So, yesterday I was playing doubles on my hunter and realised the opposite team kept wiping instantly. We won the match after five wipes.
Me and my partner :) were like "ok, easy wins".
Turns out this is a farming method.
Read Kotaku post. Link above.
Given the current rewards system I don't blame anyone for doing this.
You win or loose, the rewards are RNG based.
I'm sure this will catch up soon..
I'll be trying this after I finish all my characters.
Care to comment??
Edit: If anyone from #Bungie is reading this, you see what you have turned us into!!?? For what? A ghost shell!!
This is getting out of hand. I have checked the grimoire of those that gotten 1 or multible 320 shells from this event and getting really pissed. Because it seems like the fewer Kings Fall completions you have, the higher your fcking changes are. I have 4 times the amount of completions as most of them and i get shit from either the raid or CD. This is turning to complete BS.
Exactly what we have been doing, got all bounties done on all characters and a 320 ghost so may as well have a bit of fun. Was trying to spread the love last night but some people are just rude lol
Thx I'll be doing this the moment I get on destiny Saturday.
I laugh at this because I've gotten 5 ghosts just playing normally. Two of which are 320
Would laugh so hard if Bungie's stats at the end of Crimson Doubles showed the no.1 death was misadventure lol
Good bye kd.
Am i just lucky to get 2 shaders and a ghost in 15 matches?
Agreed it's a good deal!
Edited by bobIin the goblin: 2/11/2016 8:51:06 PMme and my partner in crime suicided ourselves a few times in one match because they kept doing it as well we went a full 10 rounds stuck at 1-0 [spoiler]they then decided to star playing[/spoiler]
Honestly I've noticed a huge increase in the chances of getting crucible legendaries. Yesterday I had a in times of need drop and a couple games later a nl shadow dropped for me. Now if I can just land an eyasluna with Litc ;)
Hit me up to do this now GT is the same as name.
This is messed up. What about people trying to finish the bounties? Why not just run to the middle and dance??
I got a 320 ghost while playing with my brother. The people that are farming it are fed up with the game, or simply don't find competitive gameplay fun between 2 people. It can be fun, I actually like this even a lot. This is coming from a scrub k/d player. In the end you use the event to the advantage you want I guess. I hope everyone else is enjoying it, yes even the farming.
Jumped for an hour today, no ghost yet. Will be jumping off again this evening, love that I can cheese another Bungie event. Reminds me of the good old days.
I'm looking to do this now.. Anybody down? Add Lord_Buff_80 psn
I got a 314 ghost that i dnt need and 2 shaders within my first few matchs
15 hours in no ghost yet
My wife and I did this after finishing the bounties. Did it till we got the ghosts then went back to actually engaging the other team. We could care less about our KD.
Yeah we did it last night. My mate got 320. I got 318 but I have 320 anyway but yeah why stress about anything just equip malice and shoot away
Had that happen in ToO lol was fun ^_^
Came across this yesterday 6 times .
Yeah so much for my k/d. I might just do it on my hunter because Idc about it
With only one set of bounties, did you really think this would not happen? It will probably be suicide farming for the rest of the event.
You could be right, but kotaku.