halo 5....the UI sucks and and the all seeing eye in the Kinnect made xbox look likd a bunch of perverts.....probably wanting to watch everyone....if you own a ps4 you are cool .....thats right it is cool to own the most powerful vibrator. Well I seem to be rambling on here so I am just going to skip to the end and say I would like to know what y'all think ......I always listen. ......this is where I put my jizz face.....;) Love Broken steel 3 Forum heavyweight cumtender Mount deej Bungieton 31111 Treebark I don't know ? This post is brought to you by broken steel 3 your bungie forum heavyweight cumtender and author of the award winning poem Tears of the Fagboy Lightning bolt down here somewhere?[/quote] Fixed it.

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