Withstanding blows, yes. But it's highly unlikely he was hitting full force, and, as it states, she is "as strong as the earth". Which, since the Death Star is a Planet-Killer weapon, would make it able to best her defense.
[quote]Withstanding blows, yes. But it's highly unlikely he was hitting full force, ------ At the time he thought she was Doomsday. http://static2.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/6/60473/1833968-1688441_superman_vs_wonderwoman_pic_2.png So he was not holding back. ------ and, as it states, she is "as strong as the earth". Which, since the Death Star is a Planet-Killer weapon, would make it able to best her defense.[/quote] ------ Superman punches with enough force to shatter a small planet as shown at 3:12, which is similar in power to the Death Star. http://youtu.be/jKOQ5kr036k