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2/5/2016 5:24:11 PM

Punishment towards snipers. And further rambling

In regards to the most recent update bungie has whipped us with; I'd like to talk about the new special ammo rule and what that means for snipers. I get it, on maps like pantheon snipers almost always get the first kill. This is due to the rush toward the main room with the awaiting camper. But come on people, understand the logistics. That's the reason there is more than one entrance. But the map isn't my main focus. Taking out special ammo in the beginning is brutal for those who spent their time grinding for the legendary or exotic secondary weapon. I also understand Bungie just wants to make primary weapons the bigger focus. But why we ask? In synopsis: so the maniacal Titan can run in and get the ridiculous one punch kill on that "unskilled" marksman. Guess what; if you want to nerf something, how about that Titan's KO instead. But that's besides the point once again. I was genuinely upset about the removal of icebreaker when year 2 came around, but I could get over it. I understand the unfairness it had in PvP, with its regen ammo and such. But now you make it not a matter of too much ammo, now there is too little ammo for specials. I live for PvP, and skirmish has been one of my favorites. Being able to work with a small revive able team against another was genius. But this update against those who use snipers is beyond frustrating. And before you mention shotguns and how everyone is happy they can't sneak up and one shot you all the time anymore; there was already a simple solution to that. Just don't let them come near you, honestly if you're that bad that you have to rage every time a shotgun user one shots you, then you've never played a 1st person shooter. Now I don't use the shotgun, but I don't necessarily have any quarrels with it either. I just wish Bungie could have left this aspect of the game alone; in terms of special ammo. Change isn't always a good thing. P.S. This isn't an English class, no need to critique my "topic to topic" rant. I'm just getting all my thoughts crushed together on a thread.

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