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originally posted in: Thorn is op or not
2/14/2016 5:22:19 PM
@Demigod257 So first let me apologize for not replying in a timely manner. I'm sure you are aware what weekend it is, and their was preparation to be done. Second, I laughed a little when I saw your post notification on my phone because it said, "I will happily explain about Thor" which had me quite confused. Third, thank you for keeping the post respectful, an odd thing to happen now a days. That being said, I have problems with your argument, which I will happily explain. [quote]Let's start by saying Thorn got a large amount of buffs pre-House of Wolves (which you could still look up). Secondly, at the same time or just prior the other PvP monsters were nerfed to the ground, the Auto Rifles and Fusion Rifles. Thus when House of Wolves began the PvP meta had already been the Reign of Hand Cannons. Because of gun types and map designs, Hand Cannons were the optimal weapon. There range was the largest of the issue, but all three had further problems: The Last Word was glitched and was THE best gun of pre-Taken King. Hawkmoon (which I personally deemed as the most skillless gun) could OHKO someone with a headshot, but in all cases could outrange a sniper. Thorn, finally, caused for a large number of "trades" or disengagements, as well as letting skilled players kill others with 2 headshots, unskilled players 3 body shots.[/quote] I don't disagree that Thorn got several buffs prior to the HoW era, but I mainly refer to the HoW era because that is when Thorn got popular, and it really came into its prime. Now referring to the ending, you mainly mention that Thorn resulted in a lot of trades, which I disagree with. Thorn at the time (a long with every handcannon) had near perfect accuracy, great range, a generous hitbox, and overall great stats. This led to players being able to two tap someone in the head with ease. While trading was a possibility, I found that Thorn was in general king. While the Last Word was amazing, it was somewhat limited in its range, more so than Thorn ever was. As for Hawkmoon, I am an xbox player, and was not their for its former glory. [quote]I cut out the greater part of this section to bring it up later, but I am happy you mentioned the First Curse. The weapon is a 2HKO with headshots on targets with low armor. In all other occassions it is a 3HKO. This is fine being a high skill, high impact HC. I think what you are arguing is understandable, but let's not forget that Thorn is only (now) a 3HKO because of Mark of the Devourer and that is again only with headshots, putting not unlike the other exotic Hand Cannons. First Curse (and Ace of Spades) are meant to reward the skilled hand, while the older exotic hand cannons each have perks to lessen the strain of gunfights.[/quote] So as an avid First Curse fan I have to mention a few things. 1, in my many hours of using the first curse, I have never gotten a three shot body shot kill. Frankly I don't believe its possible. The only 3 shot kill possibility is with at least one head shot. As for 2 shot headshot, that is only with a target who runs absolutely no armor, which is not often in the slightest. Thorn however, is a three shot body shot. Unless perhaps a ram warlock with absolute max armor? You also have to keep in mind that first curse is a slow firing weapon, unlike the the Thorn which has one of the fastest fire rates, and still be three shot body shot. [quote]One of the few exotic perks that make an exotic weapon Exotic. While I initially disapproved of a 50% nerf to Mark of the Devourer, I believe that such a change now would be preferred. The damage over time is a great perk, stronger in Y1, but not as bad in Y2 (May get into why later). The burn proc is meant to have opponents disengage. Armor and Recovery are far stronger in Y2, plus Mark of Devourer is no different than other DoT applying abilities in the game. Complaining about having a DoT on a gun, but allowing any sort of health regen on a gun seems rather in poor taste. I will say that I don't fully agree on how the perk works now. In Y1 the DoT dealt consistent damage; in Y2 the damage is multiplied continuously, even if it still only takes 3/4 shots to kill.[/quote] To paraphrase Jon W. one of the lead developers for PVP, exotic weapons are not meant to be flat out better, just different. Mida is a great example of this, the speed boost is one of its greatest strengths. However it still takes 4 head shots to kill. Thorn is flat out better than other hand cannons. While the burn proc is an interesting feat, I don't believe that DoT has any place in PVP. As for regeneration, that only procs on a kill, and can be stopped at any moment the player takes damage. Thorn doesn't have that counter. Its hard to argue this, because I would rather that Thorn applies the keen scout debuff to a target. Allowing it to track them through the wall (a very advantageous perk to have) than flat out do more damage shot per shot than any other handcannon in the game. [quote]I hope I made some arguments clear before, but I'll wrap up my thoughts. Y2 Thorn (in practice, not in physical weaponry) is a rather balanced weapon and Hand Cannon for the current meta which is overcome by TLW, Mida, and Doctraine. With the overall HC changes, Thorn no longer has the range to compete with Scout Rifles (and using Send It is detrimental to the weapon since it lowers it's magazine size). Granting the weapon a consistent damaging DoT (albeit less damaging than Y1) will not make it so overwhelming to fight against, but with such powerful primary rivals this is a non-issue. In a meta in which the weapons are all nearly perfect balanced (sorry high impact, low RoF Auto & Pulse Rifles, as well as low impact, high RoF Scout Rifles), I think what you may be more afraid of is the community's feeling of NEEDING to use Thorn as a Hand Cannon primary, without even considering using another.[/quote] Thorn has its own range that it dominates in. While other weapons can beat it, its mark of the devourer is still incredibly strong. Other weapons simply can not compete with Thorn in the mid range game. Not saying people using the Thorn are invincible, but the odds are definitely in their favor. As for the community feeling the need to use Thorn, I'd say that the only reason we didn't see more Thorns during crimson doubles is because of the pure bile for the gun in general. [quote]Just my thoughts. If competitive tournaments came out right now, along with Y2 Thorn I would honestly say I would only use the weapon if I were choosing to use a certain playstyle of mine.[/quote] I'm glad that is the way you feel, but there is two things. One you have already admitted to being an avid thorn user, which means you do find it more advantageous to use than other guns. Secondly, there was a rather large tournament that came out around a month ago where the most used weapon was Thorn. Simply put, many high end players felt the need to use the best possible weapon, and that weapon was thorn.

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  • [quote]I don't disagree that Thorn got several buffs prior to the HoW era, but I mainly refer to the HoW era because that is when Thorn got popular, and it really came into its prime. Now referring to the ending, you mainly mention that Thorn resulted in a lot of trades, which I disagree with. Thorn at the time (a long with every handcannon) had near perfect accuracy, great range, a generous hitbox, and overall great stats. This led to players being able to two tap someone in the head with ease. While trading was a possibility, I found that Thorn was in general king. While the Last Word was amazing, it was somewhat limited in its range, more so than Thorn ever was. As for Hawkmoon, I am an xbox player, and was not their for its former glory.[/quote] House of Wolves Era - Thorn was great. I'd be a liar and you'd be in your right to call me shit if I denied this. Personally, I never used Send It because-I think you'll partly agree-hand cannons as a whole had great range. I instead used Perfect Balance to maintain my consistency. Trading/Post Mortems did happen more at closer ranges (I should have specified) and at range it had to contend with Hawkmoon. You not having scene Hawkmoon til after its nerf, Hawkmoon did have the most range and accuracy of all the Exotic HCs. What it lacked in consistency (Thorn) or time to kill (TLW), it made it being the "sniper" among HCs with OHKO possibilities. I also don't think TLW was hindered by its limited range when all HCs were far ranging and TLW was glitched. TLW > Thorn > Hawkmoon was how I saw reign. [quote] So as an avid First Curse fan I have to mention a few things. 1, in my many hours of using the first curse, I have never gotten a three shot body shot kill. Frankly I don't believe its possible. The only 3 shot kill possibility is with at least one head shot. As for 2 shot headshot, that is only with a target who runs absolutely no armor, which is not often in the slightest. Thorn however, is a three shot body shot. Unless perhaps a ram warlock with absolute max armor? You also have to keep in mind that first curse is a slow firing weapon, unlike the the Thorn which has one of the fastest fire rates, and still be three shot body shot.[/quote] Again I should've specified how I see and use First Curse, but you know the "calcs" so we can gloss this. In short, Armor is indeed a bigger deal now than in previous PvP metas. Low armor - less bullets to kill. Thorn is only a 3 shot because of its DoT, in a similar fashion as to why TLW and Hawkmoon can have shorter than normal ttk because perks and such. Should exotics be wholly better? I believe this is your next topic. [quote] To paraphrase Jon W. one of the lead developers for PVP, exotic weapons are not meant to be flat out better, just different. Mida is a great example of this, the speed boost is one of its greatest strengths. However it still takes 4 head shots to kill. Thorn is flat out better than other hand cannons. While the burn proc is an interesting feat, I don't believe that DoT has any place in PVP. As for regeneration, that only procs on a kill, and can be stopped at any moment the player takes damage. Thorn doesn't have that counter. Its hard to argue this, because I would rather that Thorn applies the keen scout debuff to a target. Allowing it to track them through the wall (a very advantageous perk to have) than flat out do more damage shot per shot than any other handcannon in the game.[/quote] If I recall, Jon W. also made the point of saying how interesting he found confrontations with Thorn (in theory) because of the DoT. While it made the user very aggressive, it also forced the target to disengage, reevaluate their strategy, and then reengage. Looking at it [i]now[/i], I think the reason this style didn't come into being was because the Thorn DoT was too potent in power. I don't particularly think they fixed this as it stacks now and I've grown to enjoy the idea of Mark of the Devourer procing only on headshots and leaving it at the base damage [i]consistently[/i] throughout its duration. But I think the DoT was always a good thing for the simple reason that it made an exotic gun [b]exotic[/b] and frankly speaking, the DoT makes the gun viable. That might sound like a cop out but look at something like Ace of Spades (similar stats). I love to use the gun in PvP and it comes with great perks for the Crucible. Now I am not saying Keen Scout is a bad perk (I use it on my Nightstalker why wouldn't I?), but Thorn already lets you track, it's a shadowperk just like how Gjallahorns has Grenades n Horseshoes. [quote]Thorn has its own range that it dominates in. While other weapons can beat it, its mark of the devourer is still incredibly strong. Other weapons simply can not compete with Thorn in the mid range game. Not saying people using the Thorn are invincible, but the odds are definitely in their favor. As for the community feeling the need to use Thorn, I'd say that the only reason we didn't see more Thorns during crimson doubles is because of the pure bile for the gun in general.[/quote] Part 1: I don't think you meant "range" there (at least not the literal stat), but it is simply amongst the tier of best weapons. When you look at primaries for Crucible you have to realize that exotics [b]rule half[/b] the Crucible. What do I mean? Well look at the HC guntype and tell me what legendaries can compete besides Eyasluna and the Omolon Kumakutok, both of which need good perks for use. If you look at the top guns for each guntype I am confident this is what you see: HC - TLW / Thorn; Scout - Mida / Tlaloc / Colovence; Auto - Doctraine; Pulse - Grasp / Bad JuJu. Of course, this theory is just based on trials/competitive/"sweaties", but you see what I trying to show correct? [quote]I'm glad that is the way you feel, but there is two things. One you have already admitted to being an avid thorn user, which means you do find it more advantageous to use than other guns. Secondly, there was a rather large tournament that came out around a month ago where the most used weapon was Thorn. Simply put, many high end players felt the need to use the best possible weapon, and that weapon was thorn.[/quote] Part 2: I don't use Thorn now. In fact, I tried it once after the recent HC changes and put it back. Of course in Y1 I used it a lot (and some godroll Ill Will) and I used it for the several reasons, not the least of which was it was a good gun. I do think the problem is that that recent tournament and the current "sweaty" community is forced to play in a game mode that allows Thorn and other things to return. Yet, I still don't believe Thorn, if received a Y2, would be the Α and Ω as it might've been before. The meta has changed and, as you said, there was a "pure bile of guns" to use in Crimson Days, and realistically in the entire Crucible. I firmly believe that what trumps guns in this meta is playstyle. If someone feels the need to use Thorn, then that shows more a bearing on them in Y2. Y1 you need Thorn or TLW to compete. Not so in Y2. Is it hard to check/counter? Yes. But getting killed continuously and repeatedly by Thorn and blaming the weapon, is the same as getting killed by shotguns repeatedly and saying "shotgun noob". I will end with this: if Thorn got a Y2, I would firmly hope that Bungie changes Mark of the Devourer to proc [b]only on headshots[/b] and to have a [b]consistent base damage during its duration[/b]. If the potency stacks, running into a team of Thorn in trials will be much worse now than in Y1

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  • I'll respond when I can. Happy to see someone I can have a nice debate with though

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