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Edited by LordofChaos: 2/1/2016 3:54:43 PM
No it is not, not everything in this world is a debate when people talk and disagree. That is a false assumption and if your sad little debate teacher said it was they lied to you. So no were are not in a debate for no I do not have prove my point to you or prove your point wrong by any means. Not every discussion is a debate. So again you are the moron for thinking so. So no I do not have to follow any rules of debate just because you want me to or say I have to. I do not have to respond in any manner that you deem is how it has to be ever. You are not in control over me or this conversation and how it will be or has to be and never was. I am neither you are C) a self entitled little brat who thinks that their way is correct and cannot ever be wrong and anyone that says so is wrong and never can prove you wrong. when you are wrong for a change in ceo's for a company does not mean it is taking a turn for the better or that their product will get better in all instances. Only morons like to think in that manner. And your observations and lack of understanding in psychology prove your to be C). It is I that is laughing at your continued insisting that this is debate when it was not and is not and never will be. So this is my last reply to you so this topic can now die and go where it belongs. edit: my use of moron is because I know it gets under you skin as you so constantly prove moron. now go ahead and reply to try and have the last word like any good moron will try and do.

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  • Wow... A lot of big words used that you don't even understand, nor have the means or mental capacity to understand. Here's a final tip kiddo, get above a middle school education before you try to step up to a superior. Mkay? For now, continue to suck your thumb and caress your own, now severely wounded, ego. It takes years of self learning and education to reach the level I have, and you can reach it one day too! Once you attend college and muster a scrap of an IQ however. Pro tip: Look up the definition of hypocrite. Because you fit it word for word little guy

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