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originally posted in: Thorn is op or not
2/12/2016 8:19:59 AM
No thats what makes it OP. Universal Remote, NLB, Hardlight are examples of exotics that feel exotic without being OP. The Skolas weapons are great examples as well. Having DoT on a primary weapon was probably the stupidest thing Bungie could have done. They actually made a gun that requires no headshots and still kills faster then most weapons. Having the burn proc on precision hits means it remains functional in PvP while requiring headshots to be effective in PvP.

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  • And it's people like you who take the fun out of gaming with your nerf this nerf this cries all the -blam!-in time. You cry babies have ruined a good game!

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  • You are a dumbass. It was meant to be mister and i couldnt care less that you are a female. You stated an opinion, i then proceeded to shit on your opinion because it was false. Dont take your anger out on me because you are ignorant. Once again, your opinion holds as much weight as that of a sack of pototoes. Try olaying againsg better than average players and tell me Thorn isnt OP. You play against the PvE players so of course they arent going to use Thorn. When a gun is blatantly OP, as Thorn is, people should complain. You are a dumbass for assuming i ask for nerfs. Look at my history and you will see what i say. Instead you will choose to be ignorant because thats what is easiest for ya:)

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  • You say thorn is op yet use mida? Everybodies little crutch at the moment.

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  • 4 headshots to kill or 3 bodyshots? Thorn still wins. Not to mention i have used MIDA since Year 1. I do just as fine with other weapons. I dont use the "I play for fun!" excuse as too why i suck. If your idea of fun is gettinf stomped on, than you are in the minority

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  • How much time do you have that you sit there and check people's stats? It's proper hilarious you know, really -blam!-ing funny.

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  • Why I suck, you keep going with the insults when I don't care hahahahaha! I play the game with my husband, we have a laugh, I have loads of friends on the game, we all "suck" and we all don't give a toss cuz we're not try hard little cry babies like you.

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  • Edited by XCURLYWURLYX: 2/12/2016 10:04:27 AM
    And also 54% of people who have voted also agree with me :)))) stop being a cry arse and enjoy the game ffs.

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  • I'm not angry it's just hilarious that you pick on someone over their KD. I'm not even interested as to what yours is as I'm not a try hard. I do play pvp but I obviously have more better things to do than 24 hours worth a day on it like yourself. I don't myself use thorn. My opinion is worth something if I can actually counter a thorn unlike you :) have a lovely day beautiful.

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  • I am not picking on you. Facts are facts. You play against other casuals. Does that mean you are lesser? No but you defintely see far less Thorns than i do. And why is that? Because your KD and skill levels are low. You can try to spin it however you want but you cannot change the truth sweetheart:) Everything can be countered. Does that mean nothing is OP? If you really believe that than I am just going to stop here. There is no point beating my head against the wall when you willingly choose to be ignorant:)

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  • Hahahaha insulting me about a skill level on a GAME. You sad little boy, really? Do you have a life? Obviously not as if you did you wouldn't be as sad to insult another over their skill level, especially to insult someone who plays to have fun. I do have an opinion cuz yes I can counter a thorn, unlike yourself by the sounds of it. Anyway arrogance is such an ugly ugly trait to have, maybe when you've got through puberty you'll understand that. Again have a lovely day :)

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  • Edited by Albyno: 2/12/2016 10:24:01 AM
    Once again, pointing out facts is some insulting. You said Thorn wasnt OP, I than proceeded to tell you that your KD shows you lack experience when it comes to this weapon. I call you a dumbass because you are ignoring this point. "MIDA kills in 4 headshots. Thorn in 3 bodyshots" "Omg you are child for insulting me!" Great logic there bud. Thorn is OP. Thanks for having an opinion but it has no basis in reality. Have a great day:):)

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  • And by the way, being good at a video game isn't going to get you anywhere in real life. I have a family, a good job, a house, car. So yeah I don't have time to even try to be good at this game, I play it for fun, I play enough to get hit by thorn, to counter thorn and to have used it myself now and in the past when it was actually OP. So yeah my opinion is valid as its my opinion. Just because you've played more than me doesn't make your opinion any more valid than mine. I disagree with you yes, but doesn't mean you can't have your own opinion, whereas I'm not allowed to have my own? Lol. My opinion, end of.

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  • Your real life accomplishments do not matter. This is a Destiny forum where you discuss Destiny related things. And yes, you are entitled to an opinion but when it is based off minimal experience then it becomes invalid. I can go around telling hair stylists their work sucks but i guess thats just my opinion right? I have cut my hair a few times so i must be an expert! If you are going to pipe up then i would hope you provide some level of evidence. Instead you have done nothing but use your personal experience as evidence. Personal experience does not trump fact. Thorn has one of the fastest time to kills while ignoring any need for precisiom shots. This is OP. Please provide something other then, "i have encountered a few Thorns so i know what i am talking about!". This type of logic does not refute the truth but beats around it.

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  • I never said I'd encountered a "few" thorns. I said I encounter thorn and can COUNTER it unlike you obviously as you're saying its op, I am not. It might be a destiny forum but I'm saying I have a great life and so can't be up to "your" gaming standards, whatever they are and I couldn't care less. I enjoy the game, have fun, have a laugh, I don't take it serious when I die, I don't cry cuz a DOT bullet kills me. If it wasn't for the try yards like yourself this game would be so much more fun.

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  • I said thorn wasn't OP!

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  • Destiny isn't a reality though sugar plum. It's a game hahahahaha. I think you may need to see some sort of Doctor.

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  • Thanks for your valuable input:) it is obvious by your responses that you have nothing constructive to say. Instead you spout petty nonsense and want to be taken seriously. Holy shit Destiny is a game? I had no idea! Is it really that hard to be able to think about and process two seperate thoughts at once? Or is that asking too much?

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  • Yes I'm saying that you're a try hard, who obviously has too much time on his hands, doesn't let others have their own opinion without insulting and needs to get a life.

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  • Ok honey:) this started off as a conversation abour Thorn being OP and you turned it into some weird blame game. I said you have lower stats. So by the rules of SBMM you are going to play lesser opponents. My level of skill or how often i play has no affect on this. You experience Thorn on a far fewer basis because people at your level, whether you like it or not, arent very serious. When or if you become a better player you will start to understand Thorns flaws. Until then your opinion is extremely biased and cannot be taken seriously. But cmon, once again ignore most if post and focus on how i am insulting you and blah blah blah.

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  • You are insulting regardless, there's no need to pick at someone because they're not as good as you. I play this game to have a laugh, maybe if I tried harder I could be better, but I'm not bothered. I play against people who use the thorn and I can counter it, thorn took a much needed nerf and it isn't OP to me now. Fair enough I may not play against the better players all the time but the skill level you're going off isn't necessarily the one destiny uses. There's a lot that goes into the match making, not just how good or bad you are overall.

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  • Trust me SBMM is definitely in full swing. I have countered Thorns before too. Just as i have countered Sunsingers, pre nerf and post nerf TLW and Thorn, pre nerf Sunbreakers ect. Does this mean that these things werent OP? Well obviously Bungie thought so because they nerfed them. A gun that has DoT, has primary ammo, more range than your average HC, a faster fire rate, and a decent reload is OP in damn near every sense. Why choose a legendary HC or Hawkmoon when Thorn does even more work but with less effort. Thorn is OP. It doesnt need to be nerfed into the ground but slight changes are needed. There is a reason why it has always dominated the sweaty meta.

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  • And if you hadn't have insulted my KD we could have had a better conversation. It's not that bad anyway considering I'm not bothered about it. I still kill as much as I die haha

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  • I apologize for that. I didnt intend for it to come off as douchey but i can see how you took it that way. Was just trying to show that Thorn is a problem at the higher levels of play and it will trickle into the lower levels as well. Its not fun no matter what you do playing full teams of Thorn shotgunners.

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  • Yeah I hate them sliding conspiracy theory ds with range finder on. Mine is crap. I generally use bad juju and sniper/fusion. I'll let you off for the insult, for a dirty casual I don't think my KD is that bad (it's better than my husbands anyway and he's classed as higher skilled than me lol :/) I understand you want balance, but I suppose It's hard, I like to play with guns I enjoy, not the ones that are part of the "meta" I sort of stick to what I love.

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  • I like to do the same thing. Constant TLW, Thorn and snipers or shotguns is boring. MIDA may be a beast now but i have always used it. Even when Thorn was king. Sidearms are now a great secondary too. They sort of bridge the gap between shotguns and fusions. Your KD isnt bad but i was just trying to prove a point. Playing against really good players using the cheapest tactics is quite frustrating. Thorn is the easist fix considering no matter what it will always be somewhat OP due to the DoT.

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