He slightly growls at her, but does see that there is some wisdom in her words.
"Now, how about you say sorry to him and try to be friends?"
He lets out an annoyed growl, unwilling to apologize, but willing to not hunt the Serpent; rather hunt [i]with[/i] the Serpent.
"Or no, I guess you can just promise to only fight if he tries to kill you...."
Stalker nodded, but now was very curious with her. Her obscene powers intrigued him and her intervention between him and the Xenomorph intrigued him even more. "[i]What...are you...?[/i]"
"I'm a quarian exile, I was given powers over dark energy by a friend. Why do you ask?"
He tilted his head, expressing how interested he was. Her powers mainly.
"So, any juicy details you want to know?"
"[i]Your friend?[/i]"
"He just so happens to the Lucifer, the king of hell."
The Xenomorph remained silent, staring.
[b]Yusa turns to the Xeno[/b] "Can you try to work with him?"