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originally posted in: Arminius-D
2/29/2016 9:37:34 PM
My Titan is the bread winner and my hunter is the baby. I got a 307 Fabian strategy that's good but gonna infuse that for the arminius this Wednesday. I passed the doctrine down to my hunter and gonna give the arminius to my hunter and give Titan back her doctrine. My hunter is just for show and my Titan is the 9-5 worker lol

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  • Wow...just, wow.

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  • Edited by KingJackRyan: 2/29/2016 10:38:24 PM
    You guys were acting like 9 year olds. Put the salt shakers down please.

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  • I muted them both

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  • No kidding. G-Zeus.

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  • Lol it's done now. I love messing with try hard gamers. They make me giggle like they actually are doing something real with their lives. I play about an hour a day and have a brother who puts in more hours of it. I apologize for tempting the try hard

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  • You're not done. Stop lying to yourself. If that were true, you would have stopped like 10 posts ago. And I'm the furthest thing from a "try hard". You don't even know what that means. LOL

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  • Okay sir. Go play Destiny and get your KD up and share with the world how great your doing. Keep up the good work!

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  • Edited by RomanorumDeus: 2/29/2016 10:53:29 PM
    You're still here? I thought you were done?

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  • Lol like I said it's all video games.

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  • Edited by RomanorumDeus: 2/29/2016 11:02:44 PM
    I love how you went from (and I'm paraphrasing)... "I'll kill you with my awesome guns that I earned by being a try hard." to... "I'll don't even care. I'm sorry it went this far because I'm butt hurt you found my stats." to... "I don't even play that much because I go outside and live life to the fullest." to... "I'm done because I realize I'm an idiot." Too funny!

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  • For you to be a "grown man" you sure do argue a lot. Go ahead and get the last word. You'll still be a loser that plays so damn much, you know how to find my KD which I still don't even know how you find it. And I'm 20yrs old btw lol. So like I said..... Good luck to you. The galaxy needs you Guardian! Lmfao

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  • That was a long paragraph about... what exactly?

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  • That I'll kill you with my doctrine. Let you revive and kill you with the arminius. That's whY exactly what I meant

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  • Edited by RomanorumDeus: 2/29/2016 10:02:53 PM
    LOL. You have a 0.9 k/d with your "bread winner". That's laughable. I suck at PvP and I still have a 1.0 without an Arminius-D or a Doctrine of Passing. P.S. The only reason you have a DoP is because you probably got carried. Not recently either because you just went 1-9 in your last 10 ToO matches, so stop trying to be something you're not.

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  • Lol silly boy judging me by my kid ratio. It's like judging me about my resume and not by me. Silly and simple. You probably one of those guys with a sniper from the distance scared to show his face. Boy out of here.

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  • Edited by RomanorumDeus: 2/29/2016 10:45:28 PM
    Boy? LOL And yes. Your resumé says a lot about you. And yes. You are silly and simple. Anyway, you're deviating from the point. Typical. If you can't keep up, move along. P.S. I use scout rifles and shotguns FYI.

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  • Not really. Was just trying to make a post and smart ass gamer who thinks he's the shit (lol) decide to make a comment. I did not realize that I made a mistake and wrote on your post lol. That'll never happen again.

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  • Edited by RomanorumDeus: 2/29/2016 11:03:41 PM
    Being a smart ass is better than being a dumb ass. I am the shit BTW. Thanks for noticing. That means your oblivious to the obvious. What does that say about you now? BTW... I'd greatly appreciate if you never post again. It doesn't help anyone reading your banter.

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  • Edited by Damari: 2/29/2016 10:26:07 PM
    Lmfao technically none of these post help anyone. It's a damn game that doesn't do shit for you! Lmfao. Silly petty gamers. Get a life. Go outside. Stop hiding behind your keyboards

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  • Why are you here then? Shouldn't you be outside doing something with your life? You're so stupid. And the worst thing is you don't even realize it. Bye now. Bye. Bye bye.

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  • Lol I did not get carried and assure you that I can kill you and that I'm good. I role alone and that what causes me to die. U don't know my gaming like I don't know yours buddy. Or just shut up? One or the other

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  • Edited by RomanorumDeus: 2/29/2016 10:06:03 PM
    You mean you're a rogue player by choice and suck or that you just have no friends because you're a douchebag and suck? 1-9 in your last 10 ToO matches. Hmm...

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  • How about even taking those scores you worked so hard for and go join the military and fight for the smart ones like me to live and be happy lol

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  • Edited by RomanorumDeus: 2/29/2016 10:41:14 PM
    I served before you were born, you ignorant little child. And weren't you the one telling me I shouldn't judge when I don't know. Now you're a hypocrite too. You've got a lot to learn, young one.

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  • Sad part is your an older men playing video games. Sad life huh lol. Yes young free and smart.

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