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Edited by ROBOT JOSH: 3/18/2016 5:26:22 PM
1. Discrimanation A. New Hamshire, New York, Wisconsin, and Delaware DO NOT protect gays from being discriminated against. In these states the employer can fire a person for simply being gay. (In Texas you can be fired for anything, the employer can simply fire you without having a reason. You smell funny. You talk to much. You can't speak Spanish. Whatever. Even being gay.) This is wrong. Even though I personally disagree with the LGBT group, you cannot fire a person for being gay. That is the equilvent of firing someone for having sex outside of marriage. Still wrong, but you can't fire someone for that. (Pretty sure a lot of people would be without jobs then.) B. Lack of pubic accomodation laws is different from discrimination, in that it can be a good thing when used correctly. For example you have a Muslim baker. A gay couple walks in wanting to order a wedding cake. Now lets say the Muslim baker doesn't feel comfortable baking a wedding cake for them. Not because he is a homophobic jerk, but because of... ...well lets just say the Q'ran has a, negative view on homosexuality. Lack of public accomodation allows the Muslim man to refuse service to the gay couple. This may inconvienece the couple, but it protects the Muslim man from having his conscience broken. I mean Christians and Muslims would both question if they did the right thing FOR WEEKS! Causing them to be depressed, unmotivated, and be annoying whiny people. TL;DR. Firing gay people for being gay=BAD Lack of public accomdation laws=GOOD 2. Adoption This honestly depends on the people letting you adopt the child. If you think about it, would the gay parents teach the kid right? Will they teach that being straight is okay? Or will they force the kid to be gay? Thats more than likely the questions that are going through the peopple involved in the adoption process head's. Is it stereotyping? YES! Is it wrong? Actually, if you think about it isn't. There is no telling how it will turn out, and there is a good possabillity that people just aren't willing to test it out on some kid. 3. Trans Rights Trans people are often bullied. They are considered gay. ( They are not gay. The person is whatever gender they switched to now). Bad things happen to them. It's stupid. The people bullying and the people that often go trans. The people bullying are ignorant JERKS! End of story. However trans people could save themselves gallons of suffering if they stayed their original gender. They are having to go have to work for what they want. If they want to be another gender they have to deal with people. They are more socially accepted (at least in Texas) then homosexuals. So if anything they shouldn't be whining as much. (Punk Ballet is a great example. Look at him. He's cool about everything. Be like Punk Ballet.)

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