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originally posted in:Renegade Sparrows United
4/1/2016 8:24:52 PM
I'm gonna have to agree with this. I really liked Destiny back in Year One, especially the House of Wolves era. I quit three months into The Taken King and haven't touched it again. And it all started with one major revelation: none of what I am doing even matters, even within the context of the game. Like, you play a normal game, get some cool gear and stuff, and then put it down for a while. You come back, and everything is exactly the way it was before. You still have your +2 Broadsword that you earned by defeating some superboss or another. You'll always have that. It's always powerful. You play Destiny, grind mercilessly for Fatebringer, and finally get it. You get all the upgrade nodes to put it at 150 Light (I'm speaking relative to TTK here), and then use an Etheric Light to boost it to 170. Feeling the power now, right? And now TTK comes out. Within a couple of missions you find a random green hand cannon with 200 Light just laying around. All that time and effort you poured into acquiring and upgrading Fatebringer is now for nothing. Hooray for wasted time! And, I mean, I get their intention. They want us to try out the new stuff that they spent time and effort on making. I get that. But people are going to WANT to try out the new stuff. You don't have to force that on them. And if it's that big of a risk, just make Year One gear TEMPORARILY outclassed. Have an item like Etheric Light that takes any 170 piece of legendary gear and boosts it to 200 and allows it to be infused. And then have that item be a somewhat endgame-tier item (not as endgame as King's Fall, maybe a level below that, like Court of Oryx or something) so that players have to spend some time with the new stuff before they get their old stuff back. Bam, boom, done. The kicker is that this goes against the entire premise of Destiny. "Become Legend". "But only do it using other peoples' old stuff, like The Last Word and Thorn", I guess. See, I had a rocket launcher back in Year One called the Steel Oracle Z-11. It was my first legendary weapon, and it had a crap roll, but I loved it anyway. The only thing that EVER took that slot was Gjallarhorn during fights against Crota. Anything else and I used my signature weapon. All my friends knew it was my signature weapon, too. For all intents and purposes, it was basically my TLW. And then Year Two comes along and rips us apart forever. If we can't have a signature anything, becoming a legend is nothing more than a joke, since every hero and legend has a signature weapon. Without that they're just another soldier or whatever. So yeah, that's why I quit. Well, that, and they made the game no fun whatsoever (1 raid with crap rewards, lamer Nightfalls that don't grant exotics, generic Weekly Strikes that don't grant Strange Coins, Dailies that are your ONLY source for regular Legendary Marks, thus making the game a lot harder than before to take at your own pace, and a Vanguard playlist with a buff that I'm pretty sure doesn't do anything. It's terrible.), so even if they did bring everything up it wouldn't be the same anyway. TTK really did take Destiny away if you really think about it, even if you *did* buy it.

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