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Edited by Reaga: 4/3/2016 1:22:01 AM

My face when someone says sniping takes skill

All year one people bitched and whined about shotguns and how they took "No skill", but now that snipers are ruling Crucible no one wants Bungie to take that crutch away? How -blam!-ing hypocritical do you have to be, honestly, to think on weapon type requires more skill than another? "B-but anyone can use a shotgun all you have to do is point and shoot" Oh you mean that I don't have to get in close and stand at near the damn edge of the map and get kills with shotgun. Holy -blam!-ing shit I must have been using them wrong. Oh as for the logic of anyone can use them, why the -blam!- can everyone use a sniper? Why does everyone act like it's so -blam!-ing hard to use these things? "W-well obviously people were complaining about things like found verdict, Felwinter's lie, and Matador" Oh you mean like everyone is and has been complaining 1000-yard stare? Defiance of Yasmine? Just gonna ignore that are we? Because those are the snipers everyone is using right now and have had the most complaints. "B-but shotgun were obviously broken messes, they needed to be reworked" And sniping doesn't? When the reticle doesn't work like the rest of the -blam!-ing weapons and allows you to get a head shot? Seriously, go use any other weapon in the game and let me know which one still hit where the reticle was pointing instead of its current position. They may not be OP but they sure as hell need a looking at. "But it must take skill because you don't see people going unbroken/getting really high kill streaks that often with snipers" You didn't see many -blam!-ing people that went unbroken with a -blam!-ing shot gun or fusion rifle either. Most of the times when they did they used their primaries and other abilities to help them reach those milestones. Same goes for snipers. "You're just bad and you need to adapt to the Meta" Oh you mean like how everyone didn't adapt to shotgun/fusion rifles or any other meta? This is what I -blam!-ing hate about the community, you people are so goddamn scared of losing the weapons that you rely to heavily on to think -blam!-ing clearly and act like giant -blam!-ing hypocrites when anyone encroaches on your weapon's territory. You all don't want balance in this game, you want your weapons to be the best and everyone else's weapons to be a big old steaming pile. You hoot and hollar about adapting, and certain weapon being unskilled, but yet half of you couldn't use a shotgun or fusion rifle to save your life and you never even tried to get better with them. Oh well, have fun "Adapting" to the new sniper changes coming on the 12th, I will enjoy watching you baddies struggle to get kills. Edit: To all the people pointing out my stats, good job, you found out at least enough to know that I haven't played [b]ON PLAYSTATION CONSOLES[/b] in a long time. To the people that are thinking that I am salty about getting killed with sniper rounds. Nah, that isn't what pisses me off. What pisses me off is you kids want shit on other weapons, but when someone starts dumping on snipers it "OH NO DON'T NERF MY SNIPERS, THEY ARE THE PERFECTS AND MOST BALANCE RIGHT NOW". Complain all for the first year about fusion rifles and shotguns ,that people legitimately loved using, some not even because they were the meta weapons, but when someone does the same to snipers suddenly they are noobs that can't "adapt?". Yet your unskilled asses couldn't quit bitching and adapt to those weapons? What pisses me off is you are being -blam!-ing hypocrites about the weapons. What's hilarious is the people in the comments proving my point about this as well, just look at how many people didn't read and just went for the insults. All they saw was someone saying something about snipers and went ape shit over it. Edit 2: Maybe I should start a fund for the illiterate and those that are failing with reading comprehension because either people can't read or choose to ignore the point. The point I was trying to make was that people using snipers say it takes skill to use, but yet every match people are using them often and well enough to dictate that the skill bar for these weapons is set quite low. To be great with them, yes it does take skill, but so does using a shotgun or a fusion rifle, but yet for all of year one and parts of year 2 people still continued to whine about them without thinking "hmm why are these weapons considered OP?". Look at most the maps on this -blam!-ing game, they are built for short to mid encounters. Couple that with the fact that Bungie thinks [b]SPECIAL[/b] ammo needs to be given out like candy and of course these weapons are going to be overused, they were the best for those situations. As for the children saying "Oh he's a shotgunner" "Lol he mad that he can't use a sniper and get killed with them", congrats you are the people I keep referring to, that constantly defend a broken system and again demonstrate my point that when it comes to your weapons they are fine and balanced, but everything is broken, cheap mess that needs to be nerfed. For those that think I can't use a sniper, congrats on being judgemental morons. Been using the TAO HUA YUAN (with ambush scope I might add) and Omolon Uzume quite easily and they have much lower AA than 1000-yard and Defiance.

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  • Show me one person complaining about defiance of yasmin and you can have every 1000 yard I have. I've always sniped since the day I started, only because I'm not a fan of shotguns and enjoy sniping. Simple as that. I 100% the last 1 maybe 2 shotgun nerds were unwarranted. The only reason you're saying sniping is so easy is because 1000 yard is all you're seeing.

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  • I can't snipe

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  • Aaaand mute.

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  • Proof that snipers take no skill

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    9 Replies
    • I love how people try to act like shotguns are so bad now. They still one hit kill at ridiculous ranges. Very little has changed in practice. Snipers still take more skill then shotguns, any day.

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      6 Replies
      • Lol you're cute bud but since ttk sniper were made tougher to use and aa was reduced along with flinching on snipers being increased

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      • Yeah I'm dropping destiny again as long as snipers don't miss. Doesn't matter if they are being shot, obscured vision etc they literally never miss. No skill required = no fun. I came back hoping pvp was fun again but it's still garbage. The promise of destiny for me has always been do fun pve to get gear to take into pvp. But when pvp absolutely -blam!-ing sucks and is zero fun in any playlist there's no point in hunting for weapons or gear.

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      • Your points are valid, 100%. It's so easy because you don't need to hold your breath ( holding down the analog stick in other fps. ) Maybe an increased sway? Not by a lot of course. But too be fair, some maps like Vertigo are just built for shot guns.

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      • Yeah, snipers don't want to admit they are using Op weapons and like to delude themselves into thinking they actually take skill to use. Snipers in Destiny are just ridiculously easy to use compared to pretty much all other fps. In Halo you descope when you take fire. In Destiny, snipers barley get a tickle when taking fire and can still get head shots and if not they easily get a body shot which takes you down to crit, then all you need to do is pull your primary out and finish them off. Ridiculously easy. And could you imagine the salt from Destiny snipers if they had to descope when taking fire? But it's commonplace in other games where snipers actually take skill. In Battlefield you don't have hitscan. Hitscan is when you shoot the bullet from the sniper the shot hits instantaneously. Destiny snipers don't have to predict where a player will be or deal with bullet falloff. In battlefield, if you directly aim at an enemy player that is moving sideways to you and fire you will miss. Obviously, having to predict where an enemy player will be while they are moving around on the map is much more difficult than just aiming at the head and getting a kill no matter how the enemy player is moving. Snipers in Destiny basically get an endless supply of ammo. They can use snipers the whole match. Nuff said on that. It's obviously Op to have as much special ammo as you want. This also applies to shotguns. Snipers in Destiny can kill you up close to mid range. This should be impossible, plain and simple. Snipers are a long distance weapon. And coupled with the fact that flinch isn't that much of an issue you see snipers getting kills anywhere on the map. You always hear snipers say to stay out of sniper lanes. But there are no sniper lanes. Snipers can be lethal everywhere on the map. Snipers can equip, ready, aim and fire their weapon at a rapid rate. It's so cheap to start to get into a firefight with a player and start to get the upper hand only for the enemy to panic and take out a sniper and fire at you in the blink of an eye. In most games there are heavy restrictions on how fast you can handle snipers. Not in Destiny. They are super fast to equip and aim and easy to handle. Aim assist. My god, aim assist. Snipers should not have any aim assist what so ever. Yup, it's hilarious to see snipers bragging about how much skill they have. They have none. If you don't think snipers in Destiny are Op then you are absolutely delusional.

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        4 Replies
        • Descoping when taking damage is what they need

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          • A sniper rifle you have to aim and pull off a headshot. However, some snipers do have too much aim assist. If it were up to me, I'd remove special ammo starts and make you all fight for that ammo, and when you die, you lose it. I'd also tone down the aim assist on sniper rifles. But regardless, a headshot is supposed to be a one shot kill. It isn't the case about balance, it's the case that you start with special ammo. The SRs in Destiny function like sniper rifles are supposed to. Do what I mentioned, you have brought some balance back. As for weapon balance, they nerfed Pulse Rifles back to their original state I believe. MIDA can easily overpower a Red Death however I myself have been unable to confirm this because my controller was broken and affected my aim by far. I decided to leave because of it. When I get a new controller I'll see about testing that. PRs are supposed to fulfill the mid range role. In close range a hand cannon or AR should beat yo, in long range SRs should. Scout Rifles are mid to long range. They should be almost useless in close range combat unless you are skilled enough. ARs should be short to medium range. HCs should be short range only. Good firepower, poor range. However, (Subject to correction) PRs are short range and do less damage. Their range can be shorter than a Hand Cannon's which is BS. SRs are well, SRs. ARs are kinda peashooters if I recall. I'm gonna test this. HCs are still kinda... HCs. When I tried to test my Final Rest II against some plebs I noticed it went all over the place. Back then it did not and melted poor shotgunners with ease, delivering some fatal enlightenment. While FRs admittedly were kind of a problem at launch, shotgunners whine about FRs because shotgunners tend to get melted by skilled FR users who won't put up with their BS. If they balance Destiny out, I'd get back into it. But for now, I'm on Halo 5 and will remain there for my PvP experience. Before TTK launched, after the patch, there was actually balance again. And it was wonderful, the game was fun again. Of course, when Conspiracy Theory D was handed out like candy, Hawksaw's monster build and what was the IB Pulse Rifle? Balance quickly became a thing of the past.

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          • So what you're saying is nerf fusion rifles?

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          • 1
            Hold on. The sniper can kill someone out of the reticle? Holy ape bananas! My snipers don't even kill when someone is in the reticle, standing still! Might by lag. Oh and rocket launchers don't require you to aim while also allowing for multi-kills. It takes little skill especially with Truth, so if you want to call anybody skill-less it's people using Truth.

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          • Edited by Erijian: 4/2/2016 5:26:11 PM
            Sniper Rifles are being used in scenarios beyond their intended role, and need a bash in the kneecap to set them straight. Not some love-tap nerf; I mean a hard nerf to make their designated role more apparent. I too look forward to the 12th; because it's blatantly obvious Bungie is planning to adjust them.

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            8 Replies
            • Say it with me now! Such clutch with a crutch does not amount to much.......

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            • Git gud

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            • Agreed. Nothing skillful abt 170 body shots...and how there's literally like no flinch ... Sure. Shakes your screen a bunch, but it seems like it does barely anything to where the bullets actually go. I should literally make a montage of me filling somebody w/ Hawksaw/PDX & they just snap scope me ... like, cool. I'm mid-range w/ 2 bursts in your face of precision damage and you can just headshot me hella fast like that.? That's not balanced. That's not skill. Sniping in this game is unbelievably easy ... & it's way too rewarding. You can literally use snipers in any range efficiently...that's a huge issue. I don't wanna hear shit abt shotties being OP anymore. It's horse shit. You literally need to be melee range to get OHKs w. A shotty now ... I find it extremely difficult to shotgun on my Hunter now...because I main warlock, & the melee almost seems like a necessity to shotty now ... I find it so hard to close the gap on Nightstalker...shadestep is good & all but most of the time you get killed out of it. If you shotty & it doesn't kill them, you're usually dead before you can get out of the shadestep and shoot again... Not to mention...I have a god roll party crasher. Max impact, max range, rangefinder. And it still barely OHKs. My conspiracy theory definitely one-shots more.

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            • Same expression I make. Agree 100%. My real issue is not only is it easy but everyone is using it. Now you figure, hey he camping with his sniper so I'll camp with mine. Problem is someone at some point has to step out and try for the snipe otherwise you'll both be in the corner hiding with your sniper for the next 5 mins. Point is that shit is fine if a select few are doing it but everyone is -blam!-ing sniping. Like I said in another post just police lights everywhere you look. Way to easy to snipe in destiny. Don't get me started with aim assist on snipers. Know how many vids or streams I see where ppl hit absolutely nothing but lands a headshot. Silly. Don't take this post the wrong way I get it. It's easy, everyone successful doing it so why not do it also. I do check my hunter trials best weapon. I'm just admitting it's to easy.

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            • -blam!- The Meta

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            • During year one fusions weren't ever that good. I use fusions now so when a buff finally comes muahahahaha

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              2 Replies
              • The OP forgot to take his meds before he posted this. He's having conversations with himself.

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              • Edited by f1ghtfan: 4/2/2016 9:21:44 PM
                Click the gif

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              • Ya know I'm fairly sure there are studies that prove people complain about the things they can't do or understand. This seems like one of those statistics.

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                4 Replies
                • No biggie, I'll just move to what works best if I need to. Or stop playing if it's not satisfying enough to keep my attention. The world will still turn regardless.

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                • Only thing, what's the pic from?

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