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originally posted in: Europa RP
3/5/2016 4:02:59 AM
[b][u]The Beginning...[/u][/b] [b][i]Helsing-Northeastern Hemisphere, Outpost Naraxis[/i][/b] On a planet far outside the Milky Way galaxy, a long time into the future, our story seems to start again....with a planet, an outpost and the need to explore.... Patrol duty. It sucked. Boring and a waste of time, Thomas had been assigned it for the next month. He would much rather be training with his buddies, but no, be had to go and be an idiot and start that food fight. Pure stupidity. His father would've beat his ass for doing anything stupid like this. At least then it'd take less time. Standing out in the hot, humid weather of Helsing's Northeastern hemisphere, in full body armor. He had customized it with its color, armor plating and helmet design when he was assigned this base. Damn big wigs want more planets and space to build factories and shit. This was a nice planet though, rather beautifully formed jungles and landforms worked together to make a wondrous view from his looking post. He had his rifle in his hands, heavy and powerful, pistol at his side, knife across his chest and ammunition magazines hanging from the armor around them. At least he had music to help kill time. It was old music....really old. Earth music his grandfather loved. It was pretty decent...some band called Led Zeppelin.... Technically impossible as lead is an extremely thick substance and can't, in way, be used to create a zeppelin. [i]There's a sign on the wall...[/i] Movement, off to the right. Probably just the wildlife. [i]But she wants to be sure...[/i] The movement stops, as if it knows it's been spotted. He aims, his helmet doing a thermal scan of the area he aimed at. [i]Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings...[/i] Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a flash of black, seemingly hoping over the wall. He turned quickly, aiming at where it would be. [i]And she's buying the stairway to heaven...[/i] The part of the song he liked most was coming up. The speed of the song picked up, the [i]tempo[/i] as people called it. The soft, stringy instrument got louder and distorted. He saw it. A creature he'd never seen before. On two legs, somewhat humanoid. All black with an elongated, smooth skull, no eyes, sharp teeth and a pointy a scorpion. Thomas fired, alerting the whole base that they were under attack by these....things. [i]And as we wind on down the road...[/i] He gets hit from the side, just being able to kill the first creature before he falls. His rifle begins to slip away but comes right back, thanks to his rifle sling. He hits the ground with a loud thud, the fifteen foot fall wasn't an easy one to take, even with armor. His helmet was ripped off his head, as he began to turn to what tackled him. Another one of those creatures. Slobber and slime dripped from its mouth, it's long tong whipping around with a sinister feeling. [i]Our shadows taller than our souls...[/i] He pulled his knife, letting out a battlecry and stabbing the creature in the skull. It's blood dripped and fell on him. Bone and brain matter as well. [i]There walks a lady we all know...[/i] He grabbed his helmet from the creatures hand and put it back on, looking around as the HUD looked over the situation. [i]Who shines bright lights and wants to show...[/i] It didn't look good, bodies were everywhere. Men and women he trained with, became friends with, were in pieces around the training yard. [i]How everything still turns to gold... And if you listen very hard, the truth will come to you at last![/i] He began to fire at what he could, killing a few before having to reload. He ran for cover and got on comms with command. [i]To be a rock...[/i] "Command, this is Staff Sergeant Thomas Weiss. The training yard is under attack by unknown hostiles, do you copy?" No answer, but a howl of pain and agony from the main building of the base. [i]And not to roll...[/i] "Shit..." He tried distress signals, allowing anyone to hear. He needed help, and was likely one of the only survivors on the base. "This is Staff Sergeant Thomas Weiss of Outpost Naraxis! I need help! My team and friends are dead and I'm alone here!" He sent coordinates with the distress signal, hoping for the best. [i]And she's buying a stairway to heaven...[/i] The song ends. [spoiler]Open, if your character is on the base, help out, just be wary of a violent and stealthy enemy. If not, start from the outside and push inside, liberating and helping any survivors you can. Work together. If you try to run this alone, these.....creatures will rip you to shreds. If you work together, you'll get through....[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Bump[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Overhead in the skies over the base, a large aircraft, a VTOL, thundered towards the base, slowing down the closer it came. The Vertibird gunship looked intimidating as it set about its work. Armored in its entirety with a demonic shark's mouth painted across the front of the fuselage, the behemoth's twin 30mm nose cannons came to life, firing upon the creatures that ran back and forth into what appeared to be their soon-to-be hive. The aircraft's gatling laser set to work as well, burning through the creature's hard exoskeletons and cauterizing the sizable holes. Some were cleanly cut in half by the laser weapon, others were ripped apart by high explosive cannon shells. Turning, the aircraft moved its rotors upwards so that it hovered like a helicopter, moving in an orbit around the compound. To make things even more terrifying was the fact that it seemed to have loudspeakers, and it was blasting Motörhead's In the Name of Tragedy. At the rear ramp, a hulking figure stood in power armor, firing a mounted M3 Browning, an M2HB on his shoulder firing as well. Another man in sleeker power armor stood back in the aircraft's cargo bay, a marksman's rifle in hand, picking off the beasts from a gunport. Shells and casings fell from the aircraft as it provided air support, and dust and debris was kicked around by the two large rotors. Trees bent and whipped around amidst the rotor wash as the craft stayed overhead.[/i]

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  • After the training yard is cleared, there seems to be a meeting at the base entrance. A man in green combat armor stops talking to a small group of mismatched troops. He was missing his helmet, his face covered in dried black blood, the same that you saw from the creatures. "Stay together, please. I don't want my new best buddies ripped apart." He chuckled a bit, raising his rifle once more, slowly inching a hand back to the control panel.

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  • [i]Moving to land, the gunship's landing gear opened up and deployed as it came down, gently touching down. From the rear, Wilson walked out, his Browning rechambering a round, a machete in his hands. Wolf followed, holding a shotgun as he approached.[/i]

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  • He stops to go speak with them. With an extended arm to Wilson, he begins to speak. "Thank you so much for helping out. I'm Thomas. Thomas Weiss. The guy that sent out the distress signal."

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  • [i]Wilson returned the handshake, dwarfing the man before him in his power armor.[/i] Sup. Yeah we're with the rest of these -blam!-tards, name's Wilson, Alex Wilson. I see you've got a bug problem, huh? [i]Wolf did not speak.[/i]

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  • " far as I know, I'm the only survivor. Who's your buddy?" He looks around Wilson to see Wolf

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  • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 3/6/2016 4:28:22 PM
    [i]Moving around Wilson's hulking figure, Wolf stood a little bit taller than the man before him in his armor. He offered a handshake.[/i] I go by Wolf. Mercenary aboard the cruiser [i]Infinity[/i].

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  • Thomas returned the shake, nodding. "I'm Thomas, the guy that sent the distress call."

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  • Xenomorphs exist now, I'm guessing? [i]He asked as he checked his shotgun's magazine. Wilson looked at Wolf strangely.[/i] A what-the--blam!-? A xenomorph. You know the movie Alien? They're these hive-mind bugs that have no goal other than reproduce. Live like hornets. So they're space cazadores? If that's what you want to call them... [i]The two turned back to Weiss, Wilson the first to speak.[/i] So you got anyone other than you out here?

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  • [spoiler]never...[/spoiler] [spoiler]say Cazadore[/spoiler] [spoiler]around me[/spoiler] [spoiler]again[/spoiler] [spoiler]i beg you ;-;[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Wilson hates them too, don't worry.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]*sobs*[/spoiler]

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  • "Other than your team from the Infinity, not as far as I know. I'm not riding on any survivors on the inside." He looks saddened but remained tall and strong.

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  • [i]Wilson picked one of the dead creatures up by the throat, and examined it.[/i] Jesus these things are creepy... [i]Wolf laughed, and looked back to Thomas.[/i] I assume then that the only course of action is to either enter or completely level the place?

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  • "That's correct. We were gonna enter, sweep and clear. No idea what I'll do afterwards, but I'll worry about that when the time comes."

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  • [i]Wilson tossed the corpse to the ground.[/i] I vote we nuke the place. Ultimate failsafe. [i]Wolf sighed.[/i] We're not nuking the damn building. [i]He looked to Weiss.[/i] Let's go.

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  • He nods and turns, heading towards the door with a light jog, rifle in hand. He put one hand on the control panel, the other holding his rifle. He looked at the group. "Ready?"

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  • Aye. [i]Wilson's Browning swung forwards and locked into position, the bolt clicking twice. He drew both of his magnums, and prepared to enter. Wolf held the shotgun in his hand, and followed.[/i]

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  • He hit the button, the door slowly begins to rise. He backed away, getting closer to the group as he aimed at the bottom of the door. It began to raise, revealing more of the creatures. "Ah, shit."

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  • Ello, beasties. [i]The thunderous roar of Wilson's Browning filled the air as .50 caliber shells screamed towards the monsters.[/i]

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  • Edited by Xeno: 3/5/2016 6:14:16 PM
    Soon, a man appears. No one saw the ship he came from, or any way or how he came to this planet. Strange. He wore a long, black, leather, buttoned up trench coat, along with black dress shoes and pants. He had dark brown hair, swept back from his face, and a matching, thick beard. A long scar trailed across his face, the line being whiter than his skin. He was walking through the battlefield, his green eyes darting around, his mind working impossibly fast. A face of experience frowning at the carnage, he moves around, feeling the particles around him for any unwanted movement.

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  • Creatures jump at him, howling and clawing away at his chest and back.

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  • As the creatures jump at him, a blast of invisible energy erupts from his entire body, blasting away the creatures and reducing them to ash. He remains more cautious, and makes his way to the camp. "Poor, savage creatures..."

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