"What magics do you possess, my padawan? Cuz everyone here is a wizard or some shit."
"Me? Magic? Nah fam, I use my scythe, a gun, and a suit which makes me go 100 miles per hour"
"Finally, god everyone was sooo stupid with that, especially back on the Avalon. Sooo what's ya name"
"The Avalon? Huh.... My name is Frost... JK, I'm Aleks Gorbachev, yours?"
[b]as he says frost he shoots himself through the temp and falls onto the table [/b] "... Why..."
"Frost has a negative reputation, I see..."
[b]he bolts to his feet, using the old blanks trick that got his ancestors killed sooo many times[/b] "Yeah, the bastard won't stay dead."
"Neither will I! Did you know that I've been declared dead for 5 times?"
[b]he gasps and wispers [/b] "I trusted you..." [b]very quietly before reloading the handgun [/b]
[spoiler]HAHAHHAHA[/spoiler] "Whoa! Though I've never actually died, unless my heart stopping completely counts"
"Bro. Make up your damn mind. My heart.. Hearts? Have stopped at least six times this week, that doesn't count"
"Hey, I never counted myself as dead, though others have"
"Meh, your fine. I know a lot of people who bit the dust..." [b]he begins cheerfully listing names, counting on his fingers for each one, and when he runs out he starts using weapons in his backpack [/b]
[b]he continues, unloading an absurd amount of weapons until he starts unloading bloody organs. He eats a kidney as he counts it[/b]
"M89, what"
"Wut." [b]he stares at him and slowly raises a lung to his mouth[/b]
"Cannibalism? I can cook that stuff y'know"
"I'm a wisp, it's not technically cannibalism.. But it is delicious." [b]he bites into it and waits for him to either shoot him or kick him out[/b]
[b]He just watches, curiousity shining in his red eyes[/b] "I've dabbled into cannibalism before"
"It tastes gud"
"Oh yahs"
"U want sum?" [b]he waves a liver seductively in front of his face[/b]
[b]He snatches the liver out of his hands and just devours it in less than a second [/b]
[b]by the time he looks back Wheatley has the entire front half of his body in the bag, with Incredibly loud eating noises from within.[/b]