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originally posted in: Video game confessions
2/2/2016 9:01:27 PM
I enjoyed Halo 4 more than I have any other game in existence. That's probably because I played that thing for longer than I have Destiny. That was probably because I had like two other games for the 360 back then (Halo Wars and Transformers: FoC). Do I think it's a good video game? Absolutely. Do I think it's the best Halo game? Maybe. I can't include anything before 2012 in that comparison since I didn't own an Xbox until that summer. And before you ask, I was a Halo Fan since I received a Mega Bloks Set way back in 2009, which sparked my interest in Halo, led me to RvB, and started my reading of every Halo novel released. Why can't I include games that I never played at launch or within a year of them launching? Because I wouldn't be able to fairly judge, say, Halo 3, 5 years after its release, for the simple reason that I wasn't there to experience it as it grew and developed. I was there for Halo 4. I was there for MCC. And I am here for Halo 5. I have enjoyed every single one of those games. And there is nothing wrong with enjoying a product designed for entertainment, is there?

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