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Edited by tazagi: 2/6/2016 2:19:45 AM

got Kicked for not having defender

I joined a group a few days ago for kingsfall. Right when we were launching, they said. If you are a titan and you dont have defender tell me. I said it because I never unlocked it. Right when we got to land I got kicked for not having defender... Edit : I was not the only titan, There were two other people with defender so why did they need mine? edit 2 : You can finish kingsfall withought a bubble, it just makes it easier for you with weapons of light. edit 3 : you can not always depend on defender, You can do any raid withought a titan bubble. Like I said THERE WAS 2 TITANS, why can't they just pick them? edit 4, I will upgrade my defender. edit 5, People saying Im a taken tot, I put on sign of the founders from a long argument. edit 6, I Had sunbreaker on in kingsfall...So.. edit 7, To all the people who Just tell me Im a noob or just level it up. I know where you are coming from and I understand. Yes I will level it up and I understand why you actually would call me a noob. edit 8. Why are you all so Salty On me 😂 makes me laugh, Already said..I will level up defender. Probably some of you are the people who kick a person for not having a certain thing. edit 9. Finally leveled up defender :)

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  • Not defending them for booting, you can complete a raid with just about anything so long as your team is competent, but...... Defender is like.... the most fun subclass that Titans have (opinion)! You should most certainly level it up!

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    1 Reply
    • You should have your "raid" class fully upgraded before raiding, I'm not surprised they kicked you. It's a different story if you've done the raid a ton of times and know it by the back of your hand, but even then most raiders wouldn't step in unless they had at least blessings of light upgraded, otherwise you're a waste of space

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    • Well it was 2 other Titans so I don't see the need to kick you. Yes, you can be the 3rd defender and have Blessing of Light for the shade, but not necessary. Unfortunately it's far too many people who don't think outside the box. Good luck next time. [spoiler]Level up Defender subclass though, you won't regret it[/spoiler]

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    • I wouldn't kick you but I would give you a hard time lol. You really should get your titan up to speed before you raid imo. Being a titan without a bubble is like being a running back without legs or a receiver without hands.

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    • That's stupid... I raided with ppl who had 3 Titans and I main 1. I always pick a plat cause I'm good at both middle and on 1. They where stupid for kicking u tho.

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    • The bubble helps for shade other than that 3rd titan is uh necessary. Just defend yourself and instead of getting kicked leave and tell them mic assassins off

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    • Edited by ZeroCool: 2/3/2016 5:45:07 PM
      Why wouldnt you have such a potent subclass unlocked? Its easy. You can save your completed bounties and simply level your defender up. No excuses.

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    • *facepalm* your a disgrace to the Titan race. I here by banish you, leave us

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    • Don't be lazy and go unlock it

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    • As long as we have one or two Defenders in the fireteam, my usual two or three people I run raid with don't care what the others run. I'm usually Defender if I haven't finished, so that clears that problem

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    • Your a y2 player right? who in their right mind plays pve and doesnt use defender (in a serious activity)

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    • I'd kick you noob.

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    • In all honesty, they probably kicked you out for creating a titan yr2 because hammer is so frickin cool. You know... to be the biggest scrub possible in pvp. Then you don't bother or care to level up your defender. I'd of kicked you too

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    • Why would they play with you when they can spend 30 seconds to get the player they want?

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    • I feel for ya, really its sucks getting kicked without warning for something sort of out of your control. I do have to ask, however, why haven't you started on your defender? It is arguably one of best subclasses in PVE.

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      2 Replies
      • Beat warpriest challenge in like ten minutes on hard with my Hunter and Warlock. I haven't leveled up my poor Titan in defender hope I can get it done fast cause I want a easy 320 for him also without having to have five people complain I don't have blessings or weapons.

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      • It was a dyck move by them bruh... But next time have at least blessings of light unlocked , you never know if they loose a titan and need a replacement.

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      • Defender should've been the first thing you leveled up Or second. I can understand why you're mad though, because there was other defender Titans. But come on man, Defender Titan is the best pve subclass in the game Why handicap yourself? Some might say it's a crutch, but if it's in the game and it makes the game easier why not use it? We all level up so it can be easier in the future not harder.

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        3 Replies
        • I suggest putting xp into defender so this doesn't happen again.

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        • People can choose who they want to spend that much time and effort into getting something done with. Everyone needs to bring their portion to the table. Clearly it's their choice not to play with you if you're not willing to put the time and effort into unlocking your character. Why don't you have your defender unlocked? If any of that bothers you fix the problem or go play with a group that doesn't have requirements.

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        • I rarely use Titan but I have defender maxed because it is a must have for every raid

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        • Edited by Nobody: 2/3/2016 5:13:37 PM
          I'd be willing to help you out to level up your defender if you'd like! It just helps to have that if you're going to be running with lfg.

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        • If there were 2 other titans in your team then there is no need for you to have defender. (Please note, upgrade defender asap.) So I see your point.

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        • Get mad about it cry baby

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        • Edited by shadowkinz: 2/3/2016 5:21:52 PM
          If you already have 2 titans, or even 1, it should be fine. We had some nubbish sunbreaker in our group past night but wr just let him stay. He didn't have malice either which is the ONE ROLE that really should use it vs oryx lol. We still did it, and it was pretty funny to see hammers flying to kill ogres But you shoud clarify in your lfg post "not defender / no bubble" Had a guy yesterday not have bastion equipped and we kept telling him to put it on bc the bubble would fade before plate guys could get to mid. On the way to mid sometimes we'd get injured or oryx would send a volley right before relic guy got there and cause massive dmg. At one point I said "TITAN CAN YOU PLEASE PUT ON YOUR CORRECT PERKS. I AM NOT YELLING, JUST TALKING LOUD BC YOU DIDN'T HEAR US BEFORE," and he like flipped out on me yelling that he has illuminated on and I shouldn't be a dick. I said put on bastion.. blah blah it's a game. A few minutes later my friend says hey man you don't have bastion on, can you please equip it (7th time we asked) and he finally put it on, and we're all like see? No reason to yell at shadow lol. I mean I sounded mad bc I was kinda annoyed but I DID say "I'm not trying to yell, just talking loud bc you didn't hear us asking"

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        • Edited by Amadis001: 2/3/2016 5:13:26 PM
          Baby Titans don't belong in the raid. Grow up and try again. Of course I want my teammates to make the raid easier for me. Why else are they there?! And I try to do my part to make it easier for them.

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