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2/4/2016 2:21:15 AM

Bring back the old raids and POE to year two status

How awesome would it be to do VOG, Crota, and POE at year two status, with year two rewards? Rad, I know. I've brought so many people to this game . None of them have been able to experience the old raids because Bungie has made them irrelevant (no reward). I'd love to run a VOG, or Crota, or POE at lvl 40 / recommended light 320. I understand Bungie doesn't want the primary weapons with burns. Just simply make the year two versions without the burns. Boom!! Bringing the year one content up to year two level would bring back a lot of fun and variety back to Destiny. Variety in (A) what to play (B) character customization (C) new loot to acquire. #raid #raids #feedback

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