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originally posted in: Europa RP
3/6/2016 5:28:39 AM
[b][i][u]Daddy Issues...[/u][/i][/b] A man was standing in the hangar bay, no ship brought him in, no one saw him walk in, he just seemingly "appeared". He had green, deep eyes, with dark brown slicked back hair and a matching trimmed beard, a large, faded scar trailed across his face. He wore a buttoned up black leather trench coat with a grey undershirt and black dress pants and boots. He sighed, his mere presence grasping the eyes of many. He began to walk to the Training Room, slowly taking his time as if he was thinking something. Even a Hyper-Evolved Brain cannot comprehend the words to say to long lost family, so he decided he was going to wing it. Once he made his way to the Training Room, he saw Legend, checking his Gauss Rifle. Their faces look almost identical, the man's face just slightly more worn. It was obvious they were family. The man spoke, his voice sincere. "Son..." Legends face immediately shot up and stared. It was a mix of anger, rage, sadness, elation, happiness and confusion. Of course, the anger took hold of Legend first. "Why?" He exclaimed angrily. The man, supposedly his father, remained silent. Legend stood up, his face twisted. "WHY?!?!" "Son!" The man's order silence Legend. "Look, let's not get off the wrong foot. We both know if we start yelling at each other your gonna crash this damn ship." Legend sighed angrily. "What. The. Hell. Do. You. Want?" "Your respect." "Ha! Oh sure! If it was that easy! For a son to forgive a father who abandoned him when his mother died!" "I did not abandon you!" "YES YOU DID!" Legend slammed his hand down on a bench next to him, causing the metal to embed itself into the ships floor. His father sighed, as the bench repaired itself as does the floor. "I'm sorry. About what happened." "You think a sorry can change the past?" "No. But it better damn well have you looking at the future." Legend glared at him. "Dad... Kent.... Whatever the -blam!- you wanna be called. I joined the merc business to forget the past, I soon learned that all it did was dig it up. Look, my life has been a living shithole for the past 10 years, so I suggest you -blam!- off." "You think your life is hard, son? I traveled through dimensions trying to find you, it's not easy when your the only mind I can't read. I killed a lot of people, did a lot of things I'm not proud of, and they all come back to haunt me every time I try to get some sleep." "So, you found me. Yay. Can you -blam!- off now?" "Son, you expect me to just leave the most important person in my life when I haven't seen them in over 10 years?" "Yep." Legend sits down and goes back to his rifle. Kent crosses his arms, his nostrils flaring. He soon calms down, and smirks. He sits down on a bench next to him, and stares at his son. Legend notices and stares strangely at Kent. "Uuuuuuuumm...." His father remained silent for a moment, then spoke. "Wanna get a drink?" "Yeah." And they do just that. After a couple, non-intoxicating bottles of beer, the father and son sat down at the Bar, talking things over... [spoiler]open...[/spoiler]

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