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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by TooN XII: 2/11/2016 7:30:21 PM

Dying Destiny

How disappointing is Destiny? How did it go from one of the most exciting games to where it is now? Bungie dropped the ball big time. Even with vanilla Destiny being as chopped up as it was, it was still an enjoyable experience. It was an unexplored world that left us wanting more. With enough lore to keep us trying to piece things together, leave us wondering what caused the world to be the way we found it. The game was new and exciting, something most console gamers have never experienced before. So what happened? We had a chopped up story with boring missions, a few strikes, a handful of crucible maps and one of the best raids, VoG. Yet we were excited, why? Maybe it was the two DLC's that were going to flood Destiny with content. Maybe because we knew this was just the beginning of Bungies ten year masterpiece. Now were just a few months into year 2 and we have almost crucified Activision, Bungie, and Destiny. Probably for good reason. The Dark Below was a disappointing start to Destiny. Crota's end was beyond disappointing, it felt like an elongated strike with no real challenge, no puzzles, and no bosses outside of Crota. It gave us one of the most annoying strikes of all time with Omnigul and gave us a few more maps to shoot fellow guardians. Yet we couldn't wait for what was to come. Fast forward through months of anticipation and rumors of what was to come The House of Wolves delivered. While many were disappointed because there was no new raid to accompany the new DLC. The DLC solved many problems and issues that many gamers had. No longer did every guardian look the same, our favorite weapons could once again could lead us into battle and Trials of Osiris gave PvP players the ultimate bragging rights among their fellow guardians. Not every problem was solved, Thorn reigned supreme and other exotic hand cannons weren't far behind. Auto and pulse rifles were underwhelming and blink shotgunning was rampant and left some abandoning the crucible altogether.( I still use hand cannons and blink shotgun, sorry) Those who weren't fortunate to have the Gjallarhorn were often left out of PvE end game content. All year one content had been released, yet my friends and I played nearly every day. Every Tuesday I checked the weekly reset, as soon as Trials went active on Friday I hopped on the computer at work just to see what map it was. Destinys future looked bright and I couldn't wait for what it was going to bring us. Fast forward to the announcement of year two and the details that followed, it made my stomach drop a little. All the weapons and gear I worked hard for meant nothing. I was confused because nearly months before Bungie said they wanted the weapons and gear to have a story behind them thats why they gave us the ability to bring them up to year one max level, right? We were practically forced to buy the DLC, they nerfed year one weapons into the ground. If these new guns and armor were supposed to be the best around why nerf year one weapons and armor? This is where most people say "Oh, what you want to be running around with a Fate Bringer in year ten?" Maybe, if its still better than guns 9 years later, yeah I will use it. But this also leads into another problem, if they will be releasing a new Destiny every three years and that content from prior Destinys aren't put into the new Destiny, why not just make all content relevant? The only reason this makes sense is because they wanted you to buy the new DLC for an outrageous price. 3 hours of story mode, two new strikes and a raid for 60 bucks? (I was the idiot who bought the collectors edition.) Bungie you're better than that. Bungie also dropped the ball by leaving its fan base in the dark. Instead of having traditional DLC they went a different route, they would have events and release time gated exotics(which we already paid for) to keep players playing a dying game. They even changed how we leveled up just to keep us playing longer. Now our armor has special perks for our subclasses to give us additional armor and the only way to get a chance at a high level piece is through the raid, which seems to still be difficult for many players. Many players have different gear for each subclass, PvP and PvE as well as multiple characters. Now not only do we have to get a certain piece of gear but it has to be a high enough light level to be useful. I understand it's based on an RNG but their leveling system is such a mess.(Which they did to force us to play more to achieve the highest light level because they lacked content for their paying customers) The old leveling up system was much smoother. They further let their fans down by changing how Destiny was played. Matchmaking was changed without our knowledge and drastically changed how well our weapons work. As a player who played their fair share of Regular Crucible, Iron Banner, and Trials I felt like a reduction in the Hand Cannons range, a slower cool down for blink, and a slight buff in Pulse and Auto rifles damage among slight tweaks with some exotics (Thorn) the PvP side of Destiny would've been incredibly balanced. I feel like if Bungie wants to save Destiny and salvage a portion of their fan base they have to make huge improvements quickly. There is so much wrong with this game but it can be fixed with small adjustments. Bring old content(which we paid for) back. Make all strikes, raids and arenas relevant again. If you're concerned about primary elemental damage, then remove it. Increase drops based on light levels. Tweak PvP to encourage other use of guns. ( There's a problem if 70 percent of special kills in Trials is from one weapon) and please for the love of *blame* stop with these stupid events that offer us nothing but reskinned content. I would much rather pay for actually DLC than the junk you have been spewing out. Sincerely, A disappointed player :/

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