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Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/6/2016 4:35:56 PM

Trace RP

[i]The Year is 2020, you live in the nation of Ebrus. Ever since 2019 there have been seemingly random attacks on Ebrus and the rest of the world from strange creatures called "Archeuses". It all started with what many people call "The Demon Slayer" appeared and attacked Ebrus, it as it approached the Capital it strangely disappeared and has not been seen since. But every day multiple attacks everywhere happen, mainly in the Capital, sometimes on the Coast and in the Desert. As these attacks went on, at the end of 2019, an organization called "Orion" came into existence, the wealthiest people of Ebrus came together in order to make it. It was an organization that trained "agents", these Agents defended the people and the capitol from many Archeus threats. In early 2020 Archeus attack rates started to gradually increase for an unknown reason. As this happened the other nations started to collapse, one by one Ebrus was the last one still standing. Being an Agent, you must defend Ebrus and the people of it.[/i] Group - [spoiler][/spoiler] Character Creator - [spoiler][/spoiler] Locations - [spoiler] [/spoiler] Orion Database - [spoiler] [/spoiler] Rules - [spoiler] Every character starts at the rank C10 ((The lowest Rank)) Your not a god, so yes you can die Keep it PG-13 or lower Treat it like an RP, it is an RP after all No instakills on other players. If you have a good enough reason to you might be able to pull of one on an Archeus. [/spoiler] Note for combat system - [spoiler] In Trace the combat system is not Seniority, if you can outsmart someone ((even me)) you can win a fight. The higher the rank the more powerful you get though. So be careful with your fights and each move you make, a character can easily die under the wrong circumstances.[/spoiler] Note for Story system - [spoiler]The story of Trace will expand over time, based on events caused by players and sometimes me. If a player is in an important fight and messes up a move, it can drastically change the ongoing story.[/spoiler] Notes on Expansions for this RP - [spoiler]I will eventually add some Expansions, after a few new events ((not right away)) and if I think that people are committed to this, I will add things like other nations, new vehicles, classes, abilities in Expansions.[/spoiler] Note for Public Events - [spoiler]Public events are events I make so everyone can participate in. You have to sign up most of the time and if you do I will PM you when it's all starting.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Taking a break ?[/spoiler]

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    • [b][i][u]Sector Beta[/u][/i][/b] [i]Orion HQ Hangar[/i] [i]All Agents that have signed up enter the CP-Delta, it preps for takeoff[/i] [b][i]Everyone ready?[/i][/b] ((Open to all that signed up))

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      • [b][i][u]The Arena[/u][/i][/b] [i][u]Orion HQ, The Capital[/u][/i] [i]The battle Arena has been set. Agents crowd the spectator seats as the board of directors and everyone else watches. It was time.[/i] ((Wam))

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        • [b][i][u]The Arena[/u][/i][/b] [i][u]Orion HQ, The Capital[/u][/i] [i]The battle Arena has been set. Agents crowd the spectator seats as the board of directors and everyone else watches. It was time.[/i] [b][i]Venus vs Agent 681. Right now we have a 'special' arena were using[/i][/b] [i]Suddenly inside the floors elevate, making the floor move up and down rapidly[/i] [spoiler]floors will be moving up and down rapidly[/spoiler] ((Venus))

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          • [b][i][u]The Arena[/u][/i][/b] [i][u]Orion HQ, The Capital[/u][/i] [i]The battle Arena has been set. Agents crowd the spectator seats as the board of directors and everyone else watches. It was time.[/i] [b][i]Fighting now, James and Agent 572[/i][/b] ((James))

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            33 Replies
            • Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/6/2016 4:32:29 PM
              [b][i][u]The Arena[/u][/i][/b] [i][u]Orion HQ, The Capital[/u][/i] [i]The battle Arena has been set. Agents crowd the spectator seats as the board of directors and everyone else watches. It was time.[/i] [b][i]Fighting now, Leosin vs Agent 673[/i][/b] [i]Agent 673 and Leosin enter the battle room, the agent activates his trace and awaits the countdown[/i] ((Leosin))

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              • Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/6/2016 3:00:37 PM
                [b][i][u]Rank Battles//001[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]All Agents participating in The Rank Battles please make your way to your battle rooms[/i][/b] ((Open to all participating, get ready for the fights))

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                10 Replies
                • [spoiler]When are rank battles. I'm sure you said something, but I don't remember[/spoiler]

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                  • [b][i][u]Sector Beta[/u][/i][/b] [u][i]Orion HQ, the Capital[/i][/u] [i]A message is streamed all per Orion HQ[/i] [i][b]Attention Agents, we currently are planning to go on a scouting mission. This mission will take place after the Rank Battles. We will be halo jumping into Sector 2 and finding why it fell to the hands of an Archeus threat. We will not force you in, you must volunteer. Any help is appreciated, your commander for the mission will be S-Rank, Agent Jace. Good luck Agents.[/b][/i] ((Open to signups)) [spoiler]Going on this mission is dangerous, you won't know what threat there will be until you face it. There is no getting out early unless everyone retreats. If you do decide to go, make only the best decisions and think about the consequences of every move [/spoiler]

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                    • [u][i]Silver Coast[/i][/u] Link's luck was running out. He hadn't seen a single thing to do with Orion in the past six miles. He was hardly winded despite running for those six miles. [spoiler]Open, to narration. [/spoiler]

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                      40 Replies
                      • Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/6/2016 4:36:17 PM

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                        • Edited by Gray: 2/5/2016 12:31:38 AM
                          James arrives on the silver greeted by the breeze of the ocean; everything is so peaceful. He begins to walk down the coast in search of anything that may be of interest. "This place is very calm. It's a big change from the HQ with everyone talking a hustling around" ((Open))

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                        • Link glances down to the pad and types in a few orders. Three holograms appear. He pulls out his sidearm and twirled it a couple of times. The holograms moved with surprising speed. Link gained a sight on one who ducked behind a box. The other two hid behind a pole. Suddenly all three had guns and we're shooting at him. He fired a trio at the box-hiding one, all of the bullets hit the hologram. It dissolved. The other two were smarter. They split up. One going left the other going right. The left one fired to keep Link pinned. While the other one tried to flank him on the right. Link kept and eye on the left one and shot the right in two trigger pulls. Spinning left he gunned down the left one. Standing, he canceled the orders in the pad and picked up a bottle of water. [spoiler]Open. Since no one is doing anything. [/spoiler]

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                          31 Replies
                          • Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/4/2016 1:38:18 PM
                            [b][i][u]Archeus[/u][/i][/b] [i][u]The Desert, Ebrus[/u][/i] [i]A distress signal has been received from a village in the desert. Agent, it's likely it's an Archeus, go take it out[/i] ((Closed))

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                            • Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/3/2016 3:18:49 PM

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                              • Edited by Gray: 2/3/2016 2:53:24 AM
                                James arrived in the desert of Ebrus. He sees a desert village in the distance and decides to go make way for it. (Open)

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                              • Edited by Gray: 2/3/2016 2:50:41 AM
                                [spoiler]How do we travel to different locations. Do we have to hire a pilot or do we just go for example (How do I get to the desert)[/spoiler]

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                                • Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/3/2016 2:34:16 AM
                                  [spoiler]well since no one else is posting[/spoiler] [b][i][u]S-Rank[/u][/i][/b] [i]A man walks through the main floor. The staff showing him the upmost respect. His ID tag read [/i] [b][i]Agent Jace[/i][/b] [i]The letter S was next to his ID picture[/i] ((Closed))

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                                  18 Replies
                                  • [u][i][b]Rank Battle//001[/b][/i][/u] Orion HQ, The Capital [i]A notification is sent to all Agent's data pads ((next to their doors in their rooms)).[/i] [u] [b]Attention Agents. Rank Battles begin soon! If you wish to compete and earn a better rank, please sign up by replying to this message. Thanks! -Orion Staff [/b][/u]

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                                    • Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/2/2016 1:49:02 PM
                                      [u][i][b]Welcome to Orion, Agent[/b][/i][/u] [i]You stand in front of Orion HQ’s main entrance, you hold a letter you received from Orion, it reads - [/i] [i][u]You have been accepted as an Agent based on your combat capability and will to protect the people of Ebrus. Inside this envelope is your keycard to enter Orion HQ, once you have entered, please go to the “New Recruit” room on the left. Once you are done with the briefing and small exam, please get settled in your new home.[/u][/i] [u]Congratulations![/u] [i][b] [u]-1st Seat of the Board of Directors, Mark Heardlin[/b][/i][/u] ((open, this is the intro for your character))

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