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3/9/2016 7:56:28 AM

Should the vanguard have an exotic weapon quest line?







So I was thinking about Pve exotics that are good for crowd control ect maybe even damage types. an came up with this weapon-Heavy fusion/rocket launcher Holds1-2fusion charges This weapon ha very little stability Quote "Nothing is more overwhelming than force stolen from pure survival, let they predator see they prey's final fury" Back story -It was forged from the metal of a cursed ship drifting the depths of space, the stars shine bright upon its shell as the Loyal cabal sent out to conjure new. struggles aimless against an unknown void walker who's wraith is fuelled by deep despair. Their past present an future lay torn throught the levels of the strange Cabal's ship infusing the metal with a soul tearing scene. Main perk-crowd control Tree perks-HardLaunch,light weight and velocity Exoticperk-PrimalFury:This weapon dose not reload normally and requires melee kills to charge one round,kills with a fully charged melee have a slightly higher chance to instantly recharge a single round. Holds1-2fusion charges This weapon ha very little stability,low fire rate,moderate range and devastating splash damage. It fires one big bolt of fusion energy that gives the appearance of a Lance nova bomb but purely Kinetic damage. I was thinking this weapon look like a cabal's slug torrent or a cabal version of a heavy duty fusion rifle, as well it being a weapon mostly geared for PvE I'd love to see what the rest of you think, feel free to post youre own exotic weapon below.

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