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originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
6/22/2015 10:46:59 PM

What happened ?

I remember when I first joined the Thorny Guardians' rank . It was a time where exotic weapons were a rare sight in the crucible , blue weapons were commonplace and the almighty suros regime was debuting its world domination plans . As a space cowboy , I was looking for a revolver to wield and administrate justice in the crucible , but not any revolver . At first , I was looking for the Last Word , but because of my tumultuous relationship with RNGesus I knew I would have to wait for the hooded McTentacleFace to sell it in order to get my filthy hunter hands on it . Therefore , I decided I would try my best to acquire the Thorn . At this time , even exotic bounties were rather rare , so I asked luckier guardians in the tower what they thought about the dark hand cannon . Their response was rather unanimous : "Bruh dont tak dis gun itz garbage it has no stabiliti and is slow as fuk plus their re onli 6 bullet u should tak invectiv instead or plai wit da vanquisher ." However , their unpleasant review didn't satisfy my curiosity . I followed my convictions and , after void-shotgunning my way through the crucible and camping in a corner of the summoning pits , I finally got my hand on the splendid gun . This was the moment , to finally use it in the crucible . I stepped in a skirmish game , got 3v1 , died , switched to a blue auto rifle and put the thorn in my vault . WHat a big mistake . After a couple of weeks , I finally decided to give it another try , and then , oh baby , the kills kept flowing . BOOM HEADSHOT BOOM HEADSHOT some would've said . I was enjoying keeping track of my enemies thanks to the DoT and simply dominating the Rumble mode , teaching the suros fanboys who's da real mvp . However , despite my feats in the crucible , it seemed like people still overlooked the black rose . I tried to tell them how good it was , how chain of woe gave it a much better reload speed and how stability didnt matter and how much range it had , but they wouldn't listen to my words of wisdom . But then , then I realised . I realised that I wasn't alone , that other guardians had noticed , noticed which weapon was the chosen . A secret group , called the thorny guardians . We were those special snowflakes , those 1 in a million who knew which gun was to be called a god , and in any crucible fight , we would be the only ones to use it , the only ones to emerge as victorious . Then , after a few tweaks to the weapon which were rather unnoticed by the community , some time passed . I found myself a new idol , the black-n-gold cowboy gun , which helped me rank among some of the crucible champions , but I still kept a place in my heart for this noble revolver . But now , now when I step in the crucible , what do I see ? Some filthy casuals , wielding the one and only with no care , with no appreciation of its magnificence , of its rarity . Now , there isn't a single crucible match without thorns flying above my heads . At first I thought "are these my fellow Thorny Guardians ?" but no , they were corrupted humans who exploited the Rose's beauty to soothe their thirst of K/D . Now , the revolver's true potential has been exposed like a naked rose losing its petal and presenting its thorns . Now , the lesser guardians are crying for a nerf , they want to hurt our weapon , they want to weaken us so their idolatrous weapons can try and ascend to the Thorn's glory ! What happened ? How did our noble kind become stained by those who claim to wield the thorn but will never be worthy of being called thorny guardians ? Is it admiration ? Did those copycats try to mimic our techniques ? Our prestige ? No ... no ........ NO ! We will show them the Roses's thorns , we will show them the Darkness , them who exposed us to the light of the many . THEY SHALL BURN !! BURN AND BE DEVOURED BY THE DARKNESS BEFORE THE GREAT MACHINE DROPS ITS HAMMER ON US !!!!!

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  • now when i use thorn they call me a noob I WAS THERE Y1 VOG I WAS THE ONE USEING THORN I WAS THE ONE USEING BLADEDANCER the reason they are like this is be cuz thorn got a buff but if it be came y1 thorn no one would use it but the true Thorny Guardians would

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