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3/19/2016 4:08:46 AM
I completely agree on everything except for the Sex Ed junk. Yes I think that we should teach about safe sex rather than abstinence only, but that really has nothing to do with gay rights now does it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that you want gay sex taught in school. This is unacceptable to me. It would make me incredibly uncomfortable to sit through a lesson about gay sex. Now, I could get behind a separate the gay students from the straight students and teach it separately sort of thing. Other than that, I think that a lot of these points can't be fixed by, "Fighting for your cause." For example, bullying cannot be prevented. Frankly, I think it's silly to even try. There's already punishments for bullying, and that's about all they can do. I think rather than trying to end bullying they should just teach the kids not to give a shit. It's not that hard. Unless it's physical abuse, in which case, fight back. Idk, that could just be because the most I've ever been bullied is when two guys tried to beat me up for something that I can't remember. Luckily I was right next to my friend and, long story short, we beat the shit out of them. Honestly those were some good times.

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  • [quote]Correct me if I'm wrong,[/quote] You're wrong. Asking for realistic, equal coverage that ensures everyone in the class knows how to be safe is not "wanting gay sex taught in school". Does learning how to avoid STDs teach students the intimate details of straight sex, or is it just "here's some safety tools and here's how to use them"?

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  • I think what you said about bullying shows a bit of ignorance. The idea you can teach people to "not give a shit" isn't right. It's like teaching black kids to "stop giving a shit" if their white classmates are racist. The whole principle that we should teach people to stay quiet and get on with it is wrong. We should teach gay and lesbian kids to be proud of who they are and to give some back ignorant people who are verbally abusing them, and definitely to fight back if it turns physical. For the record I don't think you're anti gay at all, you're certainly not malicious, I just think that you're thinking about this from your own perspective, and I really think that you could try thinking about it from a bullied gay kid's perspective if someone told them to just put up with it. I think we should teach people in general that being gay isn't something to pick on someone over, yea you're gonna get the assholes who do it anyway but at least the sort of normal people don't join in.

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  • I don't think that you can teach that sort of thing.

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  • People aren't born homophobic, it's learnt behavoir, so therefore it's theoretically possible to teach something different.

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  • Agreed. Rather than educating the non-homophobes, we need to, if anything, educate their parents. However, if I were a parent, and my kid came home from school with a slip that asked me to come to a class that would teach me how not to be homophobic, I would be so fúcking bitter. Therefore, I think the best thing to do is let this whole thing just play out. As we integrate more gay rights into politics, society, etc. then we will see homophobia naturally vanish, especially in children.

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  • Agreed. Rather than educating the non-homophobes, we need to, if anything, educate their parents. However, if I were a parent, and my kid came home from school with a slip that asked me to come to a class that would teach me how not to be homophobic, I would be extremely infuriated. Therefore, I think the best thing to do is let this whole thing just play out. As we integrate more gay rights into politics, society, etc. then we will see homophobia naturally vanish, especially in children.

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  • Edited by Demagogue: 3/19/2016 4:19:55 AM
    [quote] This is unacceptable to me. It would make me incredibly uncomfortable to sit through a lesson about gay sex. [/quote] Maybe grow up and get the -blam!- over it?

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  • To each her own I guess. If you'd be completely fine seeing pictures and diagrams of two dudes doing it, then go right ahead. I wouldn't want to sit through that.

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  • Edited by Demagogue: 3/19/2016 4:28:38 AM
    What does personal preference have to do with education? [quote] I wouldn't want to sit through that.[/quote] [quote] Maybe grow up and get the -blam!- over it?[/quote]

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  • Idk where u live but where I love personal preference does matter in Sex Ed. Normally u can opt out of certain subjects of sex if it's too uncomfortable.

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  • I wouldn't need to know either. Seeing as how I am not gay, and wouldn't perform any of the acts taught. It would be a huge waste of time to teach straight people gay sex, and to teach gay people straight sex.

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  • Its already a huge waste of time teaching gay kids straight sex. The straight kids will live. Who knows, maybe they'll grow up to be more tolerant than you.

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  • How does that make any sense

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  • Prove it. For everyone. Forever. This is about awareness and safety. Your assumptions are worth nothing.

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  • ...What?

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