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Edited by FoMan123: 3/20/2016 11:19:38 AM

Why the Fight For LGBT Rights Didn't End With Marriage Equality

I'm seeing a lot of severely misinformed people around here who think that because same-sex marriage was finally legalized, that suddenly all of the struggles of the LGBT community are suddenly over. You could not be more wrong. The five major points from the article: 1. [b]Discrimination[/b]. It is still legal in the majority of states to discriminate against gay and trans people with regards to employment. Obama made gay and trans discrimination illegal for government jobs, but most jobs are not government jobs. So yeah, we can get married now... and then we can go to work the next day and get fired by our homophobic boss. 2. [b]Adoption[/b]. Many politicians (Republicans) and a lot of the public are still against gay adoption, and while it is now legal in almost every state, Republican politicians nation-wide are actively trying to repeal those rights. 3. [b]Homelessness[/b]. Due to a combination of job discrimination and unaccepting, unloving parents, 40% of homeless youth are gay and trans. This affects trans youth even harder, and homeless trans youth are disproportionately sexually assaulted at homeless shelters. 4. [b]Trans rights[/b]. Discrimination, bullying, and hate crimes are even [i]worse[/i] against trans people than they are against gay people. 41% of trans people have attempted suicide, generally due to lack of acceptance, inability to afford (and lack of insurance coverage for) trans-related medical care, or due to homelessness caused by inability to find work because of discrimination. In addition, Republicans all over the country are continuing to attempt to roll out "bathroom bills" that would force trans people into unsafe spaces. 5. [b]HIV and AIDS[/b]. This doesn't so much have to do with equality, but it's still an important issue. HIV and AIDS disproportionally affect gay men, and this has been a major issue for the community since the 80s. Some points of my own I'd like to add: 6. [b]Panic defense[/b]. In 49 out of 50 states (California being the exception) it is still totally legal to use what's called the "gay/trans panic defense." This where the person who has committed a hate crime against a gay or trans person will claim "self defense" and "temporary insanity" in response to finding out their victim was gay or trans. This is 100% real and is used successfully to this day. 7. [b]Sex education[/b]. Sex ed is already lacking, even for straight people. "Abstinence only" sex ed has been proven to be completely ineffective, and yet it is still widely taught across the country. But even more unfortunate is that sex ed in schools is entirely heteronormative. If you're gay or trans and need to learn about the birds and the bees, heterosexual sex ed isn't going to be very useful. In order for all people, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, to be able to enjoy [i]safe[/i] sex, sex ed must account for everyone, not just straight people. 8. [b]Representation[/b]. Gay and trans people are egregiously underrepresented in TV and film, media outlets that almost everyone goes to for entertainment and escapism. If you are straight and cisgender, you will find loads of relatable characters on screen. If your'e gay or trans, it's very hard to find relatable characters. Furthermore, trans people especially are commonly the butt of disgustingly offensive jokes in movies, usually as a way of poking fun at a straight man's sexuality. This lack of representation and horrible caricaturization teaches gay and trans youth that they are less important than others because they don't see people like themselves on TV. 9. [b]Education and acceptance[/b]. Even if all of the things previously mentioned are fixed, that doesn't mean that everyone suddenly accepts us. Making workplace discrimination illegal doesn't stop prejudiced employers from coming up with other excuses to not hire us. Making punishments harsher for hate crime perpetrators doesn't stop hate crimes from happening. Equality in the eyes of the law doesn't end oppression. The only way for the LGBT community to truly have equal standing in society, to not be deemed "lesser," is by educating people. We have to teach people that we're born this way, we don't choose it. We have to teach people that gender and sexuality are fluid, and that falling anywhere on the spectrum is valid. We have to teach people that everyone deserves basic human decency and respect,. We have to teach people to celebrate our differences rather than using them to divide us. We have to undo this archaic, traditionalist heteronormativity and cisnormativity in our culture that perpetuate hatred and oppression. My gay and trans brothers, sisters, and non-binary siblings are still dying for our cause. Every day I see a new article about a gay or trans person being attacked or killed, or committing suicide because their parents refuse to love them. [b][i]This fight is far from over.[/i][/b] Now please stop trying to convince me that my community has achieved equality. Your ignorance will be ignored.

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  • What are the bathroom bills that would be unsafe? I don't think I'm familiar with those. Force usage of a specific gender bathroom? Just curious. I am somewhat behind on what is happening in legislation.

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    8 Replies
    • How doesn't love man boob hugs

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    • [b] [/b]

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      23 Replies
      • LMAO

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      • Anomaly can't see 99% of the comments, she only has females unmuted! Stop discrimination now!

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        1 Reply
        • calm down princess jaw line no need to get fired up about gay people take that else where. posting that gay shit (lmao literally) here is probably as bad as posting this on /pol/ on 4chan.

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        • Edited by LowIQPlayz3445: 3/19/2016 3:03:04 AM
          [quote]The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. [b]We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness[/b].--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That [b]whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it[/b], and to institute new Government, [b]laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence[/b], indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But [b]when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security[/b].--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.[/quote] The Declaration of Independence Allowing discrimination to carry on is in direct conflict with the ideals this country was founded upon Edit: ITT: people who didn't read what she said and complain because of it

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          19 Replies
          • Relevant.

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            • Hue

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              1 Reply
              • Nobody has to accept you for who you are. Nobody has to take affirmative action to give you your movie characters. And HIV and AIDS certainly don't give a damn either. I certainly don't agree with hate crimes against the LGBT community, but if others don't like you, deal with it.

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                7 Replies
                • Edited by RaTtAtAtTaTt: 3/19/2016 4:20:28 AM

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                  10 Replies
                  • Edited by Dolphinizer: 3/18/2016 11:10:14 PM
                    I agree with all points except for the first part number 8. I feel like whenever there is a gay character in a show/game/movie they are almost always represented in a positive light, while there might not be a large [b]quantity[/b] of gay characters they are usually quality characters. On the other hand, I could not agree more with your points about trans people in TV/movies Also I think you should consider adding blood donating equality to this thread as gay males are still not allowed to donate blood

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                  • Being the friendly guy I am, I've made friends with a few lgbt individuals and there's really not much difference between them and everyone else, IMO. I mean sure, what's in their pants might be different, but when am I going to see that?

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                    • RELEVANT:

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                    • 1. I don't care 2. Why are u here 3. Have u ever played Destiny 4. No one else cares 5. This is way to Offropic 6. Plz go to some pro gay blog and share your viewpoints there k. K

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                    • Edited by lee293: 3/18/2016 2:17:05 PM
                      Pretty good, except for Sex-Ed... I really do not want to learn about gay sex Edit: Woah just came back... 30 replies

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                      42 Replies
                      • Im all for same sex marriage, but Anomaly you have to realize one major thing: [spoiler]no one cares[/spoiler]

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                        1 Reply
                        • Edited by Frickin Rock: 3/18/2016 10:24:17 PM
                          Be honest, how many death threats have you gotten this post alone? Edit: ghost if you read this, you're extremely strange and I'll pray for you.

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                        • Booorrrrriiinnnggg

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                        • I don't even think this post is worth dissecting... On this account or my main...

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                        • Shit, your back. I knew the peace and quiet was too good to be true.

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                        • The one thing that has ticked me off is the AIDS thing. It's like you think that only gays can get AIDS. Fun Fact: this has nothing to do with your post, it also affects straights, and there probably won't be a cure any time soon.

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                        • "Still dying for our cause" I'm sorry, I didn't realize people were in mobs killing gays and hanging them. There's no war, just ignorant people on both sides fighting for superiority, not equality

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                          5 Replies
                          • I'm curious to know where this discrimination is coming from So, my parents are pretty much the definition of homophobic (I'm not, but they are). They say all the typically Christian Conservative shit, about homosexuality being sick and that girls weren't intended to do what men do, all the shit. But, get this, when they talk to a homo/lesbian/trans/etc. [u]they literally say nothing that would offend them[/u] [u]nothing[/u] So, you have my parents, top of the line homophobic, and even they don't openly discriminate. Where is this discrimination coming from? Because obviously the worst of the worst aren't saying it out loud. Is it online? Grow some goddamn skin, just about everything is roasted to hell online. Now, I'd believe that, of course, [u]a little[/u] LGBT discrimination happens in the open, that has to be true, but the people that participate, judging by how the worst of the worst (my parents may be extreme, but they are still very sane) are still not discriminating, must be clinically insane, and that is not as much a homophobic issue as it is just them being out of their minds.

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                            24 Replies
                            • Cis is a term you Tumblrinas use to describe normal people, right?

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                              4 Replies
                              • More like Why the fight with Princess Anomaly didn't end with the ban- will you just -blam!- off already?

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