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Edited by irishfreak: 3/20/2016 1:55:13 PM

Angry Joe rated destiny higher than the division!

Division is turning out to be not so good after all :)

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  • Not saying division is perfect, but at the state destiny is now I don't think it's better than the division.

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by Space: 3/22/2016 1:41:45 PM
      My personal opinion: the division is unique.

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      • I honestly don't see why people are mad about Angry Joe's Review, everything he said about the game he showed examples of it in his video. Lack of character customization he showed the create a character options. Throughout his video I didn't see any characters that really stood out. Enemies being bullet sponges, showed examples of that in his video as well. Not to mention this was something that was noted by nearly everyone that played the Beta and is included in other reviews as well. Various glitches in the game, he showed you the issues in game during the video. When I look at reviews I tend to ignore the numeric rating a reviewer gives I look at the pros and the cons they list and I determine if its something I can enjoy. For example Game Informer gave the game an 8 of 10 score but a lot of their criticism about the game matches exactly what Joe said. In regards to bullet sponges in the game. "Tracing the Clancy roots back to the original release of Rainbow Six, the brand has always been grounded in realism and stressed military tactics; if you got the jump on the enemies and land a headshot, that tango went down in a hurry. Not in the Division, where combat is more aligned with sci-fi shooters like Destiny and Borderlands. You may be using modern military weapons and squaring off against human enemies in a contemporary recreation of New York City, but to enjoy this combat, you need a willful suspension of disbelief. Enemies absorb an absurd number of bullets before they go down, and it can be immersion-shattering to pump a full clip of ammo into a hoodie-wearing thug who's charging you with a baseball bat and still see him tee off on you. Whether or not you can look past this and buy into the fantasy will likely make or break your enjoyment of the combat." In regards to the game having a lack of significant End game activities. "Once the story is completed and you reach the level 30 cap, your options are minimal outside of this loot grind. You can wrap up whatever leftover side missions remain, seek out collectibles, or replay the missions as daily challenges on harder difficulties, which rewards you with better loot drops and a new form of currency you can spend on high-end weaponry. Since The Division lacks a dedicated competitive mode, high-end structured cooperative activities like raids, or level capped item quests, most endgame time is spent venturing into the dangerous Dark Zone." Game Informer's conclusion of The Division "If you can accept its myriad tonal inconsistencies and buy into the bullet-sponge combat, The Division is an intriguing social shooter that taps into the addictiveness of loot grinding in a novel setting. The game has suffered from the occasional network outages and some progression-crashing bugs, but these seem more like hiccups in the road rather than deal-breaking problems. Ubisoft now has a solid foundation for operating its first persistent open world. If Massive and co. make smart additions to the end-game content and keep a steady stream of new activities for players to enjoy, I could see this game going strong years into the future. But if the Dark Zone and PvE environment don't evolve, I'm not sure many people will be left in New York City come the winter." This doesn't match the description of what I would expect to be an 8 out of 10 game. That matches what I would expect a 5/ 6 out of 10 game to be described as.

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        • Who's angry joe? And why should I care he dislikes a game that i and all my friends are enjoying?

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        • Well deserved Destiny was average at launch but is now a much better game

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          • Ok

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          • Edited by Rikkom: 3/22/2016 6:52:52 AM
            That's good for joe, glad [i]his[/i] opinion is that it's not as good as destiny However, I base everything I enjoy and dislike off of [i]my[/i] opinion. I much prefer to get my own enjoyment out of things, instead of through someone else. Having a mind of my own really does pay off. Besides, with the patch notes for division, you can see that the devs for division actually care about what their player base has to say. Instead of just looking at the data and destroying gear. Hell, they've actually done something bungie would [i]never[/i] do! They're going to actually [b]buff[/b] things!

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          • You mean fat joe

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            • His review is pretty good except when he talks about grinding. He heavily dislikes a grind. That is fine, if you don't like grinding, I understand. But it is not okay when you say that the grind is a design flaw.

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                Division--the game that has no endgame, hands out the best gear like candy, has basically no pvp, and a short campaign. and yet people still say it's amazing. [spoiler]I had fun in it but those are some glaring holes[/spoiler]

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                • He is a video game critic. That is all. I form my own opinions and don't care to listen to his.

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                • Edited by Crucial : 3/22/2016 1:41:28 AM
                  Great. Now tell me what an actual expert/critic says.

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                  10 Replies
                  • Well shit I better burn my game. A nobody on the internet didn't like it as much as another game!

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                  • At least Ubisoft fixes issues very quickly, unlike bungie who takes weeks and months to address and fix issues

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                    • He's really bias when it comes to ratings TBh.

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                      • Reviews are opinions not concrete fact

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                        • The division is bland

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                          2 Replies
                          • Hahahaha. OP thinks Angry Joe gives good reviews.

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                            10 Replies
                            • An idiot ranting about something for 30 minutes that could be said in 5? Zero punctuation for life.

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                              Division is cool, but it will die fast. there is no endgame and the "raid" that comes out won't be more than a story mission that is slightly harder, just like the challenge modes

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                              • Edited by krazy3kyle: 3/21/2016 4:10:07 AM
                                Your going of angry Joe thats all that needs to be said you just lost

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                                  Because one clown's opinion should be taken as fact. lol Only thing I can say is the server issues were horrendous in the first week.

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • Here is how it is up front. Spectacular story for a vanilla looter shooter. The third person shooting mechanics are very strong, but they are overshadowed by the bullet sponge enemies. Loot drop rates are rewarding. The setting is in New York. Whether or not you like it is up to you. Crazy attention to detail. (Main character practicing proper trigger discipline is super cool.) Endgame is grinding for loot or searching for collectibles. Now based on this list, form a personal opinion. Don't let others do it for you.

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                                    • Yhatzee panned it as well if you've seen the latest Drown Out.

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                                    • Validation for what I've been saying all along. Angry Joe is a putz.

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                                    • I guess that settles it. We all know angry joe is the end all be all when it comes to reviews.

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