Keep it. Nothing better than watching the leet crybabies boob that they can't maintain their high kdr playing against other high kdr players.
Wrong. It's about having to play laggy games against opponents out of region all the time. I literally can't play a crucible game without at least 4 red bars, no matter the playlist. My golden gun only registers hits 50% of the games I play.
Oh, the irony. I remember when leet players made fun of everyone else complaining of lag. Now it is you all crying about lag. Well, to quote the leet players of the past; "Git gud, scrub."
So fix the lag, and keep the SBMM. Bet you would not agree with that either.
To quote leet players of the past; "Git gud, scrub." It's not lag, you just suck now that you can't stomp 9yr olds.
I am tired I am just going let the other players deal with you
Oh, butthurt? Your tears make me strong!
Honestly, you can't spell. You have no real opinion other than arguing for the sake of arguing. And you are a troll. Muted
I can spell. You're just incapable of doing anything more than crying.