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Edited by Inzone2TD: 2/17/2016 7:43:09 AM

Bungie Catering to the Crucibabies

I've been playing Destiny since the launch of TTK. Throughout my time as a player I have noticed that most nerfs and buffs come when players in the crucible cannot compete against a weapon or weapon type. This could be because of their lack of skill or the weapon being too strong. Well, without thinking about the strictly PvE players, Bungie nerfs said gun and makes it less effective and consistent. This harms the PvE community by making them use guns that they aren't really familiar with just to complete certain activities. OFF TOPIC>During the pulse rifle meta, there was a little bit of variety both inside and outside of the crucible. With different archetypes of pulse rifles and shotguns being used, Destiny was more engaging and fast paced. Well, after the Crucibabies became upset and whiney, Bungie decided to bring back some Year 1 weapons and make some changes. Now the meta consists of sniping and a choice between TLW or MIDA. This meta is more slower paced and dull. By removing some of the more engaging weapons from being competitive, Bungie has destroyed some of the game more appealing aspects. ON TOPIC>I myself am a mix of PvE and a PvP player. I enjoy dabbling in some crucible before doing the nightfall type of player. So, when Bungie nerfs weapons that are considered great weapons inside of PvE it changes what can be used and what is acceptable for you to use inside of raids or nightfalls. Also, Bungie has recently been shoving these live events and short activities at PvP players without caring about their PvE players. Offering gear that would benefit both parties but, requires you to play crucible was stupid in my opinion. Not saying I didn't attempt to get a 320 ghost shell. just saying that it wasn't a good move in Bungie's behalf. Offering loot that otherwise would only be acquirable in the higher level activities such as Trials, Iron Banner, and the Raid was a cheap way to get players involved. Bungie hasn't thought about their PvE community since the launch of challenge mode which doesn't reward everything that a standard PvE player requires to reach light 320. While PvP players can play just 7 matches of a re-skinned game mode whereas a PvE player has to grind out the raid to get good gear is stupid. And when the raid doesn't reward much needed gear they must deal with the complaining Crucibabies? Reply if you think the same way I do or if you believe that the Crucibabies are right in being catered to.

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