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originally posted in: Europa RP
3/13/2016 1:58:52 AM
[b][i]The Inspector[/i][/b] — [i]Deep Space, nearing the Infinity[/i] From 78 miles away from the left face of the [i]Infinity[/i], sensors on the gargantuan cruiser detect a much smaller ship, a starfighter, advancing on the [i]Infinity[/i]. It flashes a green-light signal of peace as it nears, and a low, gravelly voice speaks up over comms. [i]"This is Bastion of the Rosemary, calling in to whomever pilots the Infinity. I have come to acquaint myself with Cyprus."[/i] [i]"And some pussy."[/i] another voice adds in the background, slurred with a ghetto-accent. [i]"Shut it, cat."[/i] the first voice snaps at the second. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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