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1/27/2016 11:39:23 AM
We've had lower taxes than any time in american history for the past 3 decades, how is that working out for everyone? We could spend tax revenue on social programs, or unpopular wars. Rand Paul? Seriously? If the republican party ACTUALLY stood for what they claim and kept their "Social" conservatism out of politics and policy I could get on board with the party. Unfortunately, every republican president/congress in the past 40 years has increased the size and scope of the Federal government, increased deficit spending, raised taxes on the middle class and cut them for the rich. I don't like either party, but claiming that the GOP is the answer is ridiculous. Your example of the wealthy guardians moving to the rift and creating a utopian society in which everyone works hard and prospers is a pipe dream. The rich would move to the reef and do EXACTLY what they did here on earth. Suck all the wealth out for themselves leaving the rest of us buying Strange Coin lotto tickets and praying to RNG.

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