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3/23/2016 1:44:02 AM
[quote]The grinding in TTK was almost exclusively not tied to the raid, you grind for max level, but can play all endgame activities with relative ease after a few HM play throughs.[/quote] My problem with TTK's grind is that it's everywhere, never said anything about it being specific to the raid. 320 is dangled like a carrot in front of us, and we strive for it, but an actual 320 drop in anything (not just the raid) is rare enough as to make it practically unobtainable. And I never said anything about being unable to play endgame activities without max light, my issue is that you can log in for weeks, do the endgame activities and still make 0 progress. [quote]Grinding Saber for your weapon or armor didn't really affect gameplay, you just wanted the armor. TTK also added shit like the spindal mission on the low to discover, there wasn't anything like that in y1[/quote] My issue with Saber is that they went to far on that freaking warsat. People say " you just need to have a defender titan drop a bubble while wearing HoS14 near the end" but then, what happened to 'play your way'? Raids get a pass on this because you get bigger fireteams and the strats to beat them are what they're all about, but strikes should always be completable by [i]any[/i] combination of guardian, including teams that don't have a titan, or a titan playing striker or sunbreaker. As for the spindle/ntte/simulant missions, they're basically just the like they exotic bounties for thorn/sga/juju minus clogging up your bounties tab. [quote]I agree with nightfalls being better, however the weapons in y1, while looking cool were really broken Ghorn caused huge rifts in the community, thorn dominated pvp, Bungie saying there was more to Vog than there was. Broken weapon combinations that took forever to patch, hunter spam on blade dancer.[/quote] Ghorn aside, everything you talk about here was weapon balance issues, which were near perfect in HoW (they just needed to tone pulses down slightly, not screw over everything that wasn't a scout). Taking forever to patch broken weapon combos/super glitches is just bungies ineptitude and even without there being anything more, VoG remains the best raid. Thorn still dominates (standard) pvp (which many are saying is the worst it's ever been) and the Ghorn elitism was born of players who couldn't do anything without it. With the exception of a couple of standouts (DIS-43, Cocytus, Quillem's) all of TTK's weapons are either reskins of old weapons (like treads upon stars being vision of confluence minus the burn and full auto/zen moment combo unless you're really lucky) or pieces of crap. Destiny y2 you're grinding more for less reward and it's just not any fun anymore.

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