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Edited by irishfreak: 3/20/2016 1:55:13 PM

Angry Joe rated destiny higher than the division!

Division is turning out to be not so good after all :)

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  • NEWSFLASH - You could enjoy both games. I do.

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    4 Replies
    • Agreed

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    • I haven't even gotten the game yet, the bullet sponge issues being the root cause of it. Destiny seemed exciting, seemed interesting (plot wise it is), and the trailers and beta were excellent. The Division though, didn't create any hype in me nor did the bullet spongyness of enemies make me want to buy it. Bosses is one thing (looking at your Sepkis Prime); trash mobs shouldn't be. Aso the review itself, I found it to be honest and fair. Honestly, all of his reviews are fair and honest.

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      28 Replies
      • Destiny IS better than the division. It's just that right now everyone is bored with the current content and went to play division. The second bungie release a new proper expansion you all will be back grinding away. It's true and you know it.

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        5 Replies
        • Giving vanilla Destiny a 7 is outrageous. It didn't deserve anything higher than a 2. I would hardly call SadSanchez a reliable or unbiased source.

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        • So if AngryJoe said to jump off a cliff or a skyscraper to your death,you would?

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          5 Replies
          • Big plus for division is PVP. More and more end game players have Alts just for PVP. And the best thing I like about it is your hard earned gear makes a difference compared to other players ... I constantly see tons of rogues or go rogue myself. Joes review doesn't even show endgame or crafting ... I watched his stream and he basically speed ran to 30 in two streams Hal asleep. He didn't even know how skills or mods worked at the end. The error codes he shows are when the servers first launched and they were promptly fixed. Not sure if it's just him or most PC users but on PS4 there hasn't been any screen tearing it weird glitches. Enemies were only sponges because his gear sucked and he was under levelled. Had he actually crafted etc .. They go down with less then a clip or a couple DMR shots.

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            10 Replies
            • The Division always looked boring I'm just waiting for Dark Souls :)

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              1 Reply
              • Angry Joe sucks. I want to see him review TTK. Destiny imo is way more fun

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                1 Reply
                • I don't get it. I really don't. I don't understand why so many people just want the damn game to fail. Like what is the point in that? Does it make you feel better about how much of a flop Destiny was? I've seen people on these toxic forums play the game looking for flaws. News Flash people: NOTHING IS PERFECT. Of course if you look for flaws you will find them. But instead of making a conscious effort to combine your likes and dislikes. You come on here just to tell everyone that "The Division is shit because of 1 thing or another" but then fail to say that "The Division does this really well." Joe makes great reviews, because he says what is good and bad. In my Opinion, he should have reviewed the game after the first couple free updates. He criticized the endgame activities but Ubisoft is putting in a lot more. But most of the stuff he had flack with was balancing issues that can be fixed easily, (Ubisoft responds very quickly to these issues as well *cough* Bungie *cough*). My Thoughts: The Division is for casual players. NOT hardcore gamers like Angry Joe. He still has great insight nonetheless. As a casual gamer I find that The Division is awesome. I think the best part for me is going to places I've been in Manhattan, being able to go to MSG and look at pictures of mine and actually see the same thing. That is really cool. I enjoy being able to wear a jacket that looks like the one I wear everyday. I enjoy being able to run around with my friends and have a good time just like we might on other Friday nights. These are all things a casual player does. I don't sit and search for flaws. The flaws in games will find me before I find them. That is how games should be. If the flaw finds me then I will take that into account. [b][i][u]If you are having fun, then NO review means anything.[/u][/i][/b] Stop rejoicing in what you think is failure for The Division (It's actually soaring quite frankly). It's stupid, immature, and pathetic. You most likely can't afford the game, or your parents won't let you play a rated M game. [b][i][u]The game is fun.[/u][/i][/b]

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                  3 Replies
                  • Division is fun but ultimatly destiny is a better game.... destiny is just stale right now..... ape 12th its back to destiny

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                  • This review is spot on true, a lot of things that where supposed to be in the game are not, but still I'm enjoying it for now. Idk how long that will last but it's something kinda new

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                  • Edited by Yliaster720: 3/20/2016 9:03:04 AM
                    The division is a good game but when compared to other games it is in some way similar to it and in some completely different. Just like other games the division has it's flaws and they need to be pointed out to better the game. In my opinion, one of the things that are keeping me from sticking to the division is that its way too generic and a bit lackluster.

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                  • If you like FPS this is true ..... otherwise ..... ;$

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                  • This isn't some idiot with an agenda, this is a very good review from a very informed gamer who puts in a lot of time to review his games. Perhaps watch the review and dispute his points rather than spout bullshit, he actually hits the nail on the head and offers things that would help the game, much like he did with his destiny review.

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                    25 Replies
                    • Both games are fun in their own way. -shrugs-

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                    • From what ive seen of the division its the same old thing shoot hide shoot run shoot hide shoot run ive watched several video reviews from different reviewers

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                    • "The game I play is bad, but this guy says that this new game is worse than the bad game I am playing :)"

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                    • My review of this thread.

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                      2 Replies
                      • This always puzzles me with gamers...why are you happy that a game could be rubbish

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                        1 Reply
                        • Sure, but I've got some bad news for ya [spoiler]Destiny still sucks too[/spoiler]

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                          4 Replies
                          • Whos angry Joe and why should I care?

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                            2 Replies
                            • Edited by Impurity41: 3/20/2016 7:21:35 AM
                              Reviews are simply opinions. There are games that I feel have many flaws that get 9s and many games I love that are 6s. It's different for everyone so don't take their reviews too seriously unless you tried it for yourself [spoiler]i don't have the division. I might play for myself and see [/spoiler]

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                            • It be Alot more fun if the gun mechanics weren't so mundane

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                            • Have we come to a point where the determining factor on the quality of a game is only reviews? Do people not have friends to suggest them games? Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to argue whether Division is good or bad, I just don't get this mindset that critic reviews determine a games worth. Division could get 5s and 6s across the board, I still like it. It's fits the kind of game I like to play, so reviews are actually meaningless. Go make up your own mind about games.

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                              9 Replies
                              • Wow the division got bad ratings? Didn't see that coming from a mile away. This is Watch Dogs all over.

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