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1/27/2016 2:10:07 PM
Also, there is a problem with who qualifies. I have a coworker that has a wife and child. He makes $8 and hr. and works 30 hrs. a week. He doesn't make enough money to qualify for health care subsidy and he doesn't get enough hours to get our health care. As a result he will have to pay a fine for nearly 600 per person in his family, 1800, because they are uninsured. He CANNOT AFFORD IT. This is who Healthcare laws were made for. The system is broken. Many who get subsidies now, we're already paying for insurance before and just used the Healthcare marketplace to get a subsidy and save money. The program targeted the wrong people and it's sad. Another thing. Healthcare premiums have gone up, subsidies cover it if you're using it, but these companies are richer than ever because they take advantage of a government program. See, not just poor "lazy" people do that. Obama care is a joke and smoke screen to move money. We still aren't providing anything to help the poor move up in society and get our of their perpetual hole. And NO, socials isn't the answer...but a better education system is, we rank 27 in the world now. We won't recover properly until more Americans have degrees they can afford and use their new knowledge to make our country what it once was. The focus is all wrong by most candidates, as usual.

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