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1/27/2016 9:00:08 PM
This level of ignorance is astonishing. Have you ever met any illegal immigrants? Have you met people on welfare? Their lives aren't sunshines and rainbows. I Guess working the farm fields isn't hard right? Most get paid below minimum wage because they aren't citizens. Here's the shocker, since 2010 illegal immigration has had a net loss. This means more people are leaving this country then entering. I guess it's still a problem right? Because God knows removing them there illegals is more important than our education and healthcare systems! I am all for accountability. However, conservatives like to shit on others while judging others. Liberals are PC right? Even though Fox news is always the station saying video games and movies are ruining our youth. Guess it isn't the parents fault right? Conservatives think that guns don't kill people, people kill people! Yet these are the same people that have made weed illegal because it ruins lives. Haven't you heard the stories of random bags of weed shooting up churches, schools and movie theaters? I hate both sides. Super PC liberals need to grow a sack. However, their ideals are far more intelligent than the window lickers that inhabit the Right.

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